well everyone made the points already that i was going to...but basically i was going to say that when a rocker od's he/she is hurting himself, and no one else, but rap is directed towards their surroundings...and the reason he is raggin on rap/hip-hop and not rock/alternative etc. is because that is what is popular right now, that is what is on the charts on the top 20, thats whats sellin tens of millions of copys, and has slowly trickled down to make its way onto MTV, which is usually a sign of what is popular in youth culture...if he would have had his show 5-10 years ago instead of doing inside edition, i'm sure he'd a bitched about the grundge movement...and notice he's not talking about the rappers that aren't paid spokesman, but rather the one's trying to sell pepsi and clothes etc..to the youth of america....ya'll musta missed the interview he had w/ damon dash because he was not criticizing him for his music, but rather asked him why ws he promoting violence on his website by having a picture of himself w/ a gun when he is the #1 label of youth at the time...surprise surprise, when they checked the website the day after the interview, the gun was gone....hmmm