Wyclef files election papers for Haiti presidency

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May 13, 2002
Hip hop star Wyclef Jean has formally registered to stand for president of his native Haiti as it rebuilds after the devastating January earthquake.

Dozens of supporters greeted him as he arrived with his wife and daughter at an electoral council office in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

The deadline to file candidacy papers for the 28 November poll is Saturday.
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* Profile: Wyclef Jean
* Wyclef Jean sobs over Haiti quake

Mr Jean, who lives in New York, has said the quake motivated him to stand for the presidency.

If he wins, he will preside over the spending of billions of dollars in international aid for reconstruction.

Other declared candidates include former diplomat Garaudy Laguerre and Raymond Joseph, who is Haiti's current ambassador to the US and Mr Jean's uncle.

The sitting President, Rene Preval, is barred by the constitution from seeking a new term.

Mr Jean is hugely popular in Haiti where half of the population is under 21.

He told Time magazine in an interview that his secret weapon in the election campaign would be that Haiti's "enormous youth population doesn't believe in politicians any more".

"If not for the earthquake, I probably would have waited another 10 years before doing this," Mr Jean added.

Mr Jean is Haiti's ambassador-at-large, and has played a prominent role in securing aid since the earthquake, which left 1.5 million people homeless.



Jan 29, 2006
im sorry but that dude is gonna make that country even worse. no man that has a mclaren F1, ferraris, heavy jewelry and a shady non-profit operation should be President.

He's just gonna fuck up it up he has no political experience.
May 11, 2002
technically he can't run because the constitution of Haiti says that anyone running for president would have to of had lived in Haiti for the past 5 years. I doubt that will stop him from running though.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
im sorry but that dude is gonna make that country even worse. no man that has a mclaren F1, ferraris, heavy jewelry and a shady non-profit operation should be President.

He's just gonna fuck up it up he has no political experience.
im not sure its even possible to fuck up a third world country....if anything i think wyclef would atl east try harder to fix things more so than the elected officials supposedly working for us...i swear if i see more positive change in haiti after wyclef was to be elected....i will support him for american presidency

because our government is a fuckin joke top to bottom
Aug 5, 2009
i hope they allow him to run, despite the constuition because that would be a good look for haiti, yes it would, because that brother is on a level, yes he is

he's on larry king on cnn tonight talking about it today
Feb 1, 2006
c'est pas bien pour Haiti.

Rapper is No Friend of Haiti -- Wyclef Opposed Aristide


To cut to the chase, no election in Haiti, and no candidate in those elections, will be considered legitimate by the majority of Haiti’s population, unless it includes the full and fair participation of the Fanmi Lavalas Party of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Fanmi Lavalas is unquestionably the most popular party in the country, yet the “international community,” led by the United States, France and Canada, has done everything possible to undermine Aristide and Lavalas, overthrowing him twice by military coups in 1991 and 2004 and banishing Aristide, who now lives in South Africa with his family, from the Americas.

A United Nations army, led by Brazil, still occupies Haiti six years after the coup. Their unstated mission, under the name of “peacekeeping,” is to suppress the popular movement and prevent the return to power of Aristide’s Lavalas Party. One must understand a Wyclef Jean candidacy, first of all, in this context.

Every election since a 67 percent majority first brought Aristide to power in 1990 has demonstrated the enormous popularity of the Lavalas movement. When Lavalas could run, they won overwhelmingly. In 2006, when security conditions did not permit them to run candidates, they voted and demonstrated to make sure Rene Preval, a former Lavalas president, was re-elected.

Preval, however, turned against those who voted for him. He scheduled elections for 12 Senate seats in 2009 and supported the Electoral Council’s rejection of all Lavalas candidates. Lavalas called for a boycott, and as few as 3 percent of Haitians voted, with fewer than 1 percent voting in the runoff, once again demonstrating the people’s love and respect for President Aristide.

Fanmi Lavalas has already been banned from the next round of elections, so enter Wyclef Jean. Jean comes from a prominent Haitian family that has virulently opposed Lavalas since the 1990 elections. His uncle is Raymond Joseph – also a rumored presidential candidate – who became Haitian ambassador to the United States under the coup government and remains so today. Kevin Pina writes in “It’s not all about that! Wyclef Jean is fronting in Haiti,” Joseph is “the co-publisher of Haiti Observateur, a right-wing rag that has been an apologist for the killers in the Haitian military going back as far as the brutal coup against Aristide in 1991.
“On Oct. 26 [2004] Haitian police entered the pro-Aristide slum of Fort Nationale and summarily executed 13 young men. Wyclef Jean said nothing. On Oct. 28 the Haitian police executed five young men, babies really, in the pro-Aristide slum of Bel Air. Wyclef said nothing. If Wyclef really wants to be part of Haiti’s political dialogue, he would acknowledge these facts. Unfortunately, Wyclef is fronting.”

