Simple tactics- A common enemy unites people. Common pride does the same thing.
Is this true for most of you? You can beat the crap outta your siblings or close friends, but if anybody else puts hands on them, that someone else is getting the crap beat out of them by all of yall. Even if that sibling or close friend was in the wrong, your pride in them unites you blindly, and a common enemy unites you regardless. Simple example.
I've lived on military bases before and seen how pride and common foe affect people. You have Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marines. They all talk shit to each other and even have "racist" names for each of the groups and stereotypes. When they see each other at bars you bet your ass there's trouble comin when shit's talked. They'll beat the crap out each other, send each other to the hospital, and say stuff like "Man I'm gonna kill you!". But when they go to war against a common enemy they'll die for their "brothers and sisters". Hmmm...wierd. Still pretty simple cause and effect.
America hates the shit out of each other. But I garuntee if war ever comes to our own shores and borders EVERYBODY'S gon be fightin and dyin for their fellow "brother and sister americans". Cuz well, AWW SHIT that's our freakin "home" right? And if somebody breaks into your house, the house is gonna defend itself. Right? Hmmmm...... a lil more complicated or less depending on your perception.
The WHOLE FUCKIN WORLD wants to kill each other and really, really hates the shit out of each other. It looks like we're gonna need a freakin alien invasion to unite everyone..... under..... pride. BUT..... because of pride, problem still ain't solved it's just maintained for a period of time. Cuz once that common foe is dead we go back to killin each other, why? Because we fought FOR pride not out of defense or Love for our "brothers and sisters".
So what unites us now? I don't know. But I know what's pulling us apart... money, power, bad intention, but mostly SECRETS and LIES. Use this to find your common foe and your people. Use this to find truth. Do not use this to find pride, but righteousness, there is a difference. Good and bad, right and wrong, truth and a lie . You have to put yourself on either side of this line if you ever want to find out why we are hear on this earth and why the earth is like this. Ain't nobody got power over you except your Creator. Always remember this and you will be able to see your oppressors. Then you learn how to fightback.
"I kept lookin for somebody to save me, now I think I'm lookin for somebody to save" -Love
"Redemption and Vengence, I am both of these" -Love