The Official West Coast Gangs History Thread!!!

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Oct 9, 2004
stunt1on1 said:
Come on man! I aint trying to hate but the OC aint like that my nigga stop frontin. I been to them hoods in the Oc where they supposedly be crippin and it aint shit compared to compton ot watts and thats on the real not tryin to diss you but lil niggaz need to stop the nonsense. your hood aint that hard believe me. lil crip niggaz dont eb on the internet atleast not the ones i know the be on the streets all day puttin in work and aint givin a flying fuck about the internet well atleast the ones in LA i dont know about them clowns in the OC tho.
clowns in OC? i hope your not including anaheim, i suggest u check the crime rate homie
Apr 12, 2005
stunt1on1 said:
I aint never said OC was all powderpuff but it def aint no LA and there is alot of clowns runnin around there fake bangin theres real ones too but my post is comparing LA to the OC. Its real out here lil bangin ass niggaz dont be playin around reppin they set on the net havin over 6000 posts. The real lil crip niggaz from my hood (crenshaw and slauson 60s) i see 16 year olds holdin aks and nines not holdin mouses and keyboards.
there is alot of validity to what you sayin but if Im a keep it real then here's this

L.A. aint what it used to be O.C. aint what it used to be ( refering to when I grew up in the 70s as a youth and 80s in high school) the areas I remember hittin up such as the neighborhoods around your swapmeet(slauson) was predominatley black now there is a surge of mexican,and other latin races,I wouldnt say taking over but living in the area, just a guess is there the next wave of poor working class, not saying that things have gotten better for everyone else, but through education , hard work and hustle blacks(not all) have migrated to other parts of southern cali, such as o.c.,rialto, riverside etc to provide a better life for there family.
If you was to tell someone back east Im from compton besides askin are you a blood or crip they gonna paint a scene in there head like menace to society or boyz in tha hood, it would really shock them that there vision and perception is wrong and that some areas once heavily populated with crips and bloods are areas of higher population of hispanics, wich I aint saying in a negative way, and maybe my perception is wrong. all I can say its just what my eyes see.
I got to give it up to the brothers in O.C cause they are outnumberd by a great amount by hispanic gangs, and the racism they face with that and the bangin they doing against other sets its a tough battle wich I know it aint isolated its happening all over southern cali.
Oct 9, 2004
50cal said:
there is alot of validity to what you sayin but if Im a keep it real then here's this

L.A. aint what it used to be O.C. aint what it used to be ( refering to when I grew up in the 70s as a youth and 80s in high school) the areas I remember hittin up such as the neighborhoods around your swapmeet(slauson) was predominatley black now there is a surge of mexican,and other latin races,I wouldnt say taking over but living in the area, just a guess is there the next wave of poor working class, not saying that things have gotten better for everyone else, but through education , hard work and hustle blacks(not all) have migrated to other parts of southern cali, such as o.c.,rialto, riverside etc to provide a better life for there family.
If you was to tell someone back east Im from compton besides askin are you a blood or crip they gonna paint a scene in there head like menace to society or boyz in tha hood, it would really shock them that there vision and perception is wrong and that some areas once heavily populated with crips and bloods are areas of higher population of hispanics, wich I aint saying in a negative way, and maybe my perception is wrong. all I can say its just what my eyes see.
I got to give it up to the brothers in O.C cause they are outnumberd by a great amount by hispanic gangs, and the racism they face with that and the bangin they doing against other sets its a tough battle wich I know it aint isolated its happening all over southern cali.

