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Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
Talk to strangers!
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25,098 strangers online

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Heyyy

You: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Stranger: WOAHHH!

Stranger: Lol

You: sorry I just did some meth so I'm really excited

Stranger: Oh haha oki

You: I haven't slept in 5 days

Stranger: Damnnn

You: I got fired from my job

Stranger: Oh snap

You: and my wife left me

Stranger: Omg

You: yeah

Stranger: D:

You: and my grandmother is in the hospital right now, she got cancer in her areola

Stranger: Holy shit D:

You: but at least I have some meth. hold on. let snort another bump

Stranger: ...

You: Ok I'm back!

You: I feel fucking awesome!

Stranger: Well that's good

You: do u do meth?

Stranger: Nope

You: why not?

Stranger: Idk...

You: wanna do some? where do u live?


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi ese

Stranger: can you speak Chinese?

You: yeah

Stranger: 你好

You: ching chong chang ching herro

Stranger: oh yes

You: how do you say "sweet ass areolas, breh" in chinese?

Stranger: Do you like China?

You: no

You: they're all fucking commies

Stranger: why?

You: I dunno. why are you a god damn communist?

You: just like brack hussein, trying to make us all communists

You: the niggers and the chinks are gonna take over

You: fucking zipper heads

You: u listening to me

Stranger: I don't understand in what to say

You: hey boy

Stranger: no

Stranger: what's fucking zipper heads?

You: listen to me. you god damn slant eyes trying to use your kung fu on me. it's not gonna work this time

You: not in MY America!

Stranger: in china ?

You: no we're in the US of A

Stranger: OK

You: so get out of my country

You: now

Stranger: What are you talking about

Stranger: BYE

You: god damnit u don't tell me bye!

You: not in MY America!

Stranger: I am not in America

You: where r u?

You: ur talking on my American internet!

Stranger: wgat?

You: go back to your china internets. doesnt your country have your own internet?

Stranger: ok

You: just like the mexicans wanna take our jobs. the chinks wanna take our internet chats away from us

You: how did you get access yo USA internet?

You: who r u working for?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.