SJN14 said:
Who says I dont have evidence? The scriptures are enough proof for me and even science proves that there most likely was a man named Jesus, much like science can also most likely prove a lot of other things but cant indefinitely prove them. Like I said evidence and proof are relative.
Explain to me how Science has “most likely proved there was a man named Jesus”? As far as I know, there are no scientific facts that point to his existence. If my memory is correct, the earliest recorded reference to Jesus wasn’t until 40 years after he supposedly died.
Regardless if Jesus existed or not is not relevant with this discussion. Most Atheists believe there was a man named Jesus anyways.
Just because God knows the future/present/past doesnt mean that he forces us to do anything. That is what you are not understanding. He can be all knowing and all powerful but he isnt making me type this, he isnt making you doubt him. You and I are doing this out of our free will. I see your 'logic' but I believe it is faulty at best.
How is my logic faulty? Please explain.
Let me get even more technical.
1. Existence M can be involved in 2 events - X and Y.
2. Existence A is all-knowing, therefore can never make a mistake, and knows all events.
3. Existence A knows that Existence M will be involved in event X and not in event Y.
4. Therefore, because Existence M must be involved in event X and not in event Y.
5. Therefore Existence M could not choose between events X and Y.
6. If Existence A is all-knowing, then it knows all events, and it knows which existences (including Existence A itself) will be involved in which events, and Existence A cannot be mistaken.
7. Therefore all existences must be involved in all events as previously known by Existence A.
8. therefore no existence can choose between any of the events.
Good quote, “I think the whole omniscience/free-will debate breaks down should you get the chance to meet God, and he produces two stone, one black and one white. He says to you "I know which stone you're going to choose". You say "Which one is that," and He replies, "the black one". Can you then go on to choose the white stone? If you say "yes," then God isn't omniscient, and if you say "no," then you have no free-will. Given this and a fairly tortious inferential chain, it seems clear that we may have free-will, but God has none at all!”
if he knows the future he can very well change it. Just because he knows the future doesnt mean he cant go to the past and change it. I dont see this 'irritatin' problem.
Think a little harder. If he knows the future (all-knowing) then this means not only that he knows the future of mankind, he also knows the future of his own actions. If he knows his future actions, then he would already know if he were to change the future, thus a huge contradiction.
I assume you have never studied logic?
He loves them for who they are not for what they have done. They are his children. God may hate their actions but i dont personally believe he will hate them. '
Well, if god loves child molesters then I think it’s safe to say that God is one sick being.
If showing love and a willingess to forgive makes someone a sick bastard then let me tell you that what this world might need are a few more 'sick bastards.
So God is all-loving now? But I thought god punishes people? Didn’t god kill a lot of people in the bible? Hmmm. The contradictions are fierce.
Nope, sorry. You are thinking as a Westerner would. Remember that God is a Hebrew God and since you and I aren't Hebrews we must think like Hebrews to even begin to understand a bit about him.
Oh, I see. So god is Hebrew now. Wow. I didn’t know I had to think like a “Hebrew” to understand the concept of god. Amazing.
Firstly in the Western World we never accept responsibility for out actions we always want to blame someone.
Speak for yourself comrade.
Let me give you an example.......You! You're the perfect example, you blame God for these things saying he is responsible.
No, not correct. Remember, I don’t believe in god, therefore I do not blame god for anything. I was simply attempting to show the contradiction you made.
Like I said before God can only do Godl-ly things. He is perfect and can not create evil. He created Man and Man created evil. If you dont think so then please tell me who created evil and show me your proof. Either way, religious or not, the conclusion will always come back to the same end; Man Created Evil.
Well, to get specific I do not believe in “evil”, I only believe in actions. To get even more specific, there is no such thing as right or wrong…only personal morals.
Now as for the Hebrew world they believe that when you do wrong there is NO one to blame but yourself. I believe this is true. The devil, God, others, etc never make you do anything because everything falls nack on YOU!
I also believe that we are the ones to blame, however, my point was to show that if god is the creator and he knew the outcome before he created man, then our lives are predestined.
Unsupported claims. From atheists? What about Stalin, who thought it was best for his people to murder his fellow comrade in order for him to asume absolute and total control. What about Mao Tse-tung, what about Sigmund Freud who believes we want to kill our fathers and fuck our mothers. You dont want to kill your pops and marry mommy do you?
LoL! What do these people have to do with this discussion? The actions of these “atheists” have nothing to do with the debate we are having. Look back if you don’t remember. You stated, “Atheist are always using unsupported claims to try and prove God doesnt exist.” This is where I asked, “What unsupported claims has an atheist made?” Let me rephrase, “What unsupported claims has an atheist made to try and prove god doesn’t exist?”
Common sense? Please explain common sense and what makes it so common. Do we all have this common sense? Because I believe thats quite debatable.
I agree that “common sense” is debatable, but I am hoping that we can come to an agreement on its definition. Tell me if you agree. Common sense is perception through the intellect; apprehension; recognition; understanding; discernment; appreciation. From, “perception and reasoning; correct judgment; good mental capacity; understanding; also, that which is sound, true, or reasonable; rational meaning”
Common sense will tell us that “Santa Claus” is a myth, created by man to celebrate Christmas. Common sense will tell us that unicorns are also a myth created by man. Common sense will tell us that I do not have a purple unicorn in my room, because we already know that unicorns are a myth. My point is that you cannot prove that I do not have a purple unicorn even though common sense tells us it is impossible. In other words, man cannot prove the nonexistent is nonexistent.
Please refrain from your pathetic attempts at insulting me. As I mentioned had you bothered to read; The Computer I was using at the moment was not properly showing your complete message.
I was not trying to insult you…I thought you were being sarcastic when you said your computer “was not properly showing your complete message” and you were making fun of some spelling errors or incorrect grammar.
1) No drinking is not a sin. We both agree. Good.
2) So its not christian because he has the word alcoholic in his sig? how is that even wrong. As long as he doesnt kill any one then he doesnt have a problem with being a murderer.
Is killing someone a sin? Is murder an action of a good Christian? I was commenting on the name, “alcoholic MURDERER”. I simply stated that this name isn’t too Christian. I wasn’t refereeing to “alcoholic”, I was refereeing to “Murderer”.