Where did god come from?

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Jan 9, 2004
AGENT707 said:
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......" the answer you seek lies in faith"....was that u at my dorr yesterday TOKZTLI??......bah!

206 wants to SAAAVVVVVEDDDD.....lol...

Yeah that was me bro, did you give your mom that message I left for her? LMAO
May 13, 2002
2 0, you secretly want to be converted and saved, don't you? You seem to always have religion on the brain, an interesting trait for a communist. The answer you seek lies in F A I T H.
Real cute.

There is nothing wrong with attempting to have an intellectual conversation with people on the board. This forum was specifically made for people to participate in thought provoking conversations and this topic is as good as the next.

I find religious/creation related topics entertaining and some of the best threads I have ever participated in on this board.

Although I have disagreed with n9newunsixx5150 many times in the past and we have even been involved in heated arguments, at least he has taken the time to respond with a well put reply, something I cannot say about you TOKZTLI.

BTW, I do not believe in faith. Faith is a belief without or inspite of reason. Why should I have faith in anything?


How am I spamming? Not only did I ask a specific quesiton I also included my thoughts and arguements as well. If anything, your one line reply is considered spam.

Originally Posted by n9newunsixx5150
God has always existed. God's energies have always existed. The universe is a tiny sample of God's energies. Therefore both God and the universal energy are eternal. Atheists find this to be superfluous. They ask why the universe can't just exist eternally without an eternal God. One may similarly ask why the sun's rays cannot exist without the sun globe. God is the Energetic Source of all emanating energies. That is axiomatic truth assumed by all theists. It is just as plausible as the atheist assumption of no God. But the atheists furthermore assume that they, by dint of their incredibly limited power, will in the future gain the ability to know empirically the fact of the matter.
First, let me say thanks for actually taking the time to respond (with your own words), which obviously can’t be said about everyone. I say this despite the unnecessary comment about atheists and their “incredibly limited power.”

Next, I ask the obvious following question- how do you know all of this? Where did you gain this knowledge of god and its existence?

At first glance, your reply seems full of information however in truth it is full of nothing more than assumptions and empty statements without supporting evidence.

God has always existed. God's energies have always existed.
How do you know? Can you define god and its energies?

Therefore both God and the universal energy are eternal.
And this conclusion was made only after you stated god and its energies have always existed.

Atheists find this to be superfluous.

They ask why the universe can't just exist eternally without an eternal God. One may similarly ask why the sun's rays cannot exist without the sun globe.
No, that’s different because we in fact know what the sun is and we know what sun rays are; they can both be observed and studied. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about your god.

God is the Energetic Source of all emanating energies.
Another assumption.

It is just as plausible as the atheist assumption of no God.
Atheists do not assume there is no god; we simply say there is not enough evidence to believe in a god.

Your reply read very well and I think you’re eccentric in your ways of thinking which is a nice break from the regular one line replies, but you didn’t provide any real answers.
Jan 9, 2004
^^ wow, my observation (not reply) must have hit a mark my sensitive friend. I'm not here to put up essays in response to anything, just to state my opinions. I made a general observation about you but I'm not insulting or putting you down. I'm sure you find religious threads the most fascinating, but what I find fascinating is that every communist I know in real life, has already given up on religion and has gone on to the next topic. They just center on that old "opiate for the masses" tired speech for awhile and go on to the next item, the old fight the system speech. But you go out of your way to put down religion at every opportunity yet stay concentrated on the topic so I think you do secretly want to believe. Its not so bad being a believer.
May 13, 2002
I'm sure you find religious threads the most fascinating, but what I find fascinating is that every communist I know in real life, has already given up on religion and has gone on to the next topic.
I have, for the most part, given up on religion and moved to the next topic, however religion unfortunately is still a major problem in our society (and most of the rest of the world) and I still find it interesting to talk about as well as relevant with today’s issues, such as the recent attack on public schools and the teachings of evolution vs. creationism.

Also, not all communists are a like. There have been many communists who have written entire books dedicated to the religious question and Marx wasn’t the only person who mentioned religion in his work.

BTW, I don’t make nearly as much religion related threads as I used to

But you go out of your way to put down religion at every opportunity yet stay concentrated on the topic so I think you do secretly want to believe. .
Did I put down any religions in this thread? I thought I was concentrating on one particular question (where did god from) and I purposely did not comment on any one particular religion. I presented my arguments and pointed out where I believe the logic of the theist is flawed and I did my best to be sensitive to people’s beliefs and refrain from any insults.

