I'm thinking Son is tryin' to get put on by posting some straight nonsense in the forums and hyping his website...It is sad though that most of the cats on this board argee with this junk....I'm sure that ma' man ain't come up with the word stupid or dumb, and since only a few people even know who you are, you could not have popularized the phrase....As far as gaining fame like 50 or Nelly, if you think their music is original you are dead wrong...Nelly's in his 30's talkin' about grills, also all 50 talks about is drugs, sex, and money. So if you think the bay got to be on some "Common" B.S, ain't gone happen....Sorry bruh-bruh but I'm not buying it, considering the other dozen-or-so old heads posting in this forum about how they created the go supid or go dumb movement every other week....