Sup everyone. Made a quick stop, working on a group project and got tired of looking up the stupid fucking topic of my"carbon foot print" that some hippy talked my group into picking. I took up 18 credit hours this semester, and had a slightly rocky holiday. (My grandma went from being REAL sick to an old folks home, better that way honestly) I still do quick check ups here n there, and have noticed that we got the forum staple back... Was wondering if you bagged it altogether for a bit there zer0. (Lets not joke ourselves, you knew you had withdrawals

) I miss yall, more than I miss my keeping up with strange. I finally got to do the whole "meet tech on a personal level" thing (albeit fairly quickly) and sort of felt like all the work I put into Strange over the years had been semi... completed. That doesnt change my love for here though! I'm here if ya need me. P.S. Zer0, pm me with your f.b. if you do the whole online add thing. Same with a few of the rest of you that I know. (If you have to ask yourself/convince yourself that I would even remember you, dont bother sending your info.)
Well my bottle of wine is disappearing without me, hope everyones holidays were merry and i'll be here doing what I do best and ghosting!