-*=The Educated Homeboy=*-

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Apr 27, 2004
TROLL said:
well thats pretty easy to do.. first, video editing is nothing new.. and there were some who even said that wasnt him.. but regardless.. they get one video, and make serveral thousand diffrent reports about it with diffrent news outlets.. and that one video will get more exposure

a lil research goes a long way.. when you have facts presented, you look at it in context to everything thats going on, and see which makes sense the most to you.. see me, i now know why we went to iraq, before all this i was scratching my head cuz even i knew THEN that saddam was secular and not an extremist like the boogieman bin laden.. I now know why, more importantly WHO profited and benefitted the most on 9/11.. i dont expect u to believe any of this, because your apathetic about wat our "leaders" are doing to the world our children have to grow up in..
so how have you decided the videos were bunk, yet you've accepted the interview as legitimate?

TROLL said:
See, i knew you were gonna say that, because you werent the first, but i really honestly didnt think it should have been said because thats fuckin obvious.. this is a FORM of education.. not literally the general basic's of wahts gonna help you in your day to day.. this is here to help folx understand some of the shit thats going on because i was once in their shoes, wondering why the fuck our country is headed in this direction.. i dont expect anybody to get a job off of this shit, and if anybody seriously thinking they would come to the siccness to learn a career needs a fuckin life off the net anyway..
haha. no doubt.

i guess it's the matter you're presenting these topics that gets me, and the response of people to them. the fact that every topic i read was a conspiracy related topic made me say you were paranoid. that's cool that you take interest in all of this, but the more you dig, the more you find. and at the end of the day you truly don't know what's fact and fiction on many of these subjects.

like i said, if anyone is truly interested in some of these topics (and you should be interested in some), don't read this forum and close the book on it.
Mar 12, 2005
TROLL, don't even waste your time with this STRAWMAN. Just keep doing what you do, because he's just debating for the sake of debating, I guess for personal reasons or pleasure? Why would you need to initiate a debate with, Call him the Paranoid Homeboy, and continue on. Troll, this foos a waste of your tiempo. More Info Por Favor.
Mar 12, 2005
This thread isn't made for debates, if you want bring that to the Gathering of the Minds. ON here, foos would just say, fuck you Leva or, Get the fuck outta here you tramp.
Nov 20, 2005
The Red Sin said:
This thread isn't made for debates, if you want bring that to the Gathering of the Minds. ON here, foos would just say, fuck you Leva or, Get the fuck outta here you tramp.
TROLL said:
and who'd be paranoid? care to enlight us?

im not bein sarcastic either, i want to hear a debate,
Aug 8, 2003
thumper said:
so now we're debating why we should or shouldn't debate this. exactly what prevents me from getting too detailed into the issues that i do know about. what i'm getting at is that you believe the side of conflicting conspiracy as opposed to an official stance. i'm not saying the official stance on something is always right, and i'm not saying conspiracy theorists are always wrong. but the fact that you have soooo many issues where you think there is a big conspiracy leads me to believe that you are paranoid.
I bring diffrent issues because, for the most part, it has to do with a single agenda.. i dont go around believing the first thing i read... i listen to the evidence thats presented then i go and do my research.. thats why i havent posted up anything about, UFO'z, or reptillians (as per david icke).. im only posting things that have to do with things being admitted (MKultra, NWO) or have at least an expert opinion.. things that somebody can do their own research on and see that im not being delusional or paranoid.. some of these are taken right out of news headlines..

thumper said:
the illusion of evidence can be contrived by anyone who wants their belief to be considered the common end.
yes, but evidence isnt just manifested out of the air, especially when these things can be researched upon.. because it will fade off if it didnt have at least a sliver of truth in it..

thumper said:
the idea of the "elite" is part of the conspiracy theory. if i could prove to you there is no elite power working together for a common goal, this would negate 75% of your content here. let me point out that the american elite you refer to is compromised mainly of rich white people. and let me point out that if you truly believe a bunch of rich white people can work towards a common goal successfuly on that level, you must be smoking something.
so.... your saying because their white, they cant work together?? thats krazy because last i remembered it was many white's who were able to suppress and segregate a whole entire race simply BY being banded together.. but thats a strawman arguement, because skin color doesnt dictate a groups unity..
thumper said:
part of most successful rich people is having a cutt-throat approach to things. no doubt if there ever was an attempt at getting an elite power above all, they would eventually cut all of each others throats to get to the top of their own mountain. which is why i believe the idea of an NWO or Illuminati is bunk. they would not work well with each other.
do you not see democrats and republicans smearing each others names while at the same time smiling at the american public?? they both want the same thing..

