Who was the worst pope in history?

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May 8, 2002
I read a book called The Family by Mario Puzo (the guy who wrote the Godfather). It's about Pope Alexander and the Borgia family and all the fucked up shit that they did. Great read. Pope Alexander believed a woman fell in love with whoever took their virginity. He was about to marry off his daughter to a powerful family and wanted her to remain loyal, so he made his oldest son take his daughter's v-card before her wedding.


Apr 25, 2002
Because it serves no purpose. I've stated and asked this before and I'll do the same now. This country is run like a corporation, and for the most part (excluding the Vatican City State) this is the richest and most advanced country on the globe. Knowing these things to be true, do you honestly believe the global elite are going to allow 300+ million people, many of them functionally illiterate, to decide the outcome of this place?


Apr 25, 2002
I read a book called The Family by Mario Puzo (the guy who wrote the Godfather). It's about Pope Alexander and the Borgia family and all the fucked up shit that they did. Great read. Pope Alexander believed a woman fell in love with whoever took their virginity. He was about to marry off his daughter to a powerful family and wanted her to remain loyal, so he made his oldest son take his daughter's v-card before her wedding.
Do you know the origins behind Valentines Day?
Apr 30, 2008
It's pretty much common knowledge that all politicians are liars. Voters vote and then complain that the politicians aren't doing what they said they were going to do.

Non-voters just get it.
I'd rather vote for somebody that thinks the way I do. At least my agenda is important. Like nominating/approving conservative judges to the Supreme Court and making abortion illegal again.
May 14, 2002
Why would anybody want it legal? So that don't have to worry about responsibility? Abortion is the work of the Devil.
So if your mom or sister gets raped by a crack junkie and gets pregnant it would be wrong to commit abortion because they have to accept responsibility?
Or would every party (including the baby) be so much better of if abortion is committed?
Oct 6, 2005
Because it serves no purpose. I've stated and asked this before and I'll do the same now. This country is run like a corporation, and for the most part (excluding the Vatican City State) this is the richest and most advanced country on the globe. Knowing these things to be true, do you honestly believe the global elite are going to allow 300+ million people, many of them functionally illiterate, to decide the outcome of this place?
I agree on some level (s)... Others, not at all... Votin' is quite crucial & does serve a pupose...
Apr 30, 2008
So if your mom or sister gets raped by a crack junkie and gets pregnant it would be wrong to commit abortion because they have to accept responsibility?
Or would every party (including the baby) be so much better of if abortion is committed?
I don't support abortion for any reason. I actually went to school with a kid that was the product of a rape. He was a cool dude and I think he went on to play ball in college.

I would rather see a bitch do it herself or get it done an alley or 3rd world country.
May 20, 2004
I don't support abortion for any reason. I actually went to school with a kid that was the product of a rape. He was a cool dude and I think he went on to play ball in college.

I would rather see a bitch do it herself or get it done an alley or 3rd world country.
Why would you want to see someone forced to perform an abortion on themselves, in an alley, or a third world country? I mean if you're alright with someone doing it themselves then what's wrong with having a clinic that they can go to. I think i just don't understand where the fuck you get off thinking you have any say in what anyone else does... or passing judgement on anyone else for anything they want to do that has nothing whatsoever to do with you. (and i know i can be said to be judging myself right now but i'm fully aware of that).. i'm just interested in this stuff! Who are you? And who gave you the authority to push your agenda on anyone?? I'm just curious.. I saw references to the devil earlier.. so for fear of some type of cosmic retribution you adhere to a belief system that preaches love and brother/sisterhood while condemning women to perform back alley abortions or travel to a country less fortunate than the one you live in to do so? You have adopted and attached to a belief system which only has as much power as you personally give it. A belief system that is allegedly supposed to make you a "better person".. or to live with love and compassion and kindness etc.. but seems as if it's made you into a monster.. how contradictory.. you are the devil you speak of. The fact that YOU can say you'd rather see SOMEONE ELSE have to perform an act like that in an alley is inhuman. But because someone along the way as convinced you that abortion is the work of a negative mythical deity... and you bought it.. and believe it.. you can pass judgement and its alright?

I usually never involve myself with topics like this but you've been saying some ignorant ass shit. And for the most part that's fine... I fully recognize that you are one side of the extremes.. and without you having your less than honorable inhuman view IMO there would be no knowledge of a truly compassionate and kind person on the other side of the spectrum.. you create each other... but the problem came about when you started believing that your personal point of view was omniscient and you decided to push it and judge others who see things differently. You have no right. And again i know i'm guilty of judging you right now! And i have no right either... But i'm not the one condemning women to deal with stressful, emotional situations in less than desirable environments so i can sit high and mighty on my throne of shit and feel righteous about myself perpetuating disgusting ignorance. You don't need to reply to this i'm not interested in a debate.. i realize both sides of the story exist and that you really believe you're right and have "legitimate" reasons to think the way you do. Everyone does including myself clearly..
Oct 6, 2005
It is ok to disagree, but the facts will always trump everything else. The only purpose it (voting) serves is to keep people glued to the idiot box and confused while offering a false sense of hope.
Maybe on the federal level... But State, & local politics... Nah, not a chance... Vote in the right Sheriff... And BOOM...! Fools might start catchin' real charges... Compton, CA stand UP...!!!! Vote for the wrong council person & watch your police force go the way of T-Rex... Compton, CA... Anyone, anyone...??? Maybe come out west and vote into office your favorite Hollywood super hero... "I'll be back..." He-he-he...
May 14, 2002
I don't support abortion for any reason. I actually went to school with a kid that was the product of a rape. He was a cool dude and I think he went on to play ball in college.

So because he played ball in college, makes rape alright.

I would rather see a bitch do it herself or get it done an alley or 3rd world country.
So if your mom or sister would be a rape victim and they got pregnant you'd rather see them sticking a scissor in their vagina somewhere in a back alley rather then the abortion being performed by somebody who actually studied for it and have it done in a sterile environment.

No matter the means or location, abortion is abortion.
Apr 30, 2008
So if your mom or sister would be a rape victim and they got pregnant you'd rather see them sticking a scissor in their vagina somewhere in a back alley rather then the abortion being performed by somebody who actually studied for it and have it done in a sterile environment.

No matter the means or location, abortion is abortion.
No, my mom wouldn't have a rape pregnancy aborted.