Inglourious Bastards - Thread contains spoilers

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May 11, 2002
I just got back from the movie, god that was a long 2 1/2 hours.

I couldn't believe people were clapping at the end. I could tell most of the people in the theater loved that movie. Then me and the girl I went with got in the car, all she says was "that movie fucking sucked". All I could say was THANK YOU, I thought I was the only one that thought that.
Props: ColdBlooded
Apr 25, 2002
I just got back from the movie, god that was a long 2 1/2 hours.

I couldn't believe people were clapping at the end. I could tell most of the people in the theater loved that movie. Then me and the girl I went with got in the car, all she says was "that movie fucking sucked". All I could say was THANK YOU, I thought I was the only one that thought that.

Same thing happened at ours. Except we were in the theater on our way out when we started talking about the movie. I believe my exact quote was "Really? Really? You clap for this?"

But it was only like two or three people that clapped.
May 13, 2002
What movies and filmmakers do u lke? just wondering cuz I'm kind of baffles at ur comments about QT
Why is it hard to comprehend I don't like QT movies? What has he done that was so great lately? Death Proof/Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown??? These movies are overrated as shit or simply suck imo. Like I said, I was a big fan of Pulp Fiction but really haven't liked anything since. I don't understand the big fuss about his movies, they aren't very interesting/well done and it seems so many people like his movies just because everyone else likes his movies and it's expected.
May 30, 2006
Why is it hard to comprehend I don't like QT movies? What has he done that was so great lately? Death Proof/Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown??? These movies are overrated as shit or simply suck imo. Like I said, I was a big fan of Pulp Fiction but really haven't liked anything since. I don't understand the big fuss about his movies, they aren't very interesting/well done and it seems so many people like his movies just because everyone else likes his movies and it's expected.
Can u answer my question please.,,
May 13, 2002
Why, what is that going to prove? I can randomly list hundreds of movies and directors. Hope this helps you in understanding why QT sucks, off the top of my head: Darren Aronofsky - director of The Wrestler, Pi, Requiem for a Dream. Christopher Nolan - director of Memento, The Prestige and The Dark Knight. Stanley Kubrick - director of The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove. David Lynch - director of Mulholland Dr., Lost Highway. Martin Scorsese - director of Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, Casino. Francis Ford Coppola - directed the Outsiders, Godfather, Apocalypse Now. Michael Mann- Directed Last of the Mohicans, Heat, Ali.
Feb 7, 2006
It had potential to be a great drama based on the first scene and I was hoping that it would go in that direction, but I instantly realized his fans would be pissed if he did that so I settled down. but its whatever. Alot of nice cinephile shit in the movie for real film buffs, I liked that.
Feb 7, 2006
pitt made the movie, if pitt wasnt in it, it would of sucked big time. music was pretty good it fit the movie. doesnt matter if it was recycled or not, if it fit the movie and tone of the movie then it worked. i didnt even know sam jackson was in it until the 2nd narative where you can tell his voice, then everyone in the theather was like thats sam jackson. but he didnt affect the movie one bit. and he has a good voice to do narrative work. the baseball bat scene was awesome one of the more memorable scenes in the movie along with all the other action sequences. too bad you didnt like them like most. not distasteful at all, remember what the nazi's actually did in real life was a lot worse. it was funny in some parts and not in others. and thats what happens when you read a script and have a different vision then the director.
Pitt didn't make the movie, pitt sucked -and I knew his ass was gonna suck...I guess you can say he made the movie into the wanna be eccentric QT war movie he was going for (that's not an accomplishment though).
Nov 15, 2007
if anyone made this movie it was the jew hunter lans, whatever his real name is...

but dont get me wrong, pitt did kill this IMO... he did alot better then i thought when i first found out about he was ganna be in the movie... pitt showed me a glimpse of his golden acting days as in se7en and 12 monkeys...
Dec 18, 2002
Why is it hard to comprehend I don't like QT movies? What has he done that was so great lately? Death Proof/Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown??? These movies are overrated as shit or simply suck imo. Like I said, I was a big fan of Pulp Fiction but really haven't liked anything since. I don't understand the big fuss about his movies, they aren't very interesting/well done and it seems so many people like his movies just because everyone else likes his movies and it's expected.
sometimes you really come off as a 30-something snarky seattle-ite prick...