yea thats tru, i duno bout all of OC, all i can speak on is anaheim cuz i lived here all my life, its about 4% black and 60% mexican, i havnt seen a black person down here in 2 weeks, im not racist or anything, whenever i bring my black homie down here there always tryin to start shit with him and askin me questions. but he coo if hes with me. i cant speak on the rest of OC, im sure most if its weak, but theres alot of weak citys in each county that dont hold it down, then there are ones that do.
Apr 12, 2005
naw I wouldnt say o.c. is week at all there is santa ana, fullerton, Lahabra,buena park, garden grove, Its like it is everywhere some places is cool and some aint,when I think of o.c. ( im from Lahabra) I think of cholos and shit, but Ive seen a big difference over the years take lahabra they used to driveby and shoot this one house at the end of the block every few weeks, now many years later the cost of houses has driven the poor out and brought in a middle class ( ones who can afford the steep prices) so the neighborhoods( not all) have cleaned up ( there is still a few hoods but its been centralized) the city has built new shopping centers and put all them nice houses on the hill off Imperial and beach, what does that mean I feal it forces the poor man to live in areas of poverty where the city dont care and aint no proper funding for projects to build that part of the city ( bringing jobs etc) and an area with crime it rises due to overcrowding etc we need to take a lesson from new york they took these areas in the bronx and harlem and built affordable housing it helped clean up the city and brought more self pride, I seen them doing that in long beach I think off atlantic heading towards signal hill
Jul 27, 2004
Now this is interesting...... And so far, no one has mention not once, that everyone in LA & OC used the term blood to refer to each other.... and that means crips too!! my hood started in in the mid 60's and took on it's current name around 72 water gate crip santa ana, not sure at the moment. about the time crips started wearing blue as the color of choice. everyone wore red, back in the 60 up in till the begining of the 70's. ain't hear no one mention the business men nor the slausan gangster and about 5 other names that go with them around the late 60's. and before that it was just called west side. nor has anyone spelled out how the name crip came about==== chicago sent some people out here to try to start up a crip organization called the california reveoutionary international party c r i p. don't get it twisted! cali was like, we ain't taking orders from no one. period! war broke out and thats when raymond and tookie about a few other folks ya'll forgot to mention went to war...... all was good till the chi-towns came back and lit up the whole west side. and that's when the gangsta started sprouting. late 60's. not sure about that paper mistake stuff, but they took the name crips from them and that was that...and it sure as hell didn't stand for that party shyt from chi-town. no disrepect. all though some of the things mentioned can be validated, but definately not all. most can't even tell you why their hoods are fighting to this day, cept to say...they killed my homie! wow, true gang history..not! people don't even know why the north and south are fighting (ese's) over a state pair of shoes that one side took from the other side and wore on the yard. major disrespect! not going to say which side, but i do know for the record. and sorry, nut hood crip didn't form till the early 90's and not a year earlier. and the dues treys which came from 20's and 30's from los angeles. i think like 1 or two dudes came out here and started that in the mid 90's. i could be wrong, but not by much. no disrespect. gage st crips been around for quite some time, stationed in fullerton originally.mid 90's. same with baker st boys, fullerton. shelly st piru, santa ana, has been around since the late 60's and blood-l's broke off from them in the early 80's. biuggest street gan in oc... ftroop. no longer the biggest gang in santa ana. they broke up into like 30 smaller sets. delhi, santa nita, united browns now west side santa ana, central & west myrtle st, brook st, walnut st,da boys, east side, south side, middle side, silver acers, 2nd through 17th st, mini st, logan st, lil hood, da comps and all the others in between. and those would be the ese gangs in santa ana..... just a lil history from my side of the tracks. matter of fact, quite a few of oc's gangs we're inspired by that movie colors (1988) next day, all out the blue, everybody is a hi-tech gang member.. that shyt was hella damn hillarious!! not gonna mention which other sets that followed this line, but they know who they are. and back then, ese's claimed crip and blood and we we're all cool....till the pens spilled onto the streets which brings us to present day.....
Jul 27, 2004




