“Muslims Only” line at airline security checkpoints??

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Should we profile Muslims?

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May 13, 2002
“Muslims Only” line at airline security checkpoints?

Conservative talk radio host Mike Gallagher defends his call for a “Muslims Only” line at security checkpoints in our airports. “We allow pilots and flight attendants to go to the head of the lines in order to make their flights on time. Let’s extend that same convenience to Muslim passengers. After all, percentage-wise, there are fewer Arabs flying than non-Arabs, right? So it stands to reason that a Muslim-only security line would go quickly, even with highly concentrated security efforts.” Source

What do you think, should we have Muslim only lines at our airports?

How do you know if someone is Muslim? Well, apparently all Muslims are Arabs right? No such thing as black Muslims, Asian Muslims or white Muslims?


In the US, 34% of Muslims are Asian, 30% African-American, 25% Arab and the rest other (White American, European, Caribbean, Iranian, etc.). Source

Mike Gallagher

Not surprisingly, these views are not isolated to the likes of Gallagher. The British government is considering a system of passenger profiling that includes checks on travelers' ethnic or religious background.

And they aren’t reserved from government officials either. In the USA Today/Gallup poll, 39 percent of Americans admitted they felt at least some prejudice against Muslims. The same percentage favored requiring Muslims, including those who were U.S. citizens, to carry a special ID to help prevent future terrorist attacks. Forty-one percent favored Muslims undergoing more intensive security checks at U.S. airports and 22 percent of respondents said they wouldn't want Muslims as neighbors. Source
Mar 12, 2005
I was at the Airport, it seemed every arab was being looked at more, and with more precaution because of the on-going shit as of now. Some lady was crying she didn't speak english and she didn't understand why they were searching her husband, it was fucked up because she thought the security was gonna kill him when all they were doing was searching him with that portable metal detector. MY CHOICE UNDECIDED THOUGH
Mar 12, 2005
But it also depends, because you have to take precaution, well the Media portrays most of the muslim extremist as Arabs, when there were even Whites who were Muslim Extremist and had plans to do damage in the US. It's a hard choice!
Mar 12, 2005
Yup me too, man I aint gonna lie I'm struggling right now, with the Things I lust and I'm trying to overcome them sometimes I can sometimes I can't but you have to have a strong will which I have an Average one honestly speaking. But man I got nuts when I'm hella pissed and wanna fight, if these foos try to Hi-Jack a Plane, I'm gonna have to choke these foos out, no lie, I aint gonna let a foo with a Knife punk me, and if there is a bomb on the plane, there's a good chance they'll detonate it, so go out like a real Soldier.


Apr 25, 2002
How can you profile all muslims? You have WHITE, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, African American and Afrikan muslims that you would NOT know where muslim unless they TOLD YOU or unless they were dressed as such.

How can you profile all arabs when someone can LOOK as if they are Arab but actually be from a totally different place (Like INDIANS from INDIA)

All I know is when I was living in San Diego I was ALWAYS profiled and this was BEFORE 9-11. They would check my bags and give me an ORANGE TICKET to place on my carry on. Everytime I asked about this they said it was "random", and when I asked the reason for it they said they couldn't tell me and that I would have to call this number to find out. When I finally received the number it was to an automated message and I never spoke with a human. The automated message was utterly useless as they said they were doing it to make the service better. The sickest thing was when a police officer at the airport pulled me aside after I passed the check point. He asks me "Are you missing?" I'm like WTF?!?!?! Am I missing? So I ask him what does he mean, and he says "You look like this missing person here in san diego". I tell him I'm not missing and he asks me for my ID, so I give it to him. He looks it over a couple of times and lets me go.
Mar 12, 2005
But most arabs or even Hindus or Sikhs are being profiled as Muslims because of either a Turbine, or because of their accent or the way they look, sad but true homie.
Apr 25, 2002
Congressional candidate: Look for Muslims to detect terrorists

Associated Press Writer

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- A congressional candidate from northwestern Wisconsin says airport security screeners should search all Muslim males.

Paul Nelson, a Woodville Republican, issued a statement Monday calling for a "no-nonsense" plan for airport security.

"Racial profiling is one way that we can cut down on security risks," Nelson said in an interview with WIXK Radio in New Richmond. Part of the interview was posted on Wisconsin Radio Network's Web site. "It's time to stop being politically correct here and be serious and tough on the war on terror."

When asked how to tell what a Muslim male looks like, Nelson replied "Well, you know, if he comes in wearing a turban and his name is Mohammed, that's a good start."

Nelson, a Hudson real estate agent and a former Marine, said performing random searches is a waste of law enforcement's time.

"Eighty-five-year-old grandmothers in wheel chairs haven't been hijacking airplanes recently," Nelson told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Wednesday. "Common sense tells you law enforcement should concentrate on the people who are perpetrating the crimes."

