Wyclef files election papers for Haiti presidency

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Aug 5, 2009
shows how little u have to do to gain power to control the lives of people
so long as you are on a level and are for every economic demographic and have widespread support and have basic common sense and competence, i don't see the problem wit that

i mean george w bush went to uni and he was dumber than forrest gump, you get what i'm saying

and its like i've said on other forums, i ain't gunning(dissing)education, because the system has historically used education to hold back our people from progressing, education is the key to any successful civilization, i'm just saying, you can get a person thats academically smart, but socially dumb, just duppy like, you see what i'm sayin and then you could get a person thats ain't gone to college or uni, but has wisdom and is street smart, you get what i'm saying, personal experience from life has shown me this, i'm just saying, its all about having common sense and having the right priorities in certain shit, no matter your academic background

all clef has to do is hire an qualified advisor that could show him which is the right people to be put in the right positions and so on and so on
Oct 27, 2008
let me put it like this--- wyclef fucked up canibus' career, despite all the buzz he was getting from destroying LL in "2nd Round Knockout" (concept album? wtf?) ..what makes you think he can run an entire country??? he can't.

haitian mango farmers dont even understand the concept of bringing water from a river thats 40 feet away to help grow their crops. that country is screwed no matter what.

there was an attempt to educate them by giving them crates & telling them to wash their mangos & store them in the crates. they didnt wash them, & used the crates for chairs while storing their dirty mangos in piles outside & under their beds. THERE IS NO HOPE FOR HAITI.

(learned all this shit from listening to the portland radio version of PBS, lol)
Nov 14, 2002
monkey', ha ha, surbanban nerds are good on the internet, feel safe and shit and i'm not responding to you, because it would be a diffrent story on the roads pussy, you get me, i wouldn't respond to him wit a laptop or pictures from the net, truss me on that, he's minor, because i know he wouldn't fantasize in my face, nerds on computer in there secret locations behind secret identity's screenames and then they think there superman or he-man or sumthin, ha ha, that shit cracks me up, yes it does, ha ha, internet forums, its nerd heaven for em, ha ha
What the fuck are you saying? I thought the British invented the English language. It sounds to me like you're still trying to learn it.

Your cops don't even carry guns dude... How fucking gangster can you be? The only gangsters you know are featured in Guy Ritchie films. British thugs are a fucking joke.
Aug 5, 2009
What the fuck are you saying? I thought the British invented the English language. It sounds to me like you're still trying to learn it.

Your cops don't even carry guns dude... How fucking gangster can you be? The only gangsters you know are featured in Guy Ritchie films. British thugs are a fucking joke.
ha ha, surbanban nerds on the internet crack me up man, they can't help it and i'm not gonna do that back and forth gay nerd shit a million miles away and shit behind 'computer screens' you bougie nerds like doing, like i always be saying, it ain't that serious, i've got a life, yes i do

but i'm only on these boards & net to expose sex offenders thats are trying it wit me and my famo and get free piff(music or whatever), get money, info and expose the system to heads that are usually 10% of these boards, but i ain't gonna front, on the siccness only, its like 40%/50% or whatever, but expose the system's devilshment to that 10% or 40 or 50% that are 9 to 5 mudda fuckers thats at work, just wasting time at work, that can get pussy, human being females that can get man, got bills and famo to take care of, in the shoobz(clubs) once in a while and ain't bougie in the endz(hood), you get what i'm saying, got good jobs or work for the system or are in college and could work for the system and know the true nature of how the system gets down and could flop there movements when they try shit and thats it, other than that, other than getting money, i can't stand computers and i don't care about the other 90% or 60/50% that are usually weirdo, bougie, rich surbanban gay groupie nerds, geeked out weirdos/half sex offenders, with too much time and money on there hands, no i don't

and thats the only reason i'm breaking down this long shit, so the 10/40/50% take my exposement of the system seriously, its nuthin long, no it ain't, because i wouldn't be wasting my time lifting up my hands to type this long bullshit if it wern't for that fact, you see what i'm saying, no i wouldn't

i ain't a gangsta or anything like that like i always be saying, but i ain't you nerds either, no i isn't, i ain't got nuthin too prove

it pops off everywhere on this planet, from the states, to t.dot and montreal, to paris and marseille, to london and the uk, to amsterdam to lisbon, portugal, to everywhere else on this planet, regular beat officers, police, are not armed, like you said, your right on that, but they have regular gun patrols called s.o.19 london wide and in other cities in the uk, there called s.o.19 or whatever they call them now, because i ain't on the roads like that, i'm a average nobody out here, that lives a positive life, i'm not consious or religious or an reviolutionary or anything like that, i'm just a spiritual positive living, capatalist democrat that believes in socialist principles bizness man thats for the cause to get my pan africanist projects off the ground thats lived in every ecominic situation possible, middle class surburbs, estates(projects), homeless, hostels, the whole shebang like i always be saying

guy ritchie movies feature real actors, real road mudda fockers, but the storylines are fugazi, even though some of it's plots is realistic to london, like jewellery heists, illegal boxing, some of the shit in snatch, but it don't go down like that in london, those movies are comedy's, because the director, i ain't hating, i'm just saying, the director of them movies is a toff(aristocracy), he's family parents are almost royal family, you see what i'm saying, he can pick up a few bit and pieces, but he dosen't know how shit really goes down out here on the roads, you get me, those characters in snatch are more authentic, but theirs a whole nother side to these london streets that ain't been shown on a mainstream level, thats the majority of the inner city's in london, real talk

so i wasn't breaking this down for you zero media, you bougie nerd, you can suck your mum 40 times, ha ha


