why cuba is so great!!!!

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May 8, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
You're a moron if you think they are communists. Seriously, a fucking moron.

And it's no different me posting up wsws.org as a source than it is you giving newsmax all the time.
big difference "newsmax" can be compared to "the Nation" as being as far to the right as the nation is to the left but the fuckin WSWS is a pure 100% socialist/communist website. here is a part of the website

World Socialist Web Site
About Us Section

We anticipate enormous battles in every country against unemployment, low wages, austerity policies and violations of democratic rights. The World Socialist Web Site insists, however, that the success of these struggles is inseparable from the growth in the influence of a socialist political movement guided by a Marxist world outlook

The standpoint of this web site is one of revolutionary opposition to the capitalist market system. Its aim is the establishment of world socialism. It maintains that the vehicle for this transformation is the international working class, and that in the twenty-first century the fate of working people, and ultimately mankind as a whole, depends upon the success of the socialist revolution.

The International Committee of the Fourth International

The World Socialist Web Site arises on the basis of a powerful political history. It represents the historical continuity of the political and theoretical struggle initiated by Leon Trotsky in 1923 against the growth of the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union. After playing a central role in the Russian Revolution and Civil War and the rebuilding of the economy, Trotsky emerged as the leading figure in the socialist opposition to the bureaucratic caste that arose in the 1920s, and the nationalist orientation of this emerging elite.

The Stalinist apparatus usurped political power from the Soviet working class, betrayed the ideals of the October Revolution and carried out many of the greatest crimes of the twentieth century. Trotsky's life work culminated in the founding of the Fourth International in 1938, just two years before his assassination by a Stalinist agent.

The collapse of the Stalinist regimes in 1991 was the most profound confirmation of the struggle of Trotsky and the Fourth International. Trotsky had insisted, as early as 1936, that the Stalinist bureaucracy was pursuing a course leading inevitably toward the restoration of capitalism. He explained that it had become a conscious political opponent of the revolutionary and egalitarian aspirations of the international working class.

All the proclamations in recent years about the death of socialism and Marxism conspicuously avoid or belittle the significance of Leon Trotsky and the Fourth International. This is not surprising, for any honest assessment of this political tradition flies in the face of the vulgar and historically dishonest evaluations offered by the professional defenders of capitalism. In the writings and speeches of Trotsky one finds the international socialist alternative to Stalinism that reactionary historians insist did not exist.
Apr 25, 2002
AceMak said:
why dont you idiots all just move to cuba? whats stopping you?

Because the United States gov. prevents its own people from exercising the same freedoms which it claims to stand for.

Continuing with the subject of travel restrictions imposed upon the U.S. people by the U.S. government: Restrictions on travel to Cuba violate First and Fifth Amendments

“In February of 2002, the Senate held hearings on travel restrictions to Cuba. At the end of the sessions, members of both the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the Treasury Subcommittee concluded three things: one, travel restrictions to Cuba have weakened Americans’ civil liberties without reinforcing national security; two, enforcement of the travel ban by the Treasury Department violates the U.S. Constitution by imposing draconian measures against U.S. citizens who exercise their “inalienable” rights to freedom of movement and speech; and finally, enforcement efforts are being strengthened at a time when government resources are desperately needed for the war on terrorism.”

“The Fifth Amendment guarantees freedom of movement, considered by the U.S. Supreme Court as the very “essence of a free society.” The court emphasized that “freedom of movement makes other rights more meaningful: knowing, studying, arguing, exploring, conversing, observing and even thinking. Once the right to travel is curtailed, all other rights suffer.”

The court also pointed out the effects of the travel ban on First Amendment freedom of speech: “Travel restrictions limit rights under the First Amendment to express our views, hear the speech of others, gather information and associate with others, rights that are essential in a democratic society.”

Justice William Douglas explained: “The right to know, to converse with others, to consult with them, to observe social, physical, political and other phenomena abroad, as well as at home, gives meaning to the substance of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Without those contacts, First Amendment rights suffer.”

In fact, four out of nine Supreme Court justices have come out against the travel ban, stating that it defies the very principles the U.S. was founded upon.”

It should be noted, however, that during the cold war U.S. citizens were free to travel to the USSR, despite the fact that Moscow was considered the most serious threat to U.S. national security.

The Senate hearings point out that U.S. policy towards Cuba, in preventing Americans’ from exercising their First and Fifth Amendment rights, supposedly guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, is illegal and, in fact, mirrors your very criticisms of Cuba.
Dec 18, 2002
Fuckoff said:
they comin over to tell us about how great it is over there

cubas an island...the united states is about 50 times larger...which means it has at least 50 times the money making abilitys and economic stability...size really does matter :rolleyes:
May 21, 2002
you ass. dead pres was just there last year. i recently saw a source mag that was saying some other rappers were going. find out how they did it and go. NOTHING IS STOPPING U. little fuckin piss ant. stop looking so stupid at shit. yall mothafuckas sound dumb as hell. as smart as you motherfuckas think your young asses sound you should be in college. do somthing with your lives and quit making excuses. its all there 4 you. or take your dumb ass to CUBA. or CHINA. or egypt, palistine, saudi arabia, iran. get some fuckin balls. you talk all that shit but YOUR STILL HERE. if its that bad leave. take a chance. go get laid or somethin. is that what this is all about? how long has it been since any of you had pussy?
May 21, 2002
heres an idea. go to mexico, then go to great cuba. or, save up your money that your not buying pussy with, go somewhere else, anywhere else, then go to great cuba. NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU.
Jul 7, 2002
AceMak said:
you ass. dead pres was just there last year. i recently saw a source mag that was saying some other rappers were going. find out how they did it and go. NOTHING IS STOPPING U. little fuckin piss ant. stop looking so stupid at shit. yall mothafuckas sound dumb as hell. as smart as you motherfuckas think your young asses sound you should be in college. do somthing with your lives and quit making excuses. its all there 4 you. or take your dumb ass to CUBA. or CHINA. or egypt, palistine, saudi arabia, iran. get some fuckin balls. you talk all that shit but YOUR STILL HERE. if its that bad leave. take a chance. go get laid or somethin. is that what this is all about? how long has it been since any of you had pussy?