you dont like quentin tarantino movies, we get it.
May 13, 2002
sometimes you really come off as a 30-something snarky seattle-ite prick...

you dont like quentin tarantino movies, we get it.
This is me, crying, as I read your hurtful words in horror while sipping on my venti green tea frappuccino no whip, recently purchased from Starbucks Coffee after my late morning jog, which is usually followed up by casual reading of The Communist Manifesto:
May 30, 2006
Why, what is that going to prove? I can randomly list hundreds of movies and directors. Hope this helps you in understanding why QT sucks, off the top of my head: Darren Aronofsky - director of The Wrestler, Pi, Requiem for a Dream. Christopher Nolan - director of Memento, The Prestige and The Dark Knight. Stanley Kubrick - director of The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove. David Lynch - director of Mulholland Dr., Lost Highway. Martin Scorsese - director of Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, Casino. Francis Ford Coppola - directed the Outsiders, Godfather, Apocalypse Now. Michael Mann- Directed Last of the Mohicans, Heat, Ali.
Petty impressive list.....Except prolly Michael Mann...he's highly overrated and Ali sucked ass
Nov 15, 2007
yea i gotta agree with evil genius i love your list and enjoyed about every movie you mentioned... but IMO qt is a beast, thats just what i think... alot of people dont know he wrote the original draft to natural born killers as well...
Apr 25, 2002
I'm a bit happier with not liking this movie now that I figured out what it is REALLY about.

So this isn't the best worded explanation I can come up with, but it will have to do for now.

In Tarantino’s mind you’re a Nazi.

In the climatic scenes of Inglorious Basterds a theater full of Nazi’s watch a WWII propaganda film glorifying the third reich while hundreds of enemy soldiers are shot on screen. The viewers cheer and laugh their way through the movie. Well all of the Nazi’s save one – Fredrick Zoller the star and “real life” character the film is based around. Fast forward – they all end up dieing at the hands of the enemy, even Zoller who gets killed by Shosanna, while on the screen and in the smoke an OZ like Shosanna curses them all from beyond the grave.

What you’re really watching, and have been watching up to this point, is a big fuck you from the movie industry to its viewers.

Take that theater full of Nazi’s for example – that’s you the average movie goer dumbstruck and trying so hard to like what you’ve been told you are supposed to like. Desensitized to the violence you are watching and generally ignorant to the art.

Hitler – he’s those special viewers that revel in the violence, the gore, the excess of it all. He’s the people laughing and cheering as they watch someone get their head pretty much knocked off with a baseball bat. Funny enough he’s also the one that gets his face blown to pieces in a fit of over kill with a machinegun.

Fredrick Zoller – he’s the film fan with a wide range of knowledge of movies and generally good taste. He’s the movie critic. He’s the person turned off by the violence for violence sake.

Shosanna especially and to a lesser extent Donny Donowitz and Omar Ulmer (Basterd Jews) – they are the movie industry and they hate you.

The movie industry doesn’t care about you, they don’t want to hear from you, they don’t like your views or opinions, all in all they hate you. That small minority of you – the Fredrick Zollers of the world - there is a special hatred for you because even though you know better you are still not one of them and you still partake in the movies as a fan/a consumer and they have no love for you.

The climatic scene is Tarantino's big projected face laughing at you like the great OZ Shosanna cursing you for being so lame and buying into all this crap. Goebbels made propaganda films for political gain and Tarantino and his buddies in the industry make the exact same movies for financial gain. They have different goals, but they hold the same distaste for you the viewer all the same.
May 30, 2006
Ali the movie was overrated indeed. I wouldn't say it sucked ass, it was ok, but it didn't really offer us anything we didn't already know about Ali (at least me anyways).
Not overrated...It sucked...i knew it would suck when it came out cua there was a movie that came out in the 70's called The Greatest which was based on Ali's like starring Ali and it was weak...So if Ali can't pull off being himself in a movie then wtf did they think the Fresh prince was gonna do along with Michael mann of all people....Every Tarantino movie shits all over Ali and QT shits on Michael Mann...I respect ur opinion though so its all good.
May 13, 2002
I didn't mean that ali was one of my favorite movies, I just mentioned michael mann as being a good director and listed a few movies he's done. Heat & Last of the Mohicans were classics imo, but I suppose he hasn't really done much since. I never finished Public Enemies so I cant really speak on that, so sure maybe he his overrated, I'll give you that.