Wyclef files election papers for Haiti presidency

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Aug 5, 2009
I would trust Sean Penn over Wyclef anyday, who has a long history of being an activist, etc. Why do you even support Wyclef? What has he said that made you believe he can be a good president? He hasn't even said shit other than stopping corruption, when he himself has big time tax issues and a history of not paying taxes, etc.
its not about trusting penn over clef or vice versa fam, because its like i said before, sean is a stand up brother whose for the cause in my eyes, he's a proper activist, i just don't think he knows ennough about what clefs about or the political history of haiti enough to be trying to flop clef's image on known system cheerleader news stations when he could have just rang clef up first, i saw that interview too, because that link is down, he was basically coming wit speculation on a system cheerleader news station thats known for coming wit propaganda on people that the system dosen't like, speculation from someone who has only been in haiti since the earthquake, when he could have done more research face to face, rang heads up in private first, then came wit an opinon on a station like cnn

the system put out disinformation about clef's charity through the western media, after he wouldn't play the system controlled charity politricks 'game' during the earthquake, he was for haitians first on the frontlines saving people

plus everywhere clef has gone, from the states, to london, uk, to ja, to ghana, he touches down in the hood, he shows love to the hood, you see what i'm saying, he's for the cause in my eyes, he ain't from the political tribal politrics class, he's not a politician, he's just a haitian thats for all his people

the tax stuff only came out suddenly out of nowhere, suprise, suprise, after he announced his was running for presidency, it showed in those documents that he paid his last bill and the new outstanding $2mil bill shows he making double that, so he's not broke like me, he's broke on the level of, he can't buy a $10million mansion, he can only afford a $1million one instead, you see what i'm saying, he's not broke, the type of p's(money) he's making is on the level of, he's such on a big boy level, money wise, he needs accountants and lawyers to handle his money, you get what i'm saying, i know this from personal experience of knowing about my aunt's nursing home bizness, that if your lawyers and accountants don't handle there bizness on time, just on that level, shit will come in late and shit will look twisted, but those same documents showed that he paid the last outstanding bill he had, so it's not an issue to me, he ain't running for president for the money

clef has widespread political support, support amongst parts of the hood, the middle class's, you see what i'm saying, he knows the coup(what time it is) to me aswell, he will represent all haitians if he's president, thats the way i see it


Sicc OG
Apr 5, 2006
Wyclef Jean not on official list of approved candidates in Haiti's presidential election

Wyclef Jean's presidential hopes appear to have been killed softly.

The Haitian hip-hop star's name does not appear on the list of approved candidates for the country's upcoming election, Reuters reported Thursday, quoting a source.

"He is not on the list as I speak," said an election council official who had seen the list that is set to be made public Friday.

Jean, 40, filed papers this month stating his intention to run for president of his earthquake-ravaged homeland.

But questions were quickly raised about whether Jean met the country residency requirements.

He was born in Haiti, but left the country when he was 9 and grew up in New York and New Jersey.

Others also pointed to many irregularities in the accounting for Jean's charity Yele.