There is no GOD

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May 17, 2002
@ shep very interesting! actually I heard that same thing on K-Pax

but if that's the case it reasserts my position that forces outside our universe manipulate the causalities here without the intervention of a deity.

imagine that the universe like a basketball sucking in matter swirling it around and spitting it out again. how interesting.

reminds me of wind cycles in a vacuum in a smoke experiment I've seen.

thank you.


Apr 25, 2002
LOL at whats a theist LMFAO you're playing right?
i dont see whats funny. i want to know what a theist is (according to his definition).
the concept of infinity gives the idea of perpetuance. why does one HAVE to think that time started?
one doesnt HAVE to think anything. one can think that glass is food and eat it. can you name a couple of things that are MEASURED but have no starting point?
just as a mathematical line is infinite so is time. It is understandable that man likes to quantify things but for time to be part of the absolute It must be itself an absolute factor.
is motion absolute? are you implying that time is or isnt absolute?
It may be capable of change (bending and reconfiguring) but it is most definitely absolute.
how can the big bang be random? (that is if there was a big bang (remember space is a vacuum NO SOUND LOL))
honestly you should really *STOP* "LOL" and do more reading and paying attention. how is no sound in space relevent to BIG BANG?

May 17, 2002
@theist. aaaaaaaaaaaah I feel
@measured - just one, infinity. that's the only thing i can think of
@ abosolute. I believe time is a factor or constraint on the absolute i.e. a fabric of the absolute.
LOL @ *STOP* I was just pointing out that the "big bang" is a misnomer in space. but whatever. the big bang is a theory.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
yo, look the word theist up if you want a definition. it's not that hard... the belief in the existence of god(s).... so to theists (people who believe in god) what is god?


Apr 25, 2002
yo, look the word theist up if you want a definition.
i wanted your opinion. dont trip.
it's not that hard...
i understand but i wanted your version of it. that way i could answer your question based on your definition.
the belief in the existence of god(s).... so to theists (people who believe in god) what is god?
a title or position.

Jul 24, 2002
HERESY said:
was the big bang random?
That is if you wanna believe in this silly theory in the first place.

HERESY said:

what did darwin say about random genetic changes?
A better question is, what did he say about the "eye"?....


**** I refuse to be brain washed again.
Never again will I believe what "they" say ****
Jul 24, 2002
Of coarse man.
We still have kind hearted folks in this world.
But it's gettin worse day after day....
Good folks are dyin left and right while assholes are raising more assholes....

It's the lack of education if you ask me.
But what can we do? I'm doing my best man, but it's only me.
Society's conditioned to being selfish.
And selfish people become assholes....

The assholes upstairs have convinced people that being selfish is ok.... Kids now days think it's cool to be a dick....

To people now days, it's tough to be nice. But yet it's so easy to be a dick....
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:
Of coarse man.
We still have kind hearted folks in this world.
But it's gettin worse day after day....
Good folks are dyin left and right while assholes are raising more assholes....

It's the lack of education if you ask me.
But what can we do? I'm doing my best man, but it's only me.
Society's condintioned to being selfish.
And selfish people become assholes....

The assholes upstairs have convinced people that being selfish is ok.... Kids now days think it's cool to be a dick....
I agree with you 100%.

But you have to remember there still are good people out there...The challange is finding those trustworthy people.
May 11, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

I agree with you 100%.

But you have to remember there still are good people out there...The challange is finding those trustworthy people.
Exactly. What if your parents aren't one of the few trustworthy people? Aren't they the ones that are suppose to love you unconditionally, provide for your future or desire to see you succeed in life?

