Where did god come from?

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May 13, 2002
Jae iLL said:
True, there is no logical reason to support that idea; however, there is also no logical reason to completely disregard the idea.
This is also true, that is why most atheists say they don’t necessary deny the existence of god, rather they don’t believe there is enough evidence to believe in god. That's where I stand.

Technically, we can’t rule out the possibility that all midgets can fly but at the same time we know there is no evidence to support the claim of flying midgets therefore we do not believe in flying midgets.

A belief is a rational belief until it is proven or disproven.
I disagree. Let me give you an example: If I say I have a purple fire breating Mr. T head in my room, there would be no way you can disprove this claim. Now if you believed me solely on my word, that would be illogical.

For now, believing in a superior entity is just as rational as believing everything occurred without some "greater" influence.
Well the difference between the two is that we know one exists. We know what reality is; we know there is a universe; we know matter exists etc. As far as a superior entity, we have absolutely no supporting evidence and we dont even know what it means. It falls outside of our known universe. We're not saying there isnt a possibility of something outside of our known universe, simply that how can we believe in something that we have no knowledge of? (sorry if that didnt make any sense)

In solidarity homie.
Jan 9, 2004
AGENT707 said:
DAMN!...i musta gottin u good if u came back with a "momma" joke!!!

ANYWAY....i did give ehr the message...unfortunately with taxes coming up she could not donate to your cause, the "special kids" association...

good luck on your next houses...

A momma joke is just a momma joke, its supposed to be silly, kid. I thought you would have picked up on it since I basically told you it was a joke by typing LMAO at the end. You came back at me with a "special kids" joke. What do you have against mentally/physically challenged kids? Better pray that no one in your family has to face that challenge someday, its no laughing matter.

Unfortunately all the houses on your neighborhood are a bunch of foodstamp living, welfare receiving ingrates that rather spend their money on crack and tweek so it didn't go all that well. The town next door was a better spot. LMAO
Nov 17, 2002
"logically explain the term and what that means for god. Also provide me with where this source of information comes from."

"God" refers to an eternal existence. So what you are essentially asking is how we know God exists, which should have been your question in the first place. There are many sources describing this eternal God, i.e.: Bible, Koran, Vedas, etc. The whole concept of God is that of an eternally transcendental being from whom emanates this material existence. Try to understand it like the sunshine which emanates from the sun globe, rather than thinking of it in terms of God existing alone and then creating universe. The energy that makes up this universe is eternal, but it is not eternally manifest, according to the Bible and the Vedas, and probably the Koran as well.

"Can you define god and its energies?"

God: The Supreme Conscious Entity.

God's energies (aka: God's power): Of course, God without power defeats what it means to be "God". What kind of definition do you want exactly? Just think of the sun globe and its sunshine energy. We do not say that there is no sun globe when we are only able to see the sunshine. God is source. That is the whole concept. Everyone is seeking "God", even the atheists. It is just that the atheists will not accept consciousness as anything other than a product of material arrangement, i.e.: neural pathways. And so they will not accept a Supreme Consciousness. To them all things boil down to a tangible process. That is a very convenient belief for them.
Jun 27, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
This is also true, that is why most atheists say they don’t necessary deny the existence of god, rather they don’t believe there is enough evidence to believe in god. That's where I stand.

Technically, we can’t rule out the possibility that all midgets can fly but at the same time we know there is no evidence to support the claim of flying midgets therefore we do not believe in flying midgets.
but we know that a midget flying is physically impossible so that's not a rational belief. A superior entity is not necesarilly physically impossible, I think the flying midget rebuttle is a bit far-fetched.

