The Red Sin said:
Harold, that's if you want to clog your arteries. Man body builders neglect that fact that excess protein and heavy meals damage the liver and clog up arteries.
"Everything" is bad for you when it comes down to it. High carb diets fuck over your blood glucose and make you more prone to diabetes. High fat/protein diets clog arteries. High this, high that, does so-on and so-forth. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
The FACT of the matter is that if you eat grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, and ALL of that GOOD SHIT, and most of your EXCESS calories come in the form of Whole wheats/oatmeal/etc. and'll be just fine.
It's all about timing. Time your sugar to come after your workout. Eat cottage cheese or other Low GI foods before bed. It's not that complicated, and NONE of it is bad for you, because it only lasts for a few months.....not a few decades.
And I dont' care how often you eat pizza and red meat--if you're in the gym 8-10 hours a week, running and lifting weights, your arteries won't get clogged even if you want them to.