og714oc said:
Now this is interesting...... And so far, no one has mention not once, that everyone in LA & OC used the term blood to refer to each other.... and that means crips too!! my hood started in in the mid 60's and took on it's current name around 72 water gate crip santa ana, not sure at the moment. about the time crips started wearing blue as the color of choice. everyone wore red, back in the 60 up in till the begining of the 70's. ain't hear no one mention the business men nor the slausan gangster and about 5 other names that go with them around the late 60's. and before that it was just called west side. nor has anyone spelled out how the name crip came about==== chicago sent some people out here to try to start up a crip organization called the california reveoutionary international party c r i p. don't get it twisted! cali was like, we ain't taking orders from no one. period! war broke out and thats when raymond and tookie about a few other folks ya'll forgot to mention went to war...... all was good till the chi-towns came back and lit up the whole west side. and that's when the gangsta started sprouting. late 60's. not sure about that paper mistake stuff, but they took the name crips from them and that was that...and it sure as hell didn't stand for that party shyt from chi-town. no disrepect. all though some of the things mentioned can be validated, but definately not all.
Cuzz, why u blowin smoke up nigga's asses with that bull-shit u spittin? That shit sound like some straight Hollywood, Dramatical bull-shit, straight up! You need 2 keep that shit OC cuz u obviously don't know what u talking about on some L.A. Gang history shit homie, some nigga done pumped u up with a gang of mis-information, Let me break yo shit down point by point
Cuzz, first of all the fact that "everybody" used the term blood bacc in the dayz wasn't based on no Gang shit at all, it was a blacc Cultural thing 2 where it was in style and fashionable at that time for blaccs on both coasts, from all regions to refer to each other as "blood" or "young blood" and it didn't have shit to do with no gang it had more to do with a sense of blacc unity in that we ALL were related in some form or fashion and took upon our self to address each other in a kindred way by saying "blood" or "young blood" 2 a young cat, so this fact is irrelevant to this thread and it's also irrelevant to the History of this C and b shit, period.
Crips NEVER wore red Cuzz!!! that's a flagrant right there homeboy and would get you "100 2 the head" bacc in the dayz 4 mis-representin, There Double OG's right now that would pop your top for even spittin that non-truth right there, nigga, produce a picture, a kite, anything that would substantiate and Co-sign on you making a claim like that... that "Everybody" wore red...And there was a whole bunch of tiny cliccs or gangs in L.A. in the late 50's early 60's, but them niggas wuzn't kiccin up nothin, just a bunch of niggas getting 2gether on a Saturday cuz wuzn't shit else 2 do in L.A. but a whole Gang of niggas tho, it didn't get Crucial until
1969, The year the "C" wuz officially born and by that time all those tiny cliccs and little "Gangs" had done cease and desisted homeboy, and history don't show, verbally or in writing that anything wuz learned or adopted from those groups, so again I feel they ain't relevant to the History...And homie when you said that
Chicago sent some muthaphuCCas out here to start some
Crip shit?!!! YOU LOST ALL CREDIBILITY! dogg, WHO from
Chicago would send someone 2 start an Organization called the
'"California Revolutionary International party"? Repeat that a few times over and over 2 yourself and C how outlandish that shit sound homie, the term
Crip didn't even come about until the early 70's becuzz all up 2 that point
Raymond Washington's clicc wuz called the
East baby Cribs... period, point blank, end of story on that right there, In all reality
bunchie Carter (RIP) is the true author behind the
CCO'S (Consolidated Crip Organization) Crip Constitution becuz it straight bit shit from the 10 points system and other doctrines of
The Blacc Panther Party the L.A. Chapter that he wuz head of before he wuz gunned down/assassinated. All that Chicao shit is non-sense, one of the more famous rumours is that Raymond Washington wuz a blacc Gangsta Disciple from Chicago and he wuzn't, Cuzz wuz straight from the South,
Houston Texas 2 be exact and wuz more than Cool from the shoulders my Uncle told me couldn't nobody whup Raymond Washington on the Chunk'ems!, My 1st, 2nd Cuzzins, uncles, etc is Double OG's from
ECC formerly known as
Crips (THE VERY FIRST "CRIp" SET EVER), Westside and HOOVAS! So I'm coming from a long ass Certified "C" line
Cuzz... On everything, RIP 2 all the homies that done died on the frontline with this shit, from both sides!!