^ Real spill... I'm with you and Mike Manson...
I been to Vietnam and felt more free out there than in the states....
and LOL at the US being a free country...
The US has the highest incarceration rate of any industrialzed country...
Instead of limiting how many kids people have over here, our gov prefers to lock 'em up...
I'm no rocket scientist or anything, but aren't a lot of people that are locked up, ummm, shit...criminals??? Yes, there are people in jail that shouldn't be there. At the same time, there are a lot of motherfuckers roaming the streets that shouldn't be there, and a lot of people in prison that need to stay there. How free do you want this country to be? Everybody has a chance to walk...some do and some don't.
What do you think about the right to bear arms?? Guns are illegal in England. What do you think about child prostitution? It's legal in a lot of Eastern countries. How do you feel about being able to protest against your government when you don't agree with them? That's legal here. A lot of people go to prison and get executed when they speak their minds in other countries. China just so happens to be one of the countries that promotes keeping people QUIET about ANYTHING they don't agree with. I know, it's happened here...but more often than not, we say what the fuck we want when we want, and it's perfectly legal. Come up with an argument for that, and I will show you artists that have done it and will continue to do it...AS A JOB!
Fact of the matter is, communist countries control what people do. Ask the chinese people who came here, or the Cubans. Like I said, I've been to quite a few places...and we have it good.