What can I do??????fremason Illuminati???

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Jun 13, 2002
This is for a select few if your not seriuos don't reply please.

I'm constanly seeing freemasonry and illuminati symbols and idealizim every where I turn music, News billboards, energy drinks even on the back of the one dollar bill for fuck sake. There are freemason temples everywere right here off broadway here in oakland theres one in hayward everywere.

They are real just open your eye's, learn your world history its right there in front of you. I allways heard bout it but wasn't sure if it was completly true i had mixed feeling but I relize now I'm just a sheep.

but it seems like there more obvious now like rubbing it in are face look at the new jay z video run this town right in your face the sighn and everything I seen it on a monster energy drink.

This shit is pissing me off AND I RELIZE NOW that I can make a Stand That even one man can make a change no matter how little or big And thats what they fear they may have power but they can't control our thoughts and our actions thats why the try so hard to do exscatly that to conttrol us through video games movies that have been secretly brainwashing you for years years desenstising you to see there idealizm and most people have no clue.

I have never put myself out there like this But I won't to make a stand I don't wont to be strip of my belive in god of my freedom I am gods soldeir I will die for my god what ever it is. We are not free espaicaly here in america it is one of the most controled countrys in the world my girl is from the philippines and she said when she got here that she was surprized how the goverment is all up in your shit.

I KNOW i'm not the only one who feels this way If any one here knows how can I start where do I begain and is there agroup or some shit I can talk to i know there are some real down to earth spritual people on here that might help if ther is pm me or type here if not I will find out someother way. sorry for venting like this BUT I CAN DO SOMETHING And I finnaly feel strong enough.
Jun 13, 2002
^^^^ I ask you please if you don't belive at least try to keep a open mind do some research then come to a conclusion. I care about you I care about all humans. thats all i will say to you sir god bless.

I know there somebody who is serious please respond.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
My father is a free mason...Unfortunatly do most people have no idea about them, or mix them and their symbols up with other shit. People just believe what they read and see...
Jun 13, 2002
^^^^ thank you for responding. Can you please elborate so I can see your point of veiw. If I'm mixed up or don't understand then speak on it.

If your dad is a free mason then you should be too because of your blood line correct? I didnt just listen to some dude say shit like this I read it in american and world history books too. The evidence is there and it can't be IGNORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I seen a free mason say that there are just a religon that is look at as bad and evil because they idieals arent christian.
I was almost convinced till I woke up and I will never go back I'm awake and aware now till I Die.
Don't be fooled they try to make it like it's crazy like it's too much so you can just go on with your everyday life not knowing whats really going on in this world.
This world runs DEEP it's not just go to work come home this world has some shit going on that we have to pay attention to before it's to late look at are world now it's getting worse not better.

Now answer me this WHY WHy after hundreds of hundreds of years why it gets worse instead of better why do we have third world countrys were people die in crazy numbers why is it so poor???
There is a battle on this earth and there is only two sides so pick your side carefully and make sure its the right choice go by what your heart and soul tells you not what your mind or what another people tell you.

damn I know I type to much for some people but I have never felt so awake so strong.
Jun 13, 2002
(sorry I know this is allot of shit but if you read it it's on some real shit thou)

I mean just think about it look at tellivision now they show hella sex killing they even say bitch BITCH they could never say that on t.v. when I was growing up.
They slowly desensatizing you dumbing you down and people wonder why kids these days are all fucked up helllooooooooo they slowly making it seem cool like it's not a big deal but look at the end result these kids are crazyer thatn ever just lost. When they grow up they wont have a clue on some whole other shit.

this world makes so much sence now it all makes sence.
I have never felt so in control of my life never felt so aware I feel great.
when I was younger i felt like I was missing something like there was a whole in my chest on some depresssion shit low self esteem low worht I slowly started beliveing in god more till he acually answered a prayer of mine then I know he was real I started to change sence then slowly.
know I feel like I'm ready ready for gods will ready for whatever it just all makes sence.
when I get up tommorow I'm goin down to city hall to volintear to help the youths over here in oakland try to teach them how to take contral of there lifes teach them to not be sheep that the are strong that the all have there own essence a gift from god that no one can strip from them no one can take that unless they let them that we are all gods children that we all need to look out for one another and with that attitude you can do anything in this world anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

holy shit it's fuckin 5 i got 6 hours to sleep before school damn i was on this mother fucker way to long lol o well got a lot of shit off my chest good nite people god bless.
Dec 25, 2003
You can witness the freemason ritual

Go to any large City Hall in a larger sized (150k+ people) City

Go there on a thursday night at midnight booty ass naked with some mickey mouse ears on

To signal the illuminati police guards to come, thrust your pelvis against the glass of the city hall building. Bring some of your own fecal matter in a bucket and spin in a circle, throwing the matter in all directions.

The codeword to the guards is "i wanna commit suicide im going to hurt myself and others". This should prompt them to draw their weapons and tell you to put your hands behind your head.

Dont be fooled! It is only a test. The next code phrase is "I have a gun in this bucket and I'm going to shoot you". The next step is to pick up the bucket, reach into it, remove some excrement, and throw it at them.

Congratulations! You have passed the test. You will be led to the illuminati inner circle. Come back and report for those of us in the struggle.
Feb 27, 2005
^^^^ thank you for responding. Can you please elborate so I can see your point of veiw. If I'm mixed up or don't understand then speak on it.

If your dad is a free mason then you should be too because of your blood line correct? I didnt just listen to some dude say shit like this I read it in american and world history books too. The evidence is there and it can't be IGNORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I seen a free mason say that there are just a religon that is look at as bad and evil because they idieals arent christian.
I was almost convinced till I woke up and I will never go back I'm awake and aware now till I Die.
Don't be fooled they try to make it like it's crazy like it's too much so you can just go on with your everyday life not knowing whats really going on in this world.
This world runs DEEP it's not just go to work come home this world has some shit going on that we have to pay attention to before it's to late look at are world now it's getting worse not better.

Now answer me this WHY WHy after hundreds of hundreds of years why it gets worse instead of better why do we have third world countrys were people die in crazy numbers why is it so poor???
There is a battle on this earth and there is only two sides so pick your side carefully and make sure its the right choice go by what your heart and soul tells you not what your mind or what another people tell you.

damn I know I type to much for some people but I have never felt so awake so strong.
damn you say so much bullshit its unbelievebable.
Apr 25, 2002
^^^^ I ask you please if you don't belive at least try to keep a open mind do some research then come to a conclusion. I care about you I care about all humans. thats all i will say to you sir god bless.

I know there somebody who is serious please respond.
i used to believe this stuff now that was when i was 16 and im 24 now i actually picked up a god damn book. again stop smokin rocks
Dec 12, 2006
Just be the change u want to see in the world n go live and lead your life. All that knowledge, true or not, will just make u insane. I use to care about that kinda talk so much that I was more focused on trying to open doors in a endless hallway then figuring out how the fuck ima make enough money to stay in SF so I dont have to move to Oakland. (And i aint talkin shit about the town, im just tryna stay in the city that raised me)