Damn, you even funnier than i thought!!...hahahahah... but lets get down to basics about your hood and who started it, because it wasn't you or your big homie that your thinking about ( big mike-black) ....unless your talking about gandi, big ese mike sansen (not sure about the spelling), the bradfords and about evil ill, c-dog, chucky, blue, jamal, tark, roy, ain't knowing the spelling on some of these. and when terry died (RIP) you didn't do shyt, so save it. you would have been way to young to participate. if so, i would have known! but don't take it all wrong. do your thang, but this is a history on gangs not a play by play on what you AIN'T did! and besides all that, didn't ya'll use to be a party crew?? around 88-89?? and for the record, me and your brother is str8 Green Eyes or aka Roy. matter of fact, quite a few of oc's gangs we're inspired by that movie colors (1988) next day, all out the blue, everybody is a hi-tech gang member.. that shyt was hella damn hillarious!! not gonna mention which other sets that followed this line, but they know who they are.
May 2, 2005
og714oc said:
Now this is interesting...... And so far, no one has mention not once, that everyone in LA & OC used the term blood to refer to each other.... and that means crips too!! my hood started in in the mid 60's and took on it's current name around 72 water gate crip santa ana, not sure at the moment. about the time crips started wearing blue as the color of choice. everyone wore red, back in the 60 up in till the begining of the 70's. ain't hear no one mention the business men nor the slausan gangster and about 5 other names that go with them around the late 60's. and before that it was just called west side. nor has anyone spelled out how the name crip came about==== chicago sent some people out here to try to start up a crip organization called the california reveoutionary international party c r i p. don't get it twisted! cali was like, we ain't taking orders from no one. period! war broke out and thats when raymond and tookie about a few other folks ya'll forgot to mention went to war...... all was good till the chi-towns came back and lit up the whole west side. and that's when the gangsta started sprouting. late 60's. not sure about that paper mistake stuff, but they took the name crips from them and that was that...and it sure as hell didn't stand for that party shyt from chi-town. no disrepect. all though some of the things mentioned can be validated, but definately not all.

Cuzz, why u blowin smoke up nigga's asses with that bull-shit u spittin? That shit sound like some straight Hollywood, Dramatical bull-shit, straight up! You need 2 keep that shit OC cuz u obviously don't know what u talking about on some L.A. Gang history shit homie, some nigga done pumped u up with a gang of mis-information, Let me break yo shit down point by point Cuzz, first of all the fact that "everybody" used the term blood bacc in the dayz wasn't based on no Gang shit at all, it was a blacc Cultural thing 2 where it was in style and fashionable at that time for blaccs on both coasts, from all regions to refer to each other as "blood" or "young blood" and it didn't have shit to do with no gang it had more to do with a sense of blacc unity in that we ALL were related in some form or fashion and took upon our self to address each other in a kindred way by saying "blood" or "young blood" 2 a young cat, so this fact is irrelevant to this thread and it's also irrelevant to the History of this C and b shit, period. Crips NEVER wore red Cuzz!!! that's a flagrant right there homeboy and would get you "100 2 the head" bacc in the dayz 4 mis-representin, There Double OG's right now that would pop your top for even spittin that non-truth right there, nigga, produce a picture, a kite, anything that would substantiate and Co-sign on you making a claim like that... that "Everybody" wore red...And there was a whole bunch of tiny cliccs or gangs in L.A. in the late 50's early 60's, but them niggas wuzn't kiccin up nothin, just a bunch of niggas getting 2gether on a Saturday cuz wuzn't shit else 2 do in L.A. but a whole Gang of niggas tho, it didn't get Crucial until 1969, The year the "C" wuz officially born and by that time all those tiny cliccs and little "Gangs" had done cease and desisted homeboy, and history don't show, verbally or in writing that anything wuz learned or adopted from those groups, so again I feel they ain't relevant to the History...And homie when you said that Chicago sent some muthaphuCCas out here to start some Crip shit?!!! YOU LOST ALL CREDIBILITY! dogg, WHO from Chicago would send someone 2 start an Organization called the '"California Revolutionary International party"? Repeat that a few times over and over 2 yourself and C how outlandish that shit sound homie, the term Crip didn't even come about until the early 70's becuzz all up 2 that point Raymond Washington's clicc wuz called the East baby Cribs... period, point blank, end of story on that right there, In all reality bunchie Carter (RIP) is the true author behind the CCO'S (Consolidated Crip Organization) Crip Constitution becuz it straight bit shit from the 10 points system and other doctrines of The Blacc Panther Party the L.A. Chapter that he wuz head of before he wuz gunned down/assassinated. All that Chicao shit is non-sense, one of the more famous rumours is that Raymond Washington wuz a blacc Gangsta Disciple from Chicago and he wuzn't, Cuzz wuz straight from the South, Houston Texas 2 be exact and wuz more than Cool from the shoulders my Uncle told me couldn't nobody whup Raymond Washington on the Chunk'ems!, My 1st, 2nd Cuzzins, uncles, etc is Double OG's from ECC formerly known as EaSide Crips (THE VERY FIRST "CRIp" SET EVER), Westside and HOOVAS! So I'm coming from a long ass Certified "C" line Cuzz... On everything, RIP 2 all the homies that done died on the frontline with this shit, from both sides!!
Apr 12, 2005
on everything he aint a netbanger Im 34 he is older then me, im guessing by at least 5 yrs I cant say his info is correct and I wont give details but he is a gee, I can say his name carries weight, more then I could lift,and as a person hes real cool, he aint on here puffin his chest out so with that for all that matters lets just not get a head of ourselves
May 2, 2005
50cal said:
on everything he aint a netbanger Im 34 he is older then me, im guessing by at least 5 yrs I cant say his info is correct and I wont give details but he is a gee, I can say his name carries weight, more then I could lift,and as a person hes real cool, he aint on here puffin his chest out so with that for all that matters lets just not get a head of ourselves

