2-0-Sixx said:
Yes, I remember our conversation we had on this subject. What did scientists say? Did ALL scientists say one thing or did they argue? Science NEVER said Neanderthals were ape or human. They said, before DNA, that they were RELATED to humans. That’s exactly what the facts show us now.
Yes, I remember that you were completely wrong about Neanderthals being able to speak and having their own religion. They were NOT that intelligent. Do some research homie.
Contradiction 2-0....
The consensus was that they were early humans at the very least.
You contradict that by sayin that they weren't intelligent enough to speak? LOL!
Do some research bro, then get back to me....
2-0-Sixx said:
Who? What scientists? Religious scientists? LOL. You’re trippin about the “the rest of the scientific world catching up”. Lets see some evidence. Show me some studies.
Funny thing is that many of these scientists were not religious, they were "honest"....
Remember what I said about being nuetral?
Scientists often times get hooked on their own ideals.
That's why the key is not to only educate yourself but to humble your ego.
What good is it to read a book with your mind closed?
2-0-Sixx said:
Umm, sorry but you’re wrong once again. You’re bible is full of shit, plain and simple. Show me ONE piece, just ONE simple of evidence that shows Nephilims are Neanderthals.
You require an ID, finger prints and a birth certificate.
That was not available a few thousand years ago....
2-0-Sixx said:
Damn Miggidy, you’re like talking to a 4 year old. What do you think Evolution is? Explain it to me, because obviously you are talking about something completely different from the rest of the science community.
Does evolution have to with mutations? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations.
I hope that helps.
Here's the link:
2-0-Sixx said:
Again, those wacky Christian Scientists? The same ones who say the grand canon was made in a couple of days?
You know these guys are complete jokes to the science community. Come on Mig, you’re constantly battling Science, and yet you use science when its from some nut Christian.
Again 2-0,
not all of these scientists are religious.
know that....
2-0-Sixx said:
Yeah, that is hilarious considering I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS ARTICLE.
BTW, what does this article have to do with anything? Looks to me that it is more evidence for Evolution.
“Modern humans have such big brains and weak jaws because of a genetic mutation that occurred 2.4 million years ago, U.S. scientists say.”
If that’s not Evolution, then I don’t know what is.
I remember this being all over the news 2-0.
Compare these findings with the theory of evolution....
This threatens your theory because it suggests that humans today became what we are not by evolution, but by some coincedental mutation.
2-0-Sixx said:
I didn’t ignore shit. I posted “prophesies” from the first and only link I clicked on.
Listen, I don’t care what you said in the past to me. You are the one making claims of these prophesies, so either A). Point them out to us or B). Don’t bring them up anymore.
Ok I'll post the details later today or tomorrow.
But let me say this, there is physical documented evidence that the old prophets of the Torah prophecised the coming the Messiah hundreds of years before.
With very clear details, right down to his crucifixion.
That's why I suggested that folks should look into the Dead Sea scrolls, the oldest biblical scripts known to man....