Wrestlemania XXVII 4/3/11

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Apr 25, 2002
Kong: I think she's gonna come in, kill Eve, win the Divas belt, and face Natalya or Phoenix. If anything, WWE should make it a triple threat (or add Melina, make it four way).
What they SHOULD do is get rid of the entire Divas division altogether. I laugh when I see people all happy that a fat ugly bitch is coming to WWE, as if the Divas division is in the least bit interesting.

I'm all for having some fine ass women in wrestling as eye candy, but watching them actually wrestle is uninteresting and boring as fuck. One fat, nasty-looking bitch that can wrestle isn't going to change that.
Feb 8, 2003
rey not going no where him and cena has the highest selling merchandise in wwe. they make vince millions just off shirts and figures so neither one of them going anywhere unless they choose too
Dec 17, 2004
never heard of del rio till today. watched some promos with him and yeah he looks like he could definitely be a star. plays the mexican aristocrat role real well. build him up for a while as a heel then have him turn face...mexicans (which are a big fan base demographic) will be buying his merch like tamales
Mar 3, 2003
never heard of del rio till today. watched some promos with him and yeah he looks like he could definitely be a star. plays the mexican aristocrat role real well. build him up for a while as a heel then have him turn face...mexicans (which are a big fan base demographic) will be buying his merch like tamales
funny thing is being a hell is new to Del Rio. he's big in mexico, but as a masked face.

and I think a program with Mistico can be Misterio's last great feud. not sure Rey could do much more after that.
Mar 3, 2003
i got a feeling del rio bout to go into mania as the ic champ too since he bout to fight kofi for it at ec and kofi gonna be in mitb this year
Kofi doesn't really seem like a big deal at this point. Del Rio could win the belt from him, and his WM match would "mean more" with him and Edge both having belts. Like Hogan vs. Warrior, except Hogan's belt was the only one on the line. If Del Rio looses, he'll still have the I-C. If he wins, more to brag about. Him coming to the ring with a belt on each arm and that shit eating grin of his would be classic!
Feb 8, 2003
Del Rio could win the belt from him, and his WM match would "mean more" with him and Edge both having belts. Like Hogan vs. Warrior, except Hogan's belt was the only one on the line. If Del Rio looses, he'll still have the I-C. If he wins, more to brag about.
thats what i was saying.

far as kofi hes gonna be in a world title pic soon dont know if he gonna win it or be heel or face but he gonna be a challenger for it so dont count him out yet theres plans for him hes one the young stars approved by hbk and hhh.
Nov 14, 2002
If he's a "Mexican aristocrat"... Doesn't that make him a drug kingpin of sorts?

I really don't understand the gimmick.

Oh... Kofi Kingston is the IC champ? I forgot there was an IC title.
May 24, 2002
If he's a "Mexican aristocrat"... Doesn't that make him a drug kingpin of sorts?

I really don't understand the gimmick.

Oh... Kofi Kingston is the IC champ? I forgot there was an IC title.
Did Ted Dibiase ever explain how he got his money? Just because Del Rio is rich and mexican doesnt mean he is a drug dealer.

hes a rich asshole thats his gimmick.
May 24, 2002
So you're going to write his story yourself? Cool!

So he's a well built Mexican... who made his money from "somewhere".

Yeah, that's a solid background...
You are putting way to much thought into something thats not real....

Did Ted Dibiase explain how he made his money?

Did they explain how the undertaker became a dead man who can throw lighting bolts and survive being buried alive?

I think you are just looking for any reason to hate on Del Rio.