I respect that fact that u speakin 4 your dude homie, But Cuzz ain't no "G" spittin blatant, fraudulent ass shit out his mouth on that "C" homie, Chicago muthaphuCCas startin the Crips is the funiest shit I ever heard in my Life! One thing is 4 damn sure, He ain't no "OG" Crip nigga!
Apr 12, 2005
Ill let him speak for himself I aint even from his set shit I aint even from his city
The shit I heard hes done ( he aint never bring gangsta shit up with me) its others who Ive heard speak on his past, if it was true he really repped crip proudly,and some loced out shit
Apr 12, 2005
Ill let him speak for himself I aint even from his set shit I aint even from his city
The shit I heard hes done ( he aint never bring gangsta shit up with me) its others who Ive heard speak on his past, if it was true he really repped crip proudly,and some locced out shit
May 2, 2005
50cal said:
Ill let him speak for himself I aint even from his set shit I aint even from his city
The shit I heard hes done ( he aint never bring gangsta shit up with me) its others who Ive heard speak on his past, if it was true he really repped crip proudly,and some locced out shit

Homie this thread ain't about no nigga proving how OG he is or if he really got stripes from his Hood, I personally don't care cause it ain't about that... I find it hard 2 believe that homie's a RIP... spittin what he did up top, 4 real tho! And a lot of niggas banged the "C" Insane in the brain and all that but still don't know shit from shineola!
May 2, 2005
50cal said:
I wasnt clownin its just me and you are older then most so when I heard you say shit from shinoela it makes me laugh cause I aint heard tha term in a while

Oh, true, I know a nigga be showin his age with some shit, but fucc it, at the same time I know I be saying some cool shit tho! I peep how niggas done picced up on some of my verbal and shit, I ain't mad tho, "each one teach one" homes...
Jul 27, 2004
Guess you ain't learned to read yet...
never said they came and start anything, idiot! said they tried to start stomething and california said they wern't going for it bullshyt. but then the under 30's croud wouldn't know this. and i never said they wern't the cribs! read first idiot, before running your mouth.!

stunt1on1 said:
You are a fucking clown homie forreal!! Chicago niggaz came up with crip???????????? Are u fucking serious?? LOL Some niggaz would kill ya for that shit , but im just gone leave this thread laughin at your attempt to come in and save the thread that chicago thing is fucking fabricated bullshit and you coming in here saying that makes you look like a moron. Crips use to be the cribs it all started in LA chi-town didnt have shit to do with it!
Jul 27, 2004
let me clarify something..... you jumping on the example and not the reality.
never said they came out here to start what we stand for... i said what they wanted us to represent and stand for. Cali-blacks we're like fuck that, we ain't listeninng to no damn chi-town and that was pretty much that.

glad you understood what i meant by using the term blood, because that what i was talking about...having to do with no gang banging just all blacks said young blood or what up blood... ask your gee's!

sorry, but back in the 60, colors didn't have a signifigance yet so you wore what ya momma bought you and if it was red, you wore. point blank!
and lets be real about the whole thing....shyt didn't turn in to real black gang activity until after the watts riot in 65 and that's when niggas said fuck it.