Nelson is seeking to unseat incumbent U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, D-La Crosse, in the 3rd Congressional District. Kind faces Chip DeNure of La Crosse in a Democratic primary Sept. 12. The winner will face Nelson in the November general election.

The 3rd Congressional District encompasses much of western Wisconsin, including Richland, Buffalo, La Crosse, Eau Claire and St. Croix counties.

"Wow," said Kind campaign manager Matt Sweeney when told of Nelson's remarks. "This shows how extreme Paul Nelson is and how out of step he is with the constituents and voters of the 3rd Congressional District."

DeNure, a 57-year-old probation agent, called Nelson's remarks "ridiculous."

"It's discriminatory. ... I don't agree with him at all."

Nelson told the AP he doesn't understand why his remarks would be controversial. Muslim extremists have been at war with the United States for a quarter of a century, he said.

No one during World War II was afraid to say the United States was at war with Nazis, he added. He pointed out that the United States rounded up Japanese-Americans during World War II, and although he doesn't condone that action, it shows that the nation has been tough in the past.

"Why we must continue to fight this war in a politically correct fashion is beyond my comprehension," he said.

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Mar 12, 2005
What's stupid is, I know the Muslim Extremist are agains the US, but why not Profile the KKK Militias men who are Baldheaded, Me and a couple of my homies have been profiled cause of Colors too much red, but that's nothing to me It's almost automatic when you're all dressed in Red.
Aug 26, 2002
Stockton209SS said:
I was at the Airport, it seemed every arab was being looked at more, and with more precaution because of the on-going shit as of now. Some lady was crying she didn't speak english and she didn't understand why they were searching her husband, it was fucked up because she thought the security was gonna kill him when all they were doing was searching him with that portable metal detector. MY CHOICE UNDECIDED THOUGH

If your a Christian...your choice is easy..

let me help you out:

"Judge not for ye...."

well you know the rest.



Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I haven't had the time to write any large replies in this forum, but this is something I want to comment on. I think its against everything America stands for to profile someone based on their religion (or to profile someone based on ANY physical/cultural/racial aspect). Do I think the airports should check assumed terrorists, murders, rapists, and child molesters? Absolutely. Do I think they should profile my Muslim friend Hussein because his name is Hussein and his family is from Jordan? Absolutely fucking not.

The minute America starts instituting policies such as these is the minute that America no longer becomes the land of the free. I'd rather have everyone treated fairly and risk another terrorist attack than to be "proactive" and fuck with a lot of innocent people based on race or religion.

Lets face it...when the American people said they were afraid of Muslims...they meant to say there were afraid of Arabic people. The fact that they can't even differentiate between the two is a sign of their ignorance. I think any American who says that we should check Muslims extra hard at security checkpoints are the same Americans responsible for the fucked up state of this country.
Jun 27, 2005
LOL what the fuck. OK, for the sake of the conversation, lets just assume that all muslims are terrorists. What would keep them from pretending they are not muslims? These rednecks say some of the dumbest shit ive ever heard.
Mar 12, 2005
I understand where you're coming from Bro, I hate it to, when I see racial profiling it's disguisting, but in the Views of the American Public, it's a hard choice like I said because of the on-going shit with many Muslim and Arab nations, it's almost automatic sad to say.
That's the most racist thing I've heard. Especially since there was no arab bodies found in the wreckage of 9/11. And all the supposed terrorist plots have been very sketchy and have had unravelled days or weeks after going public as being just lies or conjecture. What's next arab "internment" camps? Oh wait FEMA already has these planned for millions of americans. It wasn't right during WWII and it isn't right now. If they start openly profiling muslims/arabs they need to do the same to all extremeist religious groups. Make Pat Robertson and Jery Falwell strip search. Of course most of the propaganda buying public won't care cause its "those dirty terrorist arabs". But then it will be blacks, then illegal immigrants, then immigrants, then dissenters/protesters, then by the time mainstream americans realise what happens there will be no one left to stand up up them.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
while they're at it, make a black line so they can get all the drug dealers, a latino line because they can't ever speak english, and a white line because they are the greatest group of people ever and they never do anything to harm people :rolleyes:
Apr 22, 2002
If this becomes policy it distroys more of "America" than blowing up a plane could ever do. This country is supposed to be great because we're tolerant and accepting of other people regardless of their religion, culture, gender or ethnicity. By separating a group of people based on their religion and labeling them all as suspects we're undermining the beauty of our country, the same thing we're accusing terrorists of trying to do..
Dec 7, 2004
they already profile, i was coming back from lebanon just 4 weeks ago, and at the philly airport i was "randomly selected" for an inspection. It turns out that everyone around me getting a second inspection was either Muslim or coming from lebanon. Is it random, is it luck, i think its planned.