The Proof I Promised

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Apr 1, 2004
First things first:
All of you who have said that there is no historical confirmation of Jesus are completely wrong. If you want historical confirmation from non-Christian sources, I suggest you familiarize yourselves with the works of Cornelius Tacticus, Suetonius, Pliny The Younger, Lucian of Samosata, Thallus, etc. all of whom make clear, specific mentions of Jesus. There's your historical evidence, do put your tired liberal rhetoric to rest. One can argue whether he resurrected from the dead or if he is indeed God, but it is impossible to deny him as a historical figure.

The Law Of Compound Probability

The laws of probability state that if the probability of a single event occurring randomly is 1 in x, and the probability of another event occurring is 1 in y, then the probability that both events will occur together in sequence is x multiplied by y. This mean that if I say tomorrow that there will be rain, the chance is 1 in 2 that it will rain. It either will it or won't. Simple enough. Now, let's say I claim that not only will it rain tomorrow, but it will rain at the 3:00 hour, a 1 in 24 chance. The likelihood of me being correct about both things is 2 x 24, or 1 chance in 48. Using this simple formula, we can see the probability of a single prophecy being fulfilled, or the probability of multiple prophecies being fulfilled. If you don't like the numbers I've used, make your own, just be honest and reasonable.

The Prophecies

Since this is an exhaustive task, I decided to focus on fulfilled prophecy in relation to Jesus Christ. These are not the only prophecies in the Bible. The entire history of the world is laid out, and the table of nations set forth. But for our purposes here, let's focus on the Messiah:

1. Christ's birth in Bethlehem from the tribe of Judah
OTP (Old testament prophecy): Micah 5:2, Genesis 49:10
NTF (New testament fulfillment) Matt 2:1
Probability: 1 in 2,400 (1 in 12 that Moses would correctly guess the tribe, and 1 in 2000 for guessing the correct city. We’ll put it at 2400 to keep a nice even number, though the number is much greater then that.)

2. He would be preceded by a messenger
OTP: Isaiah 40:3
NTF: Matt 3:1,2
Probability: 1 in 20
Running Total: 20 x 2400= 1 in 48000.

3. He would enter Jerusalem on a colt
OTP: Zech 9:9
NTF: Luke 19:35-37
Probability: 1 in 50
Running Total: 50 x 48,000= 1 in 2,400,000

4. He would be betrayed by a friend
OTP: Psalm 41:9
NTF: Matt 26:47-48
Probability: 1 in 10
Running Total: 10 x 2,400,000= 1 in 24,000,000

5. His hands and feet would be pierced
OTP: Psalm 22:16
NTF: Luke 23:33
Probability: 1 in 100
Running total: 100 x 24,000,000= 1 in 2.4 BILLION

6. He would be wounded by his enemies
OTP: Isaiah 53:5
NTF: Matt 27:26
Probability: 1 in 10
Running total: 10 x 2.4 Billion = 1 in 24 BILLION

7. He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
OTP: Zech 11:12
NTF: Matt 26:15
Probability: 1 in 50
Running Total: 50 x 24 billion = 1 in One Trillion, Two Hundred billion

8. He would be spit upon and beaten
OTP: Isaiah 50:6
NTF: Matt 26:67
Probability: 1 in 10
Running Total: 10 x one trillion, two hundred billion= 1 in 12 TRILLION

9. His betrayal money would be thrown in the temple and given to buy a potter's field
OTP: Zech 11:13
NTF: Matt 27:5-7
Probability: 1 in 200
RT: 200 x 12 Trillion = 1 in 2,400 Trillion

10. He would be silent before his accusers
OTP: Isaiah 53:7
NTF: Matt 27: 12-14
Probability: 1 in 100
RT: 100 x 2,400 Trillion = 1 in 24,000 Trillion