i'll give you parts on the BPP and that's why i shot you the info on the party shit from out there to here....but your getting all fired up and ain't quite understanding....i said TRIED not did. and that party shyt was based under the same principles as the black panthers. but like i said...cali niggas wasn't having it!!

the word crip came in late 72 to be exact and the color blue in 73 was the flag.

raymond was never a bgd, never heard that one.

not knocking what cha know, but it's just not all the whole story
i'm damn near forty with 10 years in the system with these same niggas.. including your big homies hoova hog 107 and hoova lurch 52 and a few others who talked about all this.

these are just parts of the history is all.... now don't go getting like the white man and take your parts of the truth as the only truths out... that's why our black history is messed up now.

know all about the cco's they slid paper under the door and i slid it back.

i was a gang member reppin my set, not no pen gang.
they respected that and that was that.

but your right about the was the first

Big C-Style said:
Cuzz, why u blowin smoke up nigga's asses with that bull-shit u spittin? That shit sound like some straight Hollywood, Dramatical bull-shit, straight up! You need 2 keep that shit OC cuz u obviously don't know what u talking about on some L.A. Gang history shit homie, some nigga done pumped u up with a gang of mis-information, Let me break yo shit down point by point Cuzz, first of all the fact that "everybody" used the term blood bacc in the dayz wasn't based on no Gang shit at all, it was a blacc Cultural thing 2 where it was in style and fashionable at that time for blaccs on both coasts, from all regions to refer to each other as "blood" or "young blood" and it didn't have shit to do with no gang it had more to do with a sense of blacc unity in that we ALL were related in some form or fashion and took upon our self to address each other in a kindred way by saying "blood" or "young blood" 2 a young cat, so this fact is irrelevant to this thread and it's also irrelevant to the History of this C and b shit, period. Crips NEVER wore red Cuzz!!! that's a flagrant right there homeboy and would get you "100 2 the head" bacc in the dayz 4 mis-representin, There Double OG's right now that would pop your top for even spittin that non-truth right there, nigga, produce a picture, a kite, anything that would substantiate and Co-sign on you making a claim like that... that "Everybody" wore red...And there was a whole bunch of tiny cliccs or gangs in L.A. in the late 50's early 60's, but them niggas wuzn't kiccin up nothin, just a bunch of niggas getting 2gether on a Saturday cuz wuzn't shit else 2 do in L.A. but a whole Gang of niggas tho, it didn't get Crucial until 1969, The year the "C" wuz officially born and by that time all those tiny cliccs and little "Gangs" had done cease and desisted homeboy, and history don't show, verbally or in writing that anything wuz learned or adopted from those groups, so again I feel they ain't relevant to the History...And homie when you said that Chicago sent some muthaphuCCas out here to start some Crip shit?!!! YOU LOST ALL CREDIBILITY! dogg, WHO from Chicago would send someone 2 start an Organization called the '"California Revolutionary International party"? Repeat that a few times over and over 2 yourself and C how outlandish that shit sound homie, the term Crip didn't even come about until the early 70's becuzz all up 2 that point Raymond Washington's clicc wuz called the East baby Cribs... period, point blank, end of story on that right there, In all reality bunchie Carter (RIP) is the true author behind the CCO'S (Consolidated Crip Organization) Crip Constitution becuz it straight bit shit from the 10 points system and other doctrines of The Blacc Panther Party the L.A. Chapter that he wuz head of before he wuz gunned down/assassinated. All that Chicao shit is non-sense, one of the more famous rumours is that Raymond Washington wuz a blacc Gangsta Disciple from Chicago and he wuzn't, Cuzz wuz straight from the South, Houston Texas 2 be exact and wuz more than Cool from the shoulders my Uncle told me couldn't nobody whup Raymond Washington on the Chunk'ems!, My 1st, 2nd Cuzzins, uncles, etc is Double OG's from ECC formerly known as EaSide Crips (THE VERY FIRST "CRIp" SET EVER), Westside and HOOVAS! So I'm coming from a long ass Certified "C" line Cuzz... On everything, RIP 2 all the homies that done died on the frontline with this shit, from both sides!!
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