I agree with Dutch for the most part; however, I do enjoy a well put together mixtape. Unfortunately those are few and far between and what you usually get is Bullshit. We put out promo CDs with all original tracks from a combination of all of our artists and sell them for $1 to $3 and they are used as another way to build up the funds to put out full length projects while showcasing the talents of the artists on the label or who are part of the our coalition. That doesn't we put out Bullshit, though. Just because a song doesn't make an album doesn't mean it's not hot. When I'm recording a solo album, I have a formula that I try to stick to every time. I might record a song that I like a lot, but it simply doesn't fit on the album. It's the same for the rest of my artists. So what should happen with that music? Should it just sit on the CPU? Nah, it has to get out because it's a good reflection of us. It keeps something from The Circuit in people's hands or in people's ears.
I do agree though that the mixtape has become an over used, easy way to get something out there and more often than not the product sucks. A lot of that though goes back to the difference between real artists and cats that are playin with this rap shit. Some folks just want to hear themselves or see themselves on a CD.