thumper said:
like i said i'd rather not get into details. but since you believe everything you read about the conflicting view, why do you discredit the original source? are you trying to say misinformation only comes from the so-called elite force?
no, because people get their facts wrong and make mistakes too.. and where have i said i believe everything i read?
thumper said:
i never said that. maybe my writing style isn't black & white enough for you. of course we have a lot of BS from the government. however "the government" is not a single entity. what i keep getting at to you is why do distrust the government, but you do not distrust the ideas of these popular conspiracy theories.
maybe because for the most part, the "wacky tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist" isnt trying to get anything out of me (i.e a vote, military service etc) and his 'theories' make a whole lot more sense then what the 'offical' explanation is.. its scary to thing that just because the government labels it 'offical' it has to be true... and your right.. the government is not a 'single entitiy', but its the criminal elements within it that perpetrate these things.. maybe u should peep the quotes on the 'illuminati' post i made...

John F. Hylan (new york mayor 1918-1925) said:
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the rockefeller standard oil intrests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the U.S. government for their own selfish purposes, they practically control both political parties"-1922
thumper said:
my point is that conspiracy theories are full of misinformation as well.
im sure their are.. and im waiting to find any 'misinfo' in anything ive posted thus far...

thumper said:
I know about the Bush/NWO thing, and I think it was largely taken out of context. The phrase "new world order" can refer to so much more than the conspiracy. The Illuminati as it's refered to in conspiracy theories is bunk. Again, to think that all these powerful people could work together in harmony and secrecy with a common goal is ridiculous.
so, let me ask u this.. if the illuminati is 'bunk' and doesnt exist, that must mean george washington, was a conspiracy theorist! right?!! --->>
"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.[/i] -George Washington

thumper said:
I share your opinion about the war and why it's happening. But some of the stuff here doesn't work for me. People need to make their own decisions on it. Take in all the "facts" and keep an open mind.
of course, thats another one of those "no-brainers"... but instead of asking more questions, you came in here readily with your own opinion already made.. i know its tough, i was once like you, i heard about these things and laughed, like "that fool is fuckin loonie" but now that im older and see exactly what they were reffering too become closer and closer to whats really happening, im beginning to take it more seriously.. and i realized, just because something sounds tooooo far out there to believe, just dont discredit it because your mind wants to think it 'cant happen'..
thumper said:
I think what bothers me most is people are reading this thread as gospel. I think if they truly want to be educated, if they are interested in the topics you're covering, they will look into it more and see both sides and realize there's bullshit on both sides.
ive seen so much bullshit get exposed these last 4 years on that side of the coin, more-so then on this side.. real talk.. you would figure if there wasnt a truth to these 'theories' that there would be people all over with information and facts to completely destroy any of these.. but nope.. you get the people who deny it, without saying exactly wat and why..
thumper said:
Even so, with subjects like the one you're presenting, we will probably NEVER know the truth on some of these matters. So what you have to decide is if any of this is important to you. Most of what I've been reading is not.
we may never know the full extent of everything, i agree.. but i think we are far more closer to the truth then anybody who willingly is apathetic in their approach to the subject.. when someone can come in here and get specific about wats misinformation and not just toss the word around without mentioning just the word itself.. ill take it theres faulty info..
Aug 8, 2003
thumper said:
so how have you decided the videos were bunk, yet you've accepted the interview as legitimate?
well, they had things like, him writing with his wrong hand, looking like the person in the video weighed 50 more pounds, (when bin laden had typhoid), voice overs, theres just a mutlitude of things.. but as i said, mistranslating is pretty easy to do.. but thats not the point anyway, theirs only a few videos the media will circulate..

thumper said:
i guess it's the matter you're presenting these topics that gets me, and the response of people to them. the fact that every topic i read was a conspiracy related topic made me say you were paranoid. that's cool that you take interest in all of this, but the more you dig, the more you find. and at the end of the day you truly don't know what's fact and fiction on many of these subjects.
but i will know... and thats what im here for, to pass it on for others to know.. and draw their own conclusions..
thumper said:
like i said, if anyone is truly interested in some of these topics (and you should be interested in some), don't read this forum and close the book on it.
i think opening books is something we need to do more often... dont get your news from the television.. the united states was ranked something like, #7 in journalistic freedom...
Aug 8, 2003
The Red Sin said:
This thread isn't made for debates, if you want bring that to the Gathering of the Minds. ON here, foos would just say, fuck you Leva or, Get the fuck outta here you tramp.
nah i want to hear a debate, so homies can move away from that single "fuck you" and move to.. "nah i seen the head wound on this thread in the east co co board, it looked like president kennedy was shot from the front, so fuck you" :)
Nov 20, 2005
"he was shot from the front! didnt you see the documentary on the history channel? fuck you history channel doesnt lie." LOL