2-0-Sixx said:
I disagree. Let me give you an example: If I say I have a purple fire breating Mr. T head in my room, there would be no way you can disprove this claim. Now if you believed me solely on my word, that would be illogical.
True, it would be illogical to believe there is a "fire breathing Mr. T head" in your room based solely on your word. However, we could come to a conclusion that you are delusional and you really did "see" a fire breathing Mr. T head in your room. I'm not saying that people who believe in a supreme entity are delusional (Christians I'm not so sure) but there is reason to explore the possibility of a supreme entity further. If you went to your doctor with this claim I'm sure he'd want to explore why you see a "fire breathing Mr. T head" in your room further as well. Also, we could easily disprove your claim simply by opening your door and checking. Since a supreme entity is one that exists beyond our senses there is no easy way to prove or disprove this claim. I'm merely playing devil's advocate here because although there is no evidence to disprove a God, there is also no evidence to rule out God.

2-0-Sixx said:
Well the difference between the two is that we know one exists. We know what reality is; we know there is a universe; we know matter exists etc. As far as a superior entity, we have absolutely no supporting evidence and we dont even know what it means. It falls outside of our known universe. We're not saying there isnt a possibility of something outside of our known universe, simply that how can we believe in something that we have no knowledge of? (sorry if that didnt make any sense)
in my original response I stated perhaps the two exist coincidingly. I was raised by a Christian Korean mother with very Shamanist views. I don't conceive "God" in the same way Christians portray God. The supreme entity to me exists within all of us and without all of us. I defnitely do not believe in divine intervention or an omnipotent all-powerful God; however, I do feel that there is a greater being at work in the universe. Not to say it controls the universe, but it IS the universe. I don't believe in an after-life either. What I am trying to say is you are attacking the belief that a God exists from the orthodox point of view; however, your arguments do little damage to the actual belief in God.
Jul 21, 2004
why don't you all just kill yourselves and find out already to find out. Its a waste of time to constantly fight whether something is there or not.

Followers of beliefs,

Has it ever occured to you whatever "being or thing" is supposed to "be" "here" didn't wanted anyone to argue or kill each other?

what happen to living peacefully with each other. i'm sick of these conversation - GOD, Evalution, life
Jan 2, 2003
A momma joke is just a momma joke, its supposed to be silly, kid. I thought you would have picked up on it since I basically told you it was a joke by typing LMAO at the end. You came back at me with a "special kids" joke. What do you have against mentally/physically challenged kids? Better pray that no one in your family has to face that challenge someday, its no laughing matter.

Unfortunately all the houses on your neighborhood are a bunch of foodstamp living, welfare receiving ingrates that rather spend their money on crack and tweek so it didn't go all that well. The town next door was a better spot. LMAO
so ur admitting ur a "special kid"...?

better pray that no one in ur family lives in a foodstamp living, welfare receiving ingrates that rather spend their money on crack and tweek....

its a hard challenge and no laughing matter...silly lil kid
Jan 9, 2004
AGENT707 said:
so ur admitting ur a "special kid"...?

better pray that no one in ur family lives in a foodstamp living, welfare receiving ingrates that rather spend their money on crack and tweek....

its a hard challenge and no laughing matter...silly lil kid
yeah stupid, whatever. You basically repeated everything I told you but twisted it thus proving how immature you are and you still didn't answer what you have against special need children. Shit, they have more creativity than you've shown so far in this little lame exchange. Next time I make a comment to someone else, don't butt in because you are a joke and I wont respond to your stupidity.

Plus, I dont believe you live on welfare, computer-geek, or that you smoke crack or tweek, you are most likely a suburb kid wishing you had it bad phony ass perpetrator.

May 13, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:
"logically explain the term and what that means for god. Also provide me with where this source of information comes from."

"God" refers to an eternal existence. So what you are essentially asking is how we know God exists, which should have been your question in the first place.
The question was in my original post and is directly related to the other questions.

There are many sources describing this eternal God, i.e.: Bible, Koran, Vedas, etc. The whole concept of God is that of an eternally transcendental being from whom emanates this material existence. Try to understand it like the sunshine which emanates from the sun globe, rather than thinking of it in terms of God existing alone and then creating universe. The energy that makes up this universe is eternal, but it is not eternally manifest, according to the Bible and the Vedas, and probably the Koran as well.
So once again, this “eternal god” is unknowable to the human mind. Then how can man have knowledge of this unknowable being? How can one come to the conclusion that an unknowable god exists? Logically, that doesn’t make any sense.