the extact same shit should have been said to the (Civil rights) protestors of the 60s...."if you dont like the US, get out."...
May 21, 2002
hey nefar, while your quoting cornell, ask him if he thinks our votes count. he will tell you yes. my point is, if you have a problem with this country thats serious as saying a third world dictator ran poor country is better than this nation, that you can really be what you want to be, strive for better,etc., GO TO CUBA. if i thought cuba was greater than this country, or any other country was greater than this country, i would be there. no shit. if you dont like our political figures, DONT VOTE FOR THEM. run for office. run for mayor. do something about it. the statement cuba is a better country than the u.s. is assinine. the civil rights leaders of the sixties put their words into action. they did it the right way. what r u doing besides complaining? seriously?
Jul 7, 2002
AceMak said:
hey nefar, while your quoting cornell, ask him if he thinks our votes count. he will tell you yes. my point is, if you have a problem with this country thats serious as saying a third world dictator ran poor country is better than this nation, that you can really be what you want to be, strive for better,etc., GO TO CUBA. if i thought cuba was greater than this country, or any other country was greater than this country, i would be there. no shit. if you dont like our political figures, DONT VOTE FOR THEM. run for office. run for mayor. do something about it. the statement cuba is a better country than the u.s. is assinine. the civil rights leaders of the sixties put their words into action. they did it the right way. what r u doing besides complaining? seriously?
first and more most, you seriouly dont know what we're talking
about when ppl are for cuba.....go read a book about cuba.
..i'm getting educated...you should try it.

second, NEVER did i say CUBA was greater than the USA.

third, get u'r shit straight....your statements are full of contradictions.....you're saying that since u believe that i think
cuba is better i should go there?...while later on you say if you
dont like the politicals figures in this country i should not vote
for them? and that i should run for office?...lol

what is it? should i leave or stay and make things better?

fouth...cuba has a literacy rate thats equal to that of the US, and
Infant mortality rate equal to this country....yet its still a poor
country, compare this to other third world countries....other
south american countries....while theres 39millions poor americans
and a lot them homeless, there is nobody homeless in cuba...
now what does this say about the USA? we're supppose
to be better than anyone right?.....

fifth.....you'r a bitchass sellout you stated "if i thought cuba was greater than this country, or any other country was greater than this country, i would be there." some fucken american.
May 13, 2002
AceMak said:
hey nefar, while your quoting cornell, ask him if he thinks our votes count. he will tell you yes. my point is, if you have a problem with this country thats serious as saying a third world dictator ran poor country is better than this nation, that you can really be what you want to be, strive for better,etc., GO TO CUBA. if i thought cuba was greater than this country, or any other country was greater than this country, i would be there. no shit. if you dont like our political figures, DONT VOTE FOR THEM. run for office. run for mayor. do something about it. the statement cuba is a better country than the u.s. is assinine. the civil rights leaders of the sixties put their words into action. they did it the right way. what r u doing besides complaining? seriously?
Wow. Your replies are so full of shit I don’t know where to begin.

First, why don’t you ask president bush if our votes count...He will tell you NO.

Second, I hate when people have this "love it or leave it" mentality. I don’t love this country and I don’t want to leave it. I want to change it.

Thirdly, you posted like what, 3 times? Unless you are an old member with a new name, which I doubt since you obviously have no idea who your talking shit to, DO NOT accuse the people on this thread of being "young" and unintelligent because from my understanding, the majority of the people on this specific thread are currently attending or have already graduated college.

:dead: :dead: :dead:
May 21, 2002
un-fucking-beleivable. so f-ing smart and didnt understand a thing i said. look kids, i love this country and dont like people talking shit about it. if i didnt think it was the greatest country on the planet i really would find somewhere else to go. i asked, what are you doing to make a change? your answers were.......did not mean to disrespect, just got a bit upset.ive only known about this board 4 about a year or two. i dont post alot. i havnt posted in months. im sorry if you feel this is your board and all since you post more. i only post if something truly strikes a nerve. and this shit did. i usually stay away from the gathering of minds shit cause it just annoys me. i only check farenheit and right way because of the artist i produce. if yall love america so much , why all the unconstructive criticism? p.s. cuba still sucks.
May 21, 2002
some commie professor is giving them all this propaganda. did he tell them that not to long after castro gained power he started killin his hommies that helped him get there? they p-robly think bush blew up the world trade.
May 21, 2002
by the way, can somebody tell me who im talking shit to? fuck you. thats some silly ass shit. am i supposed to b afraid of someone. i could tell you where i lived, what time i leave home, what time i return everyday, when my wife is at home alone, and i swear to you nothing gonna happen. how many post do i have to have to legally question your stupidity? p.s.YOU dont know who your talkin to. dont threaten me fool. keep it straight.