11. He would be crucified with thieves:
OTP: Isaiah 53:12
NTF: Matt 27:38
Probability: 1 in 100

12. People would gamble for his garments
OTP: psalm 22:18
NTF: John 19:23-24
Probability: 1 in 100

13. His side would be pierced
OTP: Zech 12:10
NTF: John 19:34
Probability: 1 in 100

14.None of his bones would be broken
OTP: Psalm 34:20
NTF: John 19:33
Probability: 1 in 20

15. His body would not decay
OTP: Psalm 16:10
NTF: Acts 2:31
Probability: 1 in 10,000

16. He would be buried in a rich man's tomb
OTP: Isaiah 53:9
NTF: matt 27:57-60

17. Darkness would cover the earth
OTP: Amos 8:9
NTF: Matt 27:45
Probability: 1 in 1000

Therefore, the combined probability AGAINST these 17 fulfillments occurring by chance alone is equal to 1 in 480,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 chance in 480 billion x 1 billion x 1 trillion. That one or two of these prophecies would come to pass would be amazing. That all 17 came to pass is proof of divine inspiration.

There's your proof. Simple math proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Scriptures are the inerrant Word of God.
May 13, 2002
First off, it would be nice if you included the "prophecies" word for word so that everyone can see just how vague they really are.

Second, the big problem with this of course is that you are ASSUMING these "prophecies" were fullfilled. You can play around with numbers as much as you want for all I care, but without evidence it's all meaningless. "His body would not decay", Wheres the evidence for this? What about the others?

"The Law Of Compound Probability" lol, it seems to me that you have the mathematical sense of a six year old in that big numbers excite you.

The probability that 2-0-Sixx was born in Seattle, Washington (1 / (number of cities in the world)).

The probability that 2-0-Sixx used his ATM card last Tuesday (1/7).

The probability that 2-0-Sixx's birthday is on May 1st (1/365).

… and so on. Wow, multiplying these probabilities must mean I’m god, because the chances are so low that these things could possibly happen, yet they did.

The problem with your simple understanding of statistics is that you can not prove anything as being logically correct based on statistics. Another problem – you don't know the difference between a probability and a statistic. Most of these probabilities are based on statistics. Yet another problem is, you can’t group unrelated things together to find a meaningful statistic. Also, why not add some other probabilities based on statistics in there as well? The chances of jeevus having brown eyes. The chance of his buddies being born. The chance his buddies’ parents’ decided to have their children. The chances of their grandparents being born in a certain city. You can go on for ever with these, generating the same statistics with this form of logic, one over infinity, which by the same reasoning would equal you being hungry yesterday (the chances you were born, your parents born, and so on…).

Do people really cite this? This is actually pretty funny.
Apr 1, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
"The Law Of Compound Probability" lol, it seems to me that you have the mathematical sense of a six year old in that big numbers excite you.

The probability that 2-0-Sixx was born in Seattle, Washington (1 / (number of cities in the world)).

The probability that 2-0-Sixx used his ATM card last Tuesday (1/7).

The probability that 2-0-Sixx's birthday is on May 1st (1/365).

… and so on. Wow, multiplying these probabilities must mean I’m god, because the chances are so low that these things could possibly happen, yet they did.

Once again, 2-0-Sixx, you have either purposely twisted the info i gave or have just completely missed the point of this whole post. Those facts you mentioned about yourself in and of themselves mean nothing. But, had I correctly prophesied those fact about you 3000 years before you were born, then it would be amazing and miraculous. And if i correctly foretold 17 distinct facts about you before you were born, well then you could be certain that i have some sort of supernatural power.

The rebuttal you gave me was poor to say the least, and evidence of a desperate man clinging to his crumbling beliefs.

Also, the reason i didn't include the actual text is because of time constraints. I promised the members of this board proof, and I gave it. If it had taken me longer than it already did (and i spent two days making that list) then everyone would have thought i was justing talking shit and would have shrugged me off as just another lame-ass siccness poster. The verses are there for all who wish to see. But please don't take my word for it. Read it yourself.