As if to prove it, the Miami Herald reported on Feb. 28, 2010, “Secret polling by foreign powers in search of a new face to lead Haiti’s reconstruction …” might favor Jean’s candidacy, as someone with sufficient name recognition who could draw enough votes to overcome another Lavalas electoral boycott.

Wyclef Jean supported the 2004 coup. When gun-running former army and death squad members trained by the CIA were overrunning Haiti’s north on Feb. 25, 2004, MTV’s Gideon Yago wrote, “Wyclef Jean voiced his support for Haitian rebels on Wednesday, calling on embattled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to step down and telling his fans in Haiti to ‘keep their head up’ as the country braces itself for possible civil war.”

During the Obama inaugural celebration, Jean famously and perversely serenaded Colin Powell, the Bush administration secretary of state during the U.S. destabilization campaign and eventual coup against Aristide, with Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song.”

Jean also produced the movie, “The Ghosts of Cite Soleil,” an anti-Aristide and Lavalas hit piece, which tells us that President Aristide left voluntarily, without mention of his kidnapping by the U.S. military, and presents the main coup leaders in a favorable light. It features interviews with sweatshop owners Andy Apaid and Charles Henry Baker without telling us they hate Aristide because he raised the minimum wage and sought to give all Haitians a seat at the table by democratizing Haiti’s economy, a program opposed by the rich in Haiti.

It uncritically interviews coup leader Louis Jodel Chamblain, without telling us he worked with the Duvalier dictatorship’s brutal militia, the Tonton Macoutes, in the 1980s; that following the coup against Aristide in 1991, he was the “operations guy” for the FRAPH paramilitary death squad, accused of murdering uncounted numbers of Aristide supporters and introducing gang rape into Haiti as a military weapon.

It uncritically interviews coup leader Guy Phillipe, without telling us he’s a former Haitian police chief who was trained by U.S. Special Forces in Ecuador in the early 1990s or that the U.S. embassy admitted that Phillipe was involved in the transhipment of narcotics, one of the key sources of funds for paramilitary attacks on the poor in Haiti.

Wyclef runs the Yele Haiti Foundation, which the Washington Post reported on Jan. 16, 2010, is under fiscal scrutiny because “(i)t seems clear that a significant amount of the monies that this charity raises go for costs other than providing benefits to Haitians in need … In 2006, Yele Haiti had about $1 million in revenue, according to tax documents. More than a third of the money went to payments to related parties, said lawyer James Joseph … (T)he charity recorded a payment of $250,000 to Telemax, a TV station and production company in Haiti in which Jean and Jerry Duplessis, both members of Yele Haiti’s board of directors, had a controlling interest. The charity paid about $31,000 in rent to Platinum Sound, a Manhattan recording studio owned by Jean and Duplessis. And it spent an additional $100,000 for Jean’s performance at a benefit concert in Monaco.” A foundation spokesperson “said the group hopes to spend a higher percentage of its budget on services as it gains experience.”

PLEASE SPREAD THE NEWS: “WYCLEF JEAN IS NOT A FRIEND OF THE PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT OF HAITI.” The floating of his candidacy is just one more effort by the international forces, desperate to put a smiley face on a murderous military occupation, to undermine the will of the Haitian majority by making Wyclef Jean the Ronald Reagan of Haiti.

Let us be clear. Jean and his uncle, the Haitian ambassador to the U.S., are both cozy with the self-appointed czar of Haiti, Bill Clinton, whose plans for the Caribbean nation are to make it a neo-colony for a reconstructed tourist industry and a pool of cheap labor for U.S. factories. Wyclef Jean is the perfect front man. The Haitian elite and its U.S./U.N. sponsors are counting on his appeal to the youth to derail the people’s movement for democracy and their call for the return of President Aristide. Most Haitians will not be hoodwinked by the likes of Wyclef Jean.

Charlie Hinton is a member of the Haiti Action Committee and works at Inkworks Press, a worker owned and managed printing company in Berkeley. He may be reached at [email protected].


Jan 29, 2006
In case you guys didn't know. Arnold is a HORRIBLE Governor and if it was up to him, all social services in California as well as education would be cut. But most people don't give a shit and let other people do the work for them because they think they wont be affected.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
In case you guys didn't know. Arnold is a HORRIBLE Governor and if it was up to him, all social services in California as well as education would be cut. But most people don't give a shit and let other people do the work for them because they think they wont be affected.
hey i never claimed arnold to be a good governor...i just said he is one, and if he and others can get into politics then why the fuck not wyclef, especially in a third world country where his decisions/actions wont affect my life....

the governator is awful...yes but be has no experience, really he was fucked before he began thanks to gray davis....but he tried and really he was just a puppet much like every politician including obama...there are other higher powers that pull strings and grease palms to make sure certain shit happens and other shit doesnt...arnold is no exception...hoenstly do you think when you vote ( if you vote ) that your vote actually counts or means something? that shits rigged, they know the outcome before voting begins but anyways....im off on a rant and drinking