man first off, CRIPS stands for Community Resources Inner Party Services. Not Community Revolution In Progress, not California Revolution In Progress, none of that shit. Raymond Washington created the first Crips just with a few homeboys, then in grew to Tookie, and on and on. There were the Original Gangster Crips, which is were "O.G." came from, then Westside Crips, etc. The Piru Street Crips were then created but they were the first set to start "Crip-on-Crip" problems, so they broke off, forming the Piru Bloods. Get some knowledge before you start spittin shit on here, read some books man-Monster, Inside the Crips, Do or Die, Home of the Body Bag. Don't just start spittin wacc ass shit up on this becausae you think you know somethin, and FUCC that net bangin' shit. Locs is droppin on the streets from lead, and mothafuccas are talkin about bangin on the net? How the fucc is THAT bangin!?
-South Side- -NCG- -bK- -pK-
Love for the CRIP niggas, slugs for the bitch niggas.
-South Side- -NCG- -bK- -pK-
Love for the CRIP niggas, slugs for the bitch niggas.