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Jan 29, 2006
I just got back from Gigantour in NYC. Lacuna Coil sounded exactly like their cd, which was refreshing..... And VOLBEAT is one of the best rock bands out right now. If you could mix Dookie/Imsomniac Green Day with Black Album Metallica... Volbeat is pretty much what you'd get. Their music is a fucking blast.

Megadeth closed, so I didn't see them... Because before them was Motorhead... And motorhead sounded exactly how you'd expect Motorhead to sound... So I left after three songs of theirs.
Volbeat is amazing


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
You're nuts, Nathan. The narrative they've got going throughout all the games is insane. Plus, the game's already taking place in America, it's just that you don't control Desmond outright. Then again, I'm a huge fan and my judgment may be clouded.

I just started ACII essentially, casper. Just acquired the mansion and had my second assassination.

Hearing it's going to be in America next makes me wonder if there will be story parallel's between it and the MGS series. The whole "the political world is being ran by forces unseen" lends itself to Kojima's storytelling.
May 7, 2008
I hope they continue with the series because to me it seems to get better as it goes along. They did just recently kill off one of my favourite characters in the series though so my only concern would be " Who is next ? ".


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Gimme a spoiler warning if you go into detail about the story. So far, I've patiently not looked at my Revelations strategy guide because I haven't been through II or Brotherhood yet.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
And if I understand correctly, III will tie in the events that happen at the end of II with Brotherhood and Revelations adding to the overall narrative of the numbered series of games. If I'm way off base that's because I know nothing other than what I'm getting from my actual play through.
May 7, 2008
^ Even though i have played each game to the end im still very confused as to where the story will go in future chapters.

I think your guess is just as good as anything I can come up with at this time. But I did believe at one point the next character would be the asian apprentice from the short movie that released after revelations and hoped due to that character sprouting from a new scene there would be an entire new spin on the world with alot of new foreign gear. But after seeing the "The Next Game Will Be Based In America" I dont believe I am anywhere near correct.
Nov 14, 2003
Anyone watch the Rumble last night? I thought all in all it was good, but nothing progressed at all. The actual Rumble match was the shit though.
It was good, but I agree, they didn't progress anything. Didn't move much closer to Cena's heel turn, nothing big involving Jericho, still don't know who "She" is... how was Sunday the "End of the world as you know it" as Jericho said on Monday... I have a feeling the Daniel Bryan match was a botched finish... Maybe thats why the Diva's match or the Brodus Clay match was thrown in, to kill some time. Would have liked to have seen the CM Punk match go the other way, would have setup a better Elimination Chamber story.

The Rumble match was great though. Santino/Mick... and yes, I marked out a little when a certain Diva made her return... can't wait to see something with her, Natalya and Beth... It will breath some life back into the Diva matches, which have been nothing but crap for months.
Jan 6, 2012
The Kane/Cena thing could have been cut from the show completely and it wouldn't have made a difference. Also, if they're teasing a heel turn, why the sappy, ten minute face promo package before the match? Didn't make shit for sense.

As far as Jericho, I had noticed that every single poll on the interwebs about who would win was at least 90% Jericho. Everyone and their mothers predicted Jericho's win. So I'm thinking they switched that idea up some time in the middle of the week if they were paying any attention to the internet.

I thought the Bryan match was a little sketchy also... Seemed way too early to end that match. Then IMO, they screwed up by not having Kharma come down during the divas match and lay out all 8 broads. It was a waste to have her in the rumble just to get tossed out three minutes later.

And Khali is back.... Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.