I'm almost done getting my Associates Degree in Administration of Justice. I don't want to waste my time getting a BA, so I said fuck it, imma get my AS and try to find a job in this field after. I think it's the more realistic option, just getting the Associates. I'm still not 100% sure though if I want to enter the criminal justice field, I'm kind of thinking of being a Probabtion officer, correctional officer or get into a job at the border such as Customs. To be honest though, even if I don't get a job in the criminal justice field, I simply just want the degree because it can help with other jobs. BA and higher is cool, but I think you REALLY have to know what you truely want to do or else your just going to end up wasting your time and not finding a job that goes with your degree. Atleast with an Associates, it's not that big of a deal if you don't find a job in the degree you chose, but not finding a job that goes with your BA, MA,etc..., I would feel like shit, all that work for nothing, back to the beginning. I see more flexibility in the Associates degree, less riskier, cheaper, less time studying.
The best job though is to work for yourself. Fuck bosses, be your own boss. Work when you want. Think about it though, Americans work way too much, too bad society forces us to work so much. Wish it could just be more chill, 4-6 hours a day. I think families would be better off, parents there to raise the kids, less stress, more time to do leisure activities,etc... Of course that wouldn't work though because the way our economy is.