If you cannot trust your parents who can you trust?
Aug 7, 2002
nobody made God he's there eternally he gave us life he made humans with the same form of God's body he is to say that I am perfect and always will be eternally...before adam and eve it was just the angels and God. he made lucifer the best angel there will ever be but later on lucifer thought he was better then God lucifer and all the angels have personality's too. lucifer overthrowed God and God just threw him out and created a place for him called hell and he became satan (which that means enemy or adversary) other angels were with satan so God just threw them with him in hell. to me satan don't really have no fucking horns and a long stick with forks on top with fire around hell thats all bullshit hell is just a place where people disobeyed God and is where you'll never come to the home with God because your eternally in hell...satan is just a man thats the leader of all troubles and hate... God could of turned lucifer into a robot which that means he'll have to take all his personality away but he decided to make a place for him...God has all powers satan has powers as well too but when adam and eve and the serpent(which thats satan as the snake) was all together around the apple=knowledge of good and evil satan decided to use the snake and got the snake to talk to eve about eatin' the apple. B. the apple was there to keep everything good and not have evil in earth. when eve ate the apple then adam ate the apple there eyes opened and they knew the knowledge between good and evil and knew they were naked. He put a curse on the serpent and on adam and eve but had a plan for the future...later on shit started getting worse when cane killed abel because he was jealous so God put a curse on him and put a marker on his forehead which means if anybody see's cain there allowed to kill him...the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the eareth, and he was grieved in his heart. God knew that the wickedness of mn was great in the eareth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. so he destroyed everything in earth except for the ones that was with noah. God knew the people that he destroyed were all evil and the ones that was with noah were good but still knew the knowledge of evil and it continually grows. Earth was already fucked up before adam and eve there was still evil because of lucifer going to war against God everytime and looses so it was already corrupted and all this started in iraq in the middle east and you know where it's gon end at? iraq all this shit is just happening again from what happened before is gonna come back and happened again...later on God is going to be very angry that he's gonna shake the world all crazy and only 3/4 of the people on earth gonna's so rediculous that were this close of seein the antichrist on tv and everybody in the nation of iraq is gonna think that he's good...

yup so were actually like a plastic to this earth...thats why all u mothafuckas do whateva ya want and becareful as long as u believe in God your goin to heaven i'm sure most of the people on this board believes in God....but yep alllllll of this the whoooole thing is just about satan gettin mad with God because he got thrown in hell and he think he's way better then him so he gets God mad by using other people's body and controllin' it the whole point from satan is he wants humans dead the whole point from God is he want us to enjoy life and live life to the fullest and believe in the good......


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
if god was all knowing, then he would have seen satan launching the war in heaven, therefore he would have never vreated him. there is no god... the end
Aug 7, 2002
God is all knowing so he would know good and evil but do the good at all times why da fuck do you think theres evil in this world? because the tree of knowledge is what fucked up the world and now all the babies that are born got the knowledge of evil and good why the fuck do you think theres more killing then healing...all over the world people are just killin' themselves for bullshit i bet you if the apple was still on the tree the world would have been expect God to be perfect as in all knowing and he is but you expect him to not make lucifer in the first place make this world peaceful God is smarter then all of us and did say sorry to himself when he made mankind...we say God is perfect because he is the creator of everything that he's created and he has the knowledge for the future and whats happened before and whats happening rightnow. we say God is perfect because he's made miracles come true...God is like us even man makes mistakes God is sorry to himself and he will never do it again. God is smarter then all of us and is perfect at it so just because he's perfect at it as in smarter then all of us that doesn't mean that he's going to make it a perfect world all the way...even satan has powers but God has all of it. Satan used his powers and made adam and eve eat the apple while God was busy doing something. When God made mankind in the world satan wanted to fuck things up by havin one ofem eatin the apple and making the world corruped again...and thats why people are dying satan is the one that got the whole stupid racism started, he's the one that killed martin luther king by using someone else's body, he's the one that made everybody think sex is a sport and put aids in this world, he's the one that put cancer in this world, were smoking a devil stick like as in cigarrettez cuz we want to but the whole point from satan is he want us to die from it...some be doin it cuz they want to and say fuck satan but when there time comes there gon be wishin they never smoked...i smoke sometimes but not all the times