Would you be OK with War if.........

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May 8, 2002
Bullshit. Every man has the option to whether or not they decide to murder innocent people. We didn't do shit.
Yeah and we made their lives so unbearable that they did what they had to do.

What they did was a terrible terrible act and those people are not innocent but all I'm saying is neither are we.
May 8, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
so who did we attack first to get 9-11

how can you believe that that was our fault???

so are you saying that we are the fault for EVERYTHING in the world and without us the world would be perfect??????

if you then you are an anti-american. if not disregaurd that last statement
When did I say we were at fault for EVERYTHING I never said that. The people who did it are at fault the people who organized it are at fault, and the people who provoked them to do it are just as much at fault.
Jun 1, 2002
Gizmo said:
This shit runs in Cycles.
Persian, Rome, England................ Its our time to control the world.

Besides if any other Country Dominated the World like us do you think They would do it Better?

Ya Imagine if Saudi Arabia ran the World.

We do Bad, everyone does. We also do alot of good.

Some of these countries Hate us to death for simple reasons like We stopped funding them, stopped giving them shit.
Others are Bought by Terrorist Families with money, So they are Safe Havens to reside in. So of course They dont like us, Until they need us. Which every country does at one time or another.

Amen.. This is just real ass talk!
Nov 8, 2002
Blight said:
Thats why IRAQ should be allowed to make weapons.
Ya it is ok to let this Mad lunitic create Nukes. Dam guy Kills his own on a Daily. Couldn't do any harm with a nuke or two, right?
He only has to defend himself from People who want him dead. Its not just the USA. Shit France would be backing us right now if they got thier Crude from Venenzuela. Give us three weeks tops in the War. france will come crawling to us, Begging to join in on the Fight.

And I still cant wait for $0.77 a Gallon.
Apr 25, 2002
he has weapons , he's just hidding them , see saddam iz hidding em under iraq's opperation "hide and go seek" saddam iz very tricky too just like he has multitable doubles of him self, saddam has multitable doubles of iraq under his along side his playgirl magazines, those doubles of iraq may very well be smoking guns , you don't belive me ? well fuck you
Apr 25, 2002
^^^ exactly

as well as stopped form gassing his own people. making weapons he could use agenst us. Plus yes there are economic intrests. If sadamm desides to invade a neibor oil will go up to $6 a gallon. There is always economic intrests thats how a country is run, on the economy. Some times i wish we had a time machine. We could give all the anti-war and librals their way. Show them how much our country would get fucced up then go bacc in time and do it the right way. If you dont like the ELECTED President of the USA's plan then move to Canada. Im also sicc of people saying we have a bad country and system. Just the fact u can say that and not get blown up by a tank shell shows u how good our country is.
Oct 3, 2002
hmmm, well I don't like it when people say "If you dont like the ELECTED President of the USA's plan then move to Canada." Some how people that say this forget that this is a democracy and we the people have freedoms of speech, with rights to our own opinions and beliefs...

I also don't like it when people say "Saddam needs to be stopped because he gassed his own people. Also making weapons he could use against us." Considering we have killed our own people as well and there is no evidence that Saddam is making weapons of mass-destruction against us, just lies and presumptions...

& if I had a "time machine" I would go back in time and Bitch Slap Regan and Bush Senior for even fucking with the Middle East countries for their own special interests... Where do u think Saddam and most of the middle east counties even got their weapons from? The weapons that Iraq used to defend it self during the Gulf War was oddly enough American made... I feel empathic for what America did to their culture and wars aren't what stop terrorism, wars are what start it...
Jul 7, 2002
Gizmo said:

Ya it is ok to let this Mad lunitic create Nukes. Dam guy Kills his own on a Daily. Couldn't do any harm with a nuke or two, right?
He only has to defend himself from People who want him dead. Its not just the USA. Shit France would be backing us right now if they got thier Crude from Venenzuela. Give us three weeks tops in the War. france will come crawling to us, Begging to join in on the Fight.

And I still cant wait for $0.77 a Gallon.
u know why he killed his own?!?!?! US let him kill the rebellion.\

Gizmo said:

Ya Shit France would be backing us right now if they got thier Crude from Venenzuela. Give us three weeks tops in the War. france will come crawling to us, Begging to join in on the Fight.
Venenzuela?!?! what are u talkoing about!?!
Apr 25, 2002
ReservoirDog said:
Considering we have killed our own people as well and there is no evidence that Saddam is making weapons of mass-destruction against us, just lies and presumptions...
When have we ordered the execution of 2000 of our people at one time? Lies and Presumptions. hmmmmmmmm thats funny we seem to have pictures and intel about the weapons. The public has been shown the pictures. Trust me we have enough reason to invade. Oh well though........were gonna do it anyways were alredy moblized.

You know what kills me about the protestoers. They disrespect the military. Do not disrespect the military. We do the job others are too fainthearted and cowardly to do. I alredy bitch slapped some homo who dared to call me a "baby killer" to my face. What kind of shit is that. Have a little respect. Whats funny though is im putting my ass on the line so he is allowed to say that. But that is the beauty of the country.
May 8, 2002
KleanKut said:
You know what kills me about the protestoers. They disrespect the military. Do not disrespect the military. We do the job others are too fainthearted and cowardly to do.
withour courageous people like you and a few others that are on this site we wouldnt enjoy the freedoms we have.

props out to all military personnel. we support you guys big time.