Additionally, this source of the unknowable god comes from books written by man. The “proof” of god lies with logical fallacies and pseudoscience located in these books.

The bible, Torah, Koran, Vedas etc. are nothing more then special cases of hearsay written down. All of these books have already been shown to be inaccurate scientifically and historically. They are painfully inconsistent and egregiously self contradictory.

So far, through our entire existence, not one shred of empirical evidence has been shown that supports the existence of god or any other supernatural being or event for that matter.

Everyone is seeking "God", even the atheists. It is just that the atheists will not accept consciousness as anything other than a product of material arrangement, i.e.: neural pathways. And so they will not accept a Supreme Consciousness. To them all things boil down to a tangible process. That is a very convenient belief for them.
No, we simply do not have enough evidence to believe in your god. Provide us with evidence and we will believe. Until then, we will remain atheists.

Jae iLL said:
but we know that a midget flying is physically impossible so that's not a rational belief. A superior entity is not necesarilly physically impossible,
But we have absolutely zero evidence to support the idea of a superior entity; therefore it is illogical to believe in one.

I think the flying midget rebuttle is a bit far-fetched.
Perhaps far-fetched but I think it gets my point across.

True, it would be illogical to believe there is a "fire breathing Mr. T head" in your room based solely on your word. However, we could come to a conclusion that you are delusional and you really did "see" a fire breathing Mr. T head in your room. I'm not saying that people who believe in a supreme entity are delusional (Christians I'm not so sure) but there is reason to explore the possibility of a supreme entity further.
I never said there is no reason to explore the possibility of a supreme entity further. That’s fine by me, my point, once again is if it is logical to believe in one at this time of our existence without any supporting evidence.

Also, we could easily disprove your claim simply by opening your door and checking. Since a supreme entity is one that exists beyond our senses there is no easy way to prove or disprove this claim.
Yes, but logically we can argue that there is no reason to believe in a supreme being by the same methods we can logically explain why Zues and other Greek gods are implausible.

I'm merely playing devil's advocate here because although there is no evidence to disprove a God, there is also no evidence to rule out God.
Again, I’m not saying we can rule out god, simply stating that there is a lack of evidence to support the claim of a god or gods.

in my original response I stated perhaps the two exist coincidingly. I was raised by a Christian Korean mother with very Shamanist views. I don't conceive "God" in the same way Christians portray God. The supreme entity to me exists within all of us and without all of us. I defnitely do not believe in divine intervention or an omnipotent all-powerful God; however, I do feel that there is a greater being at work in the universe. Not to say it controls the universe, but it IS the universe. I don't believe in an after-life either. What I am trying to say is you are attacking the belief that a God exists from the orthodox point of view; however, your arguments do little damage to the actual belief in God.
This is true; most of my arguments are against the orthodox “Christian” definition of god. You’re belief is a bit different (and one I respect) in many ways. When people say “I believe god is everything”, there is no logical way to argue this claim. However, when you say that god is the creator, then that’s when my argument arises.

Basically, it comes down to:

A) The universe always has existed in one form or another.
B) The universe was created by a god.

Now, we KNOW that this universe exists.
We DON'T know that a god exists.

Therefore, it is illogical to believe a god created the universe.

Merciedez said:
why don't you all just kill yourselves and find out already to find out. Its a waste of time to constantly fight whether something is there or not.

Followers of beliefs,

Has it ever occured to you whatever "being or thing" is supposed to "be" "here" didn't wanted anyone to argue or kill each other?

what happen to living peacefully with each other. i'm sick of these conversation - GOD, Evalution, life
Relax Merciedez. This is the Gathering of Minds. People here enjoy discussing mind stimulating topics such as god, evolution, science, politics etc. If you’re sick of these kinds of topics, simply do not participate in them.

So far, this thread has gone quite smoothly, IMO; there have not been any blatant insults or personal attacks.