And just to let everyone know, I don't gain anything by trying to lie or mislead you. That's not what this is about. I'm just trying to inform people. That's why I compiled the list in the first place. I delivered my part, as promised. The rest is up to y'all.
May 13, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
Once again, 2-0-Sixx, you have either purposely twisted the info i gave or have just completely missed the point of this whole post. Those facts you mentioned about yourself in and of themselves mean nothing. But, had I correctly prophesied those fact about you 3000 years before you were born, then it would be amazing and miraculous. And if i correctly foretold 17 distinct facts about you before you were born, well then you could be certain that i have some sort of supernatural power.
As I said in my first post, one has to ASSUME these prophecies were fulfilled. Thank you for posting this shit, but it is not up to me, the atheist, to look everything up. You’re the one who said you had PROOF. Well, where is it? Why don't I see it? This isn't proof; this is yet another claim with absolutely no evidence.

Those numbers mean absolutely shit. I gave example of myself to deminstrate just how easy it is to play with math.

Where do some of these numbers come from? "1 in 10,000 that His body would not decay" Did you write this or did you get it from somebody else? Were you/author just pulling numbers out of your ass?

The rebuttal you gave me was poor to say the least, and evidence of a desperate man clinging to his crumbling beliefs.
Desperate? How am I desperate? Again, your the one who claims you have proof. I'm sorry comrade, but this is very, very unconvincing.

Also, the reason i didn't include the actual text is because of time constraints. I promised the members of this board proof, and I gave it. If it had taken me longer than it already did (and i spent two days making that list) then everyone would have thought i was justing talking shit and would have shrugged me off as just another lame-ass siccness poster. The verses are there for all who wish to see. But please don't take my word for it. Read it yourself.
Why should I read it myself? The least you can do is provide a link or something. If I tell you that I read a book that proves your god is a myth, will you search for it and read it?

And just to let everyone know, I don't gain anything by trying to lie or mislead you. That's not what this is about. I'm just trying to inform people. That's why I compiled the list in the first place. I delivered my part, as promised. The rest is up to y'all.
I don't think anyone thinks you are lying to them. I'm sure you honestly believe in this shit. But to be fair, you have not completely delivered your part. You provided the prophecies that were supposedly fulfilled along with some fancy numbers, but definitely no proof. Lets see the prophecies word for word. If you don't want to type them, provide a link.
Dec 18, 2002
I dont think 2-0 missed anything, using this compound probablity can make anything seem impossible if you twist the numbers correctly,

The probablity that I listen to Cassidy - Hotel Room Ft. R. Kelly out of all the songs in my collection today is 1/7,435 - Compound Probabilty turns everything into a chance occurence, I have 7,434 other songs to listen to (I hate that song) so how would it turn up that I listen to that song?

The CHANCE I listen to that song this week is 1 x 7,435 x 7
This year 1 x 7,345 x 365

it also depends on the denominations that I use,

The chance I listen to that song within the next year in HOURS
1 x 7,345 x 525,600 = 386,053,200 INSANE!!!!!

The chance I downloaded that song over the other possible songs on the internet...
1 x 50,000,000,000 = WOW IT MUST BE TRUE!!!

Although I am comparing music to prophecy, the point Im conveying is that you cannot curb human choice and neurological brain activity with NUMBERS. . .and the fact that you call this proof. . .you must be very very shallow minded to base a religious theory on that

Apr 1, 2004
KrypticFlowz said:
Although I am comparing music to prophecy, the point Im conveying is that you cannot curb human choice and neurological brain activity with NUMBERS. . .and the fact that you call this proof. . .you must be very very shallow minded to base a religious theory on that