Sicc OG
Feb 28, 2006
but i'm only on these boards & net to expose sex offenders thats are trying it wit me and my famo and get free piff(music or whatever), get money, info and expose the system to heads that are usually 10% of these boards, but i ain't gonna front, on the siccness only, its like 40%/50% or whatever, but expose the system's devilshment to that 10% or 40 or 50% that are 9 to 5 mudda fuckers thats at work, just wasting time at work, that can get pussy, human being females that can get man, got bills and famo to take care of, in the shoobz(clubs) once in a while and ain't bougie in the endz(hood), you get what i'm saying, got good jobs or work for the system or are in college and could work for the system and know the true nature of how the system gets down and could flop there movements when they try shit and thats it, other than that, other than getting money, i can't stand computers and i don't care about the other 90% or 60/50% that are usually weirdo, bougie, rich surbanban gay groupie nerds, geeked out weirdos/half sex offenders, with too much time and money on there hands, no i don't
Whats with all these random percentages, mate? I swear English is not even my mother tongue, but that shit doesn't add up to me. Serious question here: Did you ever graduate High School? Or did the government purposely slow down your learning processes, cause your eloquence and wit was becoming too much of a thread to the state.

BTW do you happen to have a younger sister in her teens? Maybe i can give her a good wit-injection with my college graduate dick, pump some knowledge in that hoe.
Aug 5, 2009
You hang out on the sicc to expose sex offenders?
its probably mostly gonna turn out to be crackheads, brownheads and coke freaks, but it could be a couple of entertainment pervs too, so onced i get my website skills on and poppin, our do a website and try and flop there entertainment money on a underground internet level, while i a get a publicist to get the media to expose who it 100% so these pervy little sex offender puppy's can never be around kids or women in secluded locations witout heads knowing what these pervs are really about, worldwide and tell me who it is so i can deal wit them and regulate them properly on the roads

suck your mum pussyface bougie paedophille puppy, you little surburb nerd
May 13, 2002
actually clef doesn't know wtf he's talkin about I heard him on the radio yesterday he doesn't even have a basic understanding on how the government works. He was dodging hella questions too like "how much time have you spent in Haiti in the past 3 years?" his response, "It doesn't matter how much time I've spent in Haiti but definitely more than a handful of days"
Aug 5, 2009
actually clef doesn't know wtf he's talkin about I heard him on the radio yesterday he doesn't even have a basic understanding on how the government works. He was dodging hella questions too like "how much time have you spent in Haiti in the past 3 years?" his response, "It doesn't matter how much time I've spent in Haiti but definitely more than a handful of days"
its like i've said already, all clef has to do is hire him an advisor that's on a level wit experience that can show him which is the right people to be put in the right places and right positions, to handle the intricate specifics of certain goverment positions and departments

theirs another candidate thats on a level too called michel martelly that could win aswell

if either one of these two win, that would be a good look for haiti in my eyes, either way, thats the way i see it
Aug 5, 2009
Why not make the person he is going to 'hire as an advisor' the president and cut out the middle man?
because if that said advisor has never had the interest to be president before, what would make him good for haiti now, what if he has political experience in knowing where to put people in the right positions, but that person's political ideology isn't suited to being the president, or hasen't got widespread support, some people are advisors and some people are leaders, i mean if i could be the president of the country of my parents birth, i would do it if i wouldn't get assasinated, but its not because i'm a leader or into politics like that, i'm just 100% for my people, you get what i'm saying

i said this on a next forum aswell, but yeah, sean penn is a decent brother, he represented for the cause during katrina, on the frontlines saving lives, you see what i'm saying, he's doing the same thing in haiti too, but he has been in haiti since the earthquake, clef was born in haiti and has been going back and forth from the states to haiti his whole life before the earthquake

and i'm not dissing penn, i'm just saying, i don't think he's got the political history of knowing whose on a level for haiti or not, especially doing this on mainstream system cheerleader news networks like cnn that are known for using people unwittinly for propaganda against people the system is trying to flop, if it was that serious that brother should have just rang clef an questioned him himself because i'm sure he has clef's number, true story

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Wyclef is on Larry King... Wolf Blitzer... CNN... etc, etc, is he trying to convince Americans or Haiti that he should be president?
Aug 5, 2009
Wyclef is on Larry King... Wolf Blitzer... CNN... etc, etc, is he trying to convince Americans or Haiti that he should be president?
clef is a international artist that is known worldwide on a mainstream level that has sold millions of records, so him running for president and being that he has lived most of his life in the states, is a current news event story for us media outlets

its not really about convincing haiti that he should be president or not, its more about this being a local US news event and showing the haitians in the dispora in the US and investors that he's capable of being president
May 13, 2002
and i'm not dissing penn, i'm just saying, i don't think he's got the political history of knowing whose on a level for haiti or not, especially doing this on mainstream system cheerleader news networks like cnn that are known for using people unwittinly for propaganda against people the system is trying to flop, if it was that serious that brother should have just rang clef an questioned him himself because i'm sure he has clef's number, true story
I would trust Sean Penn over Wyclef anyday, who has a long history of being an activist, etc. Why do you even support Wyclef? What has he said that made you believe he can be a good president? He hasn't even said shit other than stopping corruption, when he himself has big time tax issues and a history of not paying taxes, etc.