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May 7, 2002
There is no empirical evidence that any specific type of "talk therapy" works. Nothing can be proven to be completely true and useful, we can only do our best when trying wash someone... If you are saying NLP is old, all I am asking is what is new?

Although, quite groundbreaking for his time, Freud's psychoanalysis techniques are highly flawed and are based on biased, case study accounts. His clients consisted mostly of neurotic, upper-middle class, Victorian era women who suffered from sexual abuse.

So as far as your question about what is new; there have been various, empirical evidence-based therapy techniques established since Freud's psychoanalysis - behavioral therapy and Beck's Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, just to name a few.

Unlike during Freud's times, most techniques today are , in fact, backed by empirical studies on the effectiveness of that specific style of therapy or technique. In fact, various studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of therapy, and it has been found that while one individual might not benefit from one type of therapy, he or she might benefit from a different type of therapy. For example, a child with a conduct disorder might benefit most from behavioral therapy. A woman suffering from depression might benefit most from Beck's cognitive-behavioral therapy; an introverted teenager with a social phobia might benefit from a combination of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy.

It is very similar to the medical field. Just like the field of psychology, the medical field is extremely broad. So general physicians will refer patients to various specialists in the field based on the patient's symptoms or illness. For example, an optometrist will obviously not treat someone suffering from chest pain, and that individual would instead be referred to a cardiologist. Same idea applies in psychology. Patients will be referred to an appropriate type of a therapist based on their personality type or disorder.
May 6, 2002
No, they are NOT the same. A message being delivered by an ad is intentional (although sometimes subliminal) for the purpose of monetary gain, while a poster can just type out jibber-jabber for the fuck of it. The poster may gain something from it, but without understanding the context, it is meaningless to you and me.
Both are intended to communicate and portray an idea to the reader. One is more well thought out than the other, but they both have the same intention which is to make the person comprehend and convince you of what they are saying, even if it's jibber jabber.

Every incident is starts out concious and repression is the act of pushing it into your sub. So whether its concious or sub conscious repression, they both end up in the same place at the end of the day.

I think NLP is far from dead and is actually being improved on everyday, based on what I see and read. It is labeled as disproven because it hasn't been proven. Nothing in psychology can really be proven to be factual, you can just go off of statistics and chance when dealing with patients. Same with NLP. It's up to each individual to decide whether they choose to believe it or not, I choose to believe it and continue studying it.
May 9, 2002
Both are intended to communicate and portray an idea to the reader. One is more well thought out than the other, but they both have the same intention which is to make the person comprehend and convince you of what they are saying, even if it's jibber jabber.
That can be said for ANY form of communication. So what is your point exactly?

Every incident is starts out concious and repression is the act of pushing it into your sub. So whether its concious or sub conscious repression, they both end up in the same place at the end of the day.
No, they dont. By you CHOOSING to say "ill just deal with it later" lets you know that you are aware of the issue and that it will be dealt with on a later date. That is NOT putting it into subconscious. That is just putting it aside.

Do you know what your subconscious is? Im not trying to be condescending, but I feel like you dont know what it is and how it functions.

I think NLP is far from dead and is actually being improved on everyday, based on what I see and read. It is labeled as disproven because it hasn't been proven. Nothing in psychology can really be proven to be factual, you can just go off of statistics and chance when dealing with patients. Same with NLP. It's up to each individual to decide whether they choose to believe it or not, I choose to believe it and continue studying it.
Thats fine, and you are entitled to that. however, the psychology world disagrees with you. However, they do agree that many Freud's ideas and theories are still relevant to this day. If NLP was so groundbreaking, why has its ideas been dormant for the last 25 years? Even the idea of behavior psychology later formed into cognitive psychology, while NLP has more or less fallen to the way side and fizzled. As a matter of fact, most schools dont even TALK about it.

To each his own.
May 6, 2002
That can be said for ANY form of communication. So what is your point exactly?

No, they dont. By you CHOOSING to say "ill just deal with it later" lets you know that you are aware of the issue and that it will be dealt with on a later date. That is NOT putting it into subconscious. That is just putting it aside.

Do you know what your subconscious is? Im not trying to be condescending, but I feel like you dont know what it is and how it functions.

Thats fine, and you are entitled to that. however, the psychology world disagrees with you. However, they do agree that many Freud's ideas and theories are still relevant to this day. If NLP was so groundbreaking, why has its ideas been dormant for the last 25 years? Even the idea of behavior psychology later formed into cognitive psychology, while NLP has more or less fallen to the way side and fizzled. As a matter of fact, most schools dont even TALK about it.

To each his own.
You stated that the only expression that can be interpreted is feeling just because it was text, which I disagreed with. Yes, any form of communication can hit any 5 senses. Whether its a book, advertisement, a blog, posting, a billboard, or a magazine....text is text and it doesn't matter where it is. So point is, everything posted here is not interpreted and judged upon based on kinesthetics.

Do you know your ABC's? Well, you just pulled them from your sub. Now they are in your conscious. What did you eat with on Christmas? When was the last time you cut yourself? Those are all in your sub since you are not at the moment "aware" of it, which is your conscious. No different than a rape victim, it gets put there unless they are thinking about it 24/7.

Do you help write the DSM? I have no clue where you claim that NLP is dead as a fact that that most "psychologists" would disagree with me. I could claim the exact same thing, but that's neither here nor there. Most psychologists are people who have an insane amount of problems themselves, which got them into the field in the first place, and now have a piece of paper saying they know psychology. Big deal, I train those type of people in my free time.


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
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