Mar 12, 2005
TROLL said:
nah i want to hear a debate, so homies can move away from that single "fuck you" and move to.. "nah i seen the head wound on this thread in the east co co board, it looked like president kennedy was shot from the front, so fuck you" :)
I see...Do your thang homeboy
Apr 10, 2006
TROLL said:
yessir, in fact ive driven past their a few times when i worked near san rafael.. i went thru SF a few times and peeped the scenery.. they have it all blocked off the last time i went.. i spotted like 4 black limoz going inside it tho.. great addition to the thread bro.. im gonna make that the next subject to add to this thread..
they got more vids on youtube about it.

i wanna find a downloadable version to make graphics without alex jones talkin.

I wonder how tight security is in the grove during this time.

Wonder how far away this place is from where im at.
Aug 8, 2003
SnoopyBlue said:
Wonder how far away this place is from where im at.

its at..
20601 Bohemian Ave, in Monte Rio, California.

like i said ive only been down that road a few times, it was way out of my way from work but still near the general area.
Oct 30, 2002
you know with all this opression and world domantion talks i wonder why all this is neccesary will anyone be happy if the outcome is what they want? will they be happy??? how is this good for the human race. i want to know their motivation. if u say greed i believe its gotta be more than just that...
Nov 20, 2005
Judge rules California inmate transfers are illegal

Associated Press

SACRAMENTO - A state judge ruled Tuesday that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to transfer inmates out of state to relieve severe prison overcrowding is illegal.

The governor said he would immediately appeal, citing the potential for some convicts to be released early.

"Today's disappointing ruling is a threat to public safety," Schwarzenegger said in a statement. "I will not release dangerous criminals to relieve overcrowding. The transfer of inmates is imperative to relieve the pressure on our overburdened prison system."

Schwarzenegger signed an emergency declaration in October ordering the corrections department to send thousands of inmates to private prisons in other states. Two employee unions, including the one representing guards, filed a lawsuit saying the declaration violated state law.

Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Gail Ohanesian agreed with the unions and invalidated California's contracts with the other states.

"Prison overcrowding in California is a crisis creating conditions of extreme peril," Ohanesian wrote in her five-page order. Nonetheless, "this is not the type of circumstance generally covered by the Emergency Services Act."

The act is intended to let the state step in when local governments are overwhelmed and cannot be used to respond to problems that originated at the state level, the judge said.

"The control of state prisons is exclusively within the purview of state government and not local government," Ohanesian said in her ruling. "The intent of the Emergency Services Act is not to give the governor extraordinary powers to act without legislative approval in matters such as this that are ordinarily and entirely within the control of the state government."

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association and the Service Employees International Union had challenged Schwarzenegger's prisoner transfers for violating the emergency act and a provision in the state Constitution. That provision prohibits using private companies for jobs usually performed by state workers.

The judge agreed with the unions on that point, as well.

Tuesday's ruling was the latest twist in a tangled effort to solve the many problems with California's prison system.

Lawsuits have placed many of its operations under federal oversight, including inmate health care, mental health, officer discipline and juvenile justice.

Overcrowding is among the most pressing issues. The state's 33 prisons were designed for roughly 100,000 inmates but now hold more than 174,000.

Makeshift dormitories have been created in gymnasiums and hallways. Corrections officials say the shoulder-to-shoulder conditions already have led to violence and are creating a tinderbox ripe for a large-scale riot.

A federal judge has ordered California to solve the crowding problem by June or face the possibility that the inmate population will be capped and some prisoners released early.

Schwarzenegger proposed the out-of-state transfers as one part of the solution. He also has asked lawmakers to review California's sentencing laws and consider an $11 billion prison and county jail building program.

Corrections officials had hoped that 2,260 inmates would volunteer during the first round of transfers, but only 460 did.

Earlier this month, Corrections Secretary James Tilton said transfers would be forced. He wanted to move up to 5,000 inmates to private prisons in Arizona, Indiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Tennessee.

The unions sued in October after the state entered its first contracts.

Schwarzenegger had argued that the contracts were so urgently needed that it was enough to violate the state's usual civil service laws. But Ohanesian ruled that the urgency was not created by a lack of prison employees, but rather by a lack of prisons.

"The services which are the subject of the private contracts are available within the civil service," she wrote.

The government's argument that there is a five-year backlog in hiring enough prison guards isn't enough to overturn the prohibition in the state Constitution, she said.

Ohanesian delayed her ruling from taking effect for 10 days to allow time for the governor to appeal.

Schwarzenegger Legal Affairs Secretary Andrea Hoch said the administration will ask the Third District Appellate Court, based in Sacramento, to issue an emergency stay of Ohanesian