First of all you nortenos are taught by the older homies, not to talk any drugs that take your focus off, or fuck you up. About this Hyphy Mierda I have no problem with it, like I said before only when homies say shit like South Stockton Hyphy XIV Norte going Dumb Doo Doo, nah that aint cool. The Pill Shit fuck that, you'll get disciplined for that shit. Sideshows, I Post up, but when Bitches are around common homie, you aint gonna dance with em. This Hyphy shit has blown almost the whole LA rapscene out of the picture. This is no longer a Cali thing, it's no longer a Bay Area thing, Stockton has gotten recognition for going dumb, but the OG's in this town hate it, they tell the youngsters you vatos are getting too caught up with this mayatero mierda. It's become a Northern Califas Thing, St. Louis knocks Bay Area Music, the South Knocks this shit, but the Cheese Coast aint feeling, we never felt the Cheese Coast Anyway. But Still Parties, and Clubs it's cool, but at Kickbacks, it's either Oldies or Mob Shit for me, Pop in some East Side Stories, some Al Green, some Pete Wingfield, some Brenton Wood, or Some Brotha Lynch, X-Rated, LUNI-COLEONE! But I aint got nothing against it, AND TO ALL THE HOMIES FUCK POPPIN PILLS, YOU FOOS SHOULD ALREADY KNOW, IT'S FORBIDDEN TO USE DRUGS, Drinking Cool, Weed Cool, but fuck all the other shit.