Oct 21, 2002
cool thread, good points on both sides.

Something Ive wondered about though, since most people believe that if there's a God there's a heaven/ hell. And we've all probably herd a story of someone who's been legally dead and then came back to life, and they have said that they experienced the afterlife. Has there ever been someone who's died and came back, and said that there was no afterlife? Maybe proving there is no God?

Sorry, I know this is off topic but Im curious
Jan 2, 2003
yeah stupid, whatever. You basically repeated everything I told you but twisted it thus proving how immature you are and you still didn't answer what you have against special need children. Shit, they have more creativity than you've shown so far in this little lame exchange. Next time I make a comment to someone else, don't butt in because you are a joke and I wont respond to your stupidity.

Plus, I dont believe you live on welfare, computer-geek, or that you smoke crack or tweek, you are most likely a suburb kid wishing you had it bad phony ass perpetrator.


yah, i wish i ahd it bad!......that would be helllllla sick!

how am i immature...i think im funny...i just used ur words against u cuz that pisses people off.....haha...naimean?....u seem pretty butthurt...

whats wrong TOKZTLI?..hard day of perpetratin got you all tired and grumpy?

show me sum creativity!

"Shit, they have more creativity than you've shown so far in this little lame exchange. "

^^ see, thats not funny. step it up...quit bitchin...get sum good jokes in...i can take it princess, how bout u?
Jun 27, 2003
B-Buzz said:
cool thread, good points on both sides.

Something Ive wondered about though, since most people believe that if there's a God there's a heaven/ hell. And we've all probably herd a story of someone who's been legally dead and then came back to life, and they have said that they experienced the afterlife. Has there ever been someone who's died and came back, and said that there was no afterlife? Maybe proving there is no God?

Sorry, I know this is off topic but Im curious
In one of my classes back in highschool we watched a video that dealt with that issue. I didn't pay too much attention, but I remember them saying that when you have a near-death experience you have hella chemicals being released in your brain and that "light" everybody sees is merely a delusion. Some ppl have flashbacks or other delusional elements and believe it to be an "after-life" experience. If you think about it, assuming there is an after-life, obviously you didn't die because you're still here so how could you have experienced it? That's the main reason why so many people want to believe, because they cannot accept simply not existing. There's really no clear-cut answer, it's one of life's mysteries open to interpretation.


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
This topic is a sin. If you don't know why, read the Bible, I ain't telling where, cuz I ain't preaching. What should be important is that if you do believe in G-d, then why care where He came from, why not ask Him what iiizzzzz it?


Oct 21, 2002
Jae iLL said:
In one of my classes back in highschool we watched a video that dealt with that issue. I didn't pay too much attention, but I remember them saying that when you have a near-death experience you have hella chemicals being released in your brain and that "light" everybody sees is merely a delusion. Some ppl have flashbacks or other delusional elements and believe it to be an "after-life" experience. If you think about it, assuming there is an after-life, obviously you didn't die because you're still here so how could you have experienced it? That's the main reason why so many people want to believe, because they cannot accept simply not existing. There's really no clear-cut answer, it's one of life's mysteries open to interpretation.
I never herd about that delusional thing, makes sense.

I remember a while back on, I think, 20/20 they interviewed this 7 year old girl who had died and came back. She said that an angel was guiding her through the clouds. lol the fat bitch also said the clouds tasted like ice cream.
Dec 2, 2004

Jun 27, 2003
1/2 On It said:

ayo freal, I knew the meaning of life once when I was off one... and for sum reason I really wanted to go to Kansas and tell them it was ok. I dunno why.. I just had this overwhelming desire to go to Kansas cuz they have ppl too.


Oct 21, 2002
^^ haha ya I smoked a bad one and thought life was like on South Park where the aliens created earth as a reality show. I had it all figured out, then I started buggin hard and I thought the aliens knew I figured it out and they were scrambling my brains. I also figured out how our brains work, theyre google engines, lmao that was a crazy night