I think you do secretly want to believe.
You can believe anything you want but I think your logic for saying I want to “believe” is seriously flawed. With that same logic, any man who focuses their criticism on one particular topic secretly supports the topic they are originally criticizing. That’s like saying Trotsky secretly supported Stalin or George Bush supports Terrorism. Well the latter is actually true, but I’m sure you get my point.

Its not so bad being a believer.
I never said it was; my entire point is if it is logical or not.
Nov 17, 2002

This thread of yours assumes the existence of God. How are you going to ask where a thing comes from that does not exist? More specifically, how are you going to ask where God comes from and then turn around and question the very premise of your original inquiry as if to negate the opposing view at hand? These kind of tactics are less than honorable, in my humble opinion.

I assume that in your question you are hypothetically accepting the existence of God. Am I not safe in that assumption? If not then I apologize for replying.
Jan 9, 2004
I think you can make the argument that Trotsky admired Stalin. What is that saying about staring into the abyss, beware because it stares back at you? Damn, I forget who to give credit to.
Jun 27, 2003
The question was how can God have always existed if the Universe hasn't always existed. You're not really attacking the question "does God exist?". Just because Catholics choose to believe certain things about our universe and God does not mean they're in the right. Let's say the Universe and God have always existed coinsidingly. Where does that leave the arguments you brought up comrade? What if God IS the Universe and the Universe is God. Just one big spirit of spirits that we cannot fathom just like we cannot fathom the idea of a neverending universe with no beginning.
Jul 18, 2002
To me, what creates dis-illusions on both sides of this argument is when people start to associate a name and a face to the "FORCE" (I call it the 'Force', not 'God')...because, something that supposedly created this World-slash-Universe is so far out of our understanding that we as humans have to learn how to say the words "I don't know", but our pride, ego, and curiosity will never let us do that.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should not explore every avenue and every piece of evidence that comes our way, I just feel that no one should ever feel they have all the answers or that a case is closed on either side of the spectrum.

The other thing is, just like the god-believers can't tell anyone when god came about, not one scientist can tell us what or how the first particle of matter was created. They can talk all they want about the big bang, black holes, protons, electrons, and shit like that, but where did they come from?

^ hope that made some type of sense, and didn't come out all jumbled up.
Sep 28, 2002
physics has shown that time is a property that is the result of the existence of matter. Time exists when matter exists.

This is a simplistic interpretation of reality based on newtonian physics that do not scale to the infinate.

Its all relative even god.
Mar 15, 2005
YOuNg WiNo said:
GOD is beyond comprehension and sceince

so are Ghosts, Aliens, Magic and alotta other shit....does everyone here beleive in these things as well?????

Dmac.....nicely put...i think my logic is somewhere in your area....i am willing to admit i dont know wtf started this Universe....Christians and other religions on the other hand claim to know....which is bullshit.....
Jul 18, 2002
209 Studioz said:
...i think my logic is somewhere in your area....i am willing to admit i dont know wtf started this Universe....Christians and other religions on the other hand claim to know....which is bullshit.....
Yeah, I feel ya....most people in life take the position that it's either my way or the highway when to comes to these types of topics, rather than sayin, "we all on the highway together, and we lost mutha fuckaz...

...but we are trying to find our way."
Dec 18, 2002
Dmac_nasty said:
To me, what creates dis-illusions on both sides of this argument is when people start to associate a name and a face to the "FORCE" (I call it the 'Force', not 'God')...because, something that supposedly created this World-slash-Universe is so far out of our understanding that we as humans have to learn how to say the words "I don't know", but our pride, ego, and curiosity will never let us do that.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should not explore every avenue and every piece of evidence that comes our way, I just feel that no one should ever feel they have all the answers or that a case is closed on either side of the spectrum.

The other thing is, just like the god-believers can't tell anyone when god came about, not one scientist can tell us what or how the first particle of matter was created. They can talk all they want about the big bang, black holes, protons, electrons, and shit like that, but where did they come from?