Listen you dribbling knucklehead, your music analogy is bogus. We're discussing the probability of correctly prophesing an event, or multiple events, in the future, not the likelihood of an event occuring in and of itself. Do brush up on your reading comprehension.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
Listen you dribbling knucklehead, your music analogy is bogus. We're discussing the probability of correctly prophesing an event, or multiple events, in the future, not the likelihood of an event occuring in and of itself. Do brush up on your reading comprehension.
drake equation can pinpoint the probability of other intelligent life in the known universe, what does your god and bible say about that? numbers can show anything you want them to
Dec 25, 2003
Chance I come on Gathering of minds = 1/365

Chance I eat a biscuit on a tuesday = 1 in 10,000

Chance I eat a biscuit on a tuesday reading GOM in sweat suit = 10,000 X 365 X 250

Chance I eat a biscuit on a tuesday reading GOM in sweat suit and George Bush says something intelligent = 10,000 X 365 X 250 X 10,000,000

Dec 13, 2003
Rectal Prolapse said:
Listen you dribbling knucklehead, your music analogy is bogus. We're discussing the probability of correctly prophesing an event, or multiple events, in the future, not the likelihood of an event occuring in and of itself. Do brush up on your reading comprehension.
why you commin at kryptic sideways? he said nothing offensive to you. and im still waiting on this so called proof. generalized mathmatic equasions will not do. that "proof you provided can be applied to any random event in this world.
Dec 18, 2002

Rectal Prolapse said:
Listen you dribbling knucklehead, your music analogy is bogus. We're discussing the probability of correctly prophesing an event, or multiple events, in the future, not the likelihood of an event occuring in and of itself. Do brush up on your reading comprehension.
Any event I used as an example was an event that could occur in the near/far future, any event that has not taken place yet is the future, obviously, so using compound probability to "prophesize" a future event is the exact same as saying that Iam computing the likelihood of an event occuring in and of itself. How are the prophesies not events that may have occured in and of themselves? Instead of arguing, why dont you give me good references to this "knowledge" you have stumbled upon? Do give me an intelligent and coherent response.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Rectal Prolapse said:
One can argue whether he resurrected from the dead or if he is indeed God, .

I thought Jesus was supposed to be the "son of god" or a "messenger of god"...Not actually "the god." Let me know if I'm wrong.
May 13, 2002
This is bullshit. I've waited for these prophecies to be posted and I am no longer patient. You know why? Because I have already read 2 or 3 of them and they are so fucking unbelievable. I've had it...I'm going to look up each and every one of them and post them on this thread so everyone can see just how retarded this shit truly is. Just give me a couple hours.


Sicc OG
May 26, 2002
Sixxness said:
I thought Jesus was supposed to be the "son of god" or a "messenger of god"...Not actually "the god." Let me know if I'm wrong.

well according to catholicism...God is the trinity...the father, the son and the holy spirit....
Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
This is bullshit. I've waited for these prophecies to be posted and I am no longer patient. You know why? Because I have already read 2 or 3 of them and they are so fucking unbelievable. I've had it...I'm going to look up each and every one of them and post them on this thread so everyone can see just how retarded this shit truly is. Just give me a couple hours.
Well its about time and I hope everyone starts researching to disprove anything biblical related.
Just do me a favor 2-0,
try as best as you can to remain unbiased.
I know that is practically impossible because that goes against human nature.
You need to become as a child in order to absorb anything new....

Good luck....


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
miggidy said:
They believe God is a union of 3 seperate beings.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Do some research on this, because its pretty deep.

I was just asking because of someone's comment about Jesus being God, I didn't understand, but now I do.

BTW, someone was posting some YWH... some shit....I can't remember, what the hell does that mean?
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:
Well its about time and I hope everyone starts researching to disprove anything biblical related.....
Well, it shouldn't be up to the Atheist to research all of this crap, but hey, I’m a nice guy :knockout:

Just do me a favor 2-0,
try as best as you can to remain unbiased.
I know that is practically impossible because that goes against human nature.
You need to become as a child in order to absorb anything new....
Yes, one has to have the mental capacity of a 6 year old in order to believe in fairy tales such as Jesus or Santa Claus, or Monsters under beds, or tooth fairies etc. etc. etc.