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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Fuck yeah

I just heard my friend knows someone who knows a PhD doctor who is disgruntled and hooking up ganja cards for cheap 5 grams a day. Weak compared to some people I know but I hear most people drop 500 to 1000 for a card so.
What in the unholy fuck happened

Canada used to be advanced far as weed goes now I can literally walk into a store tuesday and buy weed. Paying that much for a card wtf they're like 150 or something here and kind of unnecessary
Nov 18, 2010
What in the unholy fuck happened

Canada used to be advanced far as weed goes now I can literally walk into a store tuesday and buy weed. Paying that much for a card wtf they're like 150 or something here and kind of unnecessary

This prickjob

Right now there is big court battles he passed a law for mandatory minimum prison sentences for possession charges and growers.

Luckily our judges aren't morons and they're throwing out every case and passed an appeal. This is why I want the card now so even if they do pass some new bullshit laws I will be grandfathered in off old laws.
Props: BUTCHER 206


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Q: Can I buy pot-infused edibles?

Not at first. Because of increasing concerns in Colorado about the uniformity, dosing and safety of edible products, Washington state regulators hit the brakes on edibles. Rules had been approved to allow edibles, in child-resistant packaging, with warnings about the delayed effect of edibles, and recommended doses of 10 milligrams of THC per serving. But state officials are revisiting the rules. They want to make sure recommended servings can be separated from a whole edible — not easy when dealing with a cookie, or friable product. They want to make sure psychoactive chemicals are spread evenly through an edible. And they want to make edibles meet food-safety standards in preparation. As it stands, state officials want to approve all products before they go on shelves.

lol fuck retail weed then