^ hope that made some type of sense, and didn't come out all jumbled up.
No it made no sense at all, but you just gave me a reason to tell christians that "the force is strong in them". Thanks.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
209 Studioz said:
ummmm no it was a female singin that song.....and are you reffering to this thread as spam???? sounds like someone takin it personal.....we dont all beleive in your GOD homie get over it....

Oh,I thought it was REM,but I guess it was a girl.Also,I'm not taking this thread any other way than comical.I don't expect to meet alot of Christians on this site so I don't expect everyone to believe in our God,but I do tend to bump into alot of Crips who do alot of net surfing.
May 13, 2002
I think you can make the argument that Trotsky admired Stalin. What is that saying about staring into the abyss, beware because it stares back at you? Damn, I forget who to give credit to.
No, I don’t think you can make that argument because Trotsky dedicated his life (once Stalin took power) to expose Stalin for his mistakes and destructive ways. It’s a silly argument and I think you know it. It’s like saying I secretly admire Mcleanhatch, or you secretly admire the KKK or whatever you may be against.

n9newunsixx5150 said:
This thread of yours assumes the existence of God. How are you going to ask where a thing comes from that does not exist? More specifically, how are you going to ask where God comes from and then turn around and question the very premise of your original inquiry as if to negate the opposing view at hand? These kind of tactics are less than honorable, in my humble opinion.

I assume that in your question you are hypothetically accepting the existence of God. Am I not safe in that assumption? If not then I apologize for replying.
I’m not assuming anything; my questions are related in determining ones logic and reasoning behind a belief. I asked theists a specific question but that doesn’t mean I can’t ask further questions, such as the origin of these beliefs or what evidence/facts these beliefs are based on.

I asked you two additional questions which are related to the topic and I don’t see why you should dance around them. I’m simply attempting to see if there is any logic behind the belief.

If you would like this conversation to be strictly about my original question and that I hypothetically assume the existence of god, then that’s fine with me. With that being said, most, if not all of my questions I asked you still stand.

From my original post:
So, I ask anyone to please tell me the origin of god and if you say he is "infinite" I ask to logically explain the term and what that means for god. Also provide me with where this source of information comes from. These questions were ignored.

On my second reply I asked:

Can you define god and its energies?

That is the only question I asked other than repeating a question I asked in my original post, which is asking for the source of information.

Sorry if any of my reply isn’t completely coherent; I’m at work right now and very tired.

Jae iLL said:
The question was how can God have always existed if the Universe hasn't always existed. You're not really attacking the question "does God exist?". Just because Catholics choose to believe certain things about our universe and God does not mean they're in the right. Let's say the Universe and God have always existed coinsidingly. Where does that leave the arguments you brought up comrade? What if God IS the Universe and the Universe is God. Just one big spirit of spirits that we cannot fathom just like we cannot fathom the idea of a neverending universe with no beginning.
That's a cool 'what if' question and fun to think about, comrade, but unfortunately I see no logical reason to believe that nor do I see any evidence to support that idea. That's my purpose of this thread; whether or not it is logical.

209 Studioz said:
so are Ghosts, Aliens, Magic and alotta other shit....does everyone here beleive in these things as well?????
I don’t believe in ghosts or magic, but aliens is a different subject. Ghosts & magic are supposedly supernatural- existing outside of our natural world. Aliens on the other hand are simply life on other planets. With literally trillions and trillions of planets in the universe, it is mathematically illogical that life only exists on one planet.
Jun 27, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
That's a cool 'what if' question and fun to think about, comrade, but unfortunately I see no logical reason to believe that nor do I see any evidence to support that idea. That's my purpose of this thread; whether or not it is logical.
True, there is no logical reason to support that idea; however, there is also no logical reason to completely disregard the idea. A belief is a rational belief until it is proven or disproven. For now, believing in a superior entity is just as rational as believing everything occurred without some "greater" influence. I am still unsure of what I believe in religously speaking; however, an idea cannot be completely disregarded until it is proven wrong. Thereofore, the existance of a superior entity (not necesarily God in the traditional sense) is always a viable option as far as I'm concerned.

In solidarity homie.
Jan 2, 2003
Yeah that was me bro, did you give your mom that message I left for her? LMAO
DAMN!...i musta gottin u good if u came back with a "momma" joke!!!

ANYWAY....i did give ehr the message...unfortunately with taxes coming up she could not donate to your cause, the "special kids" association...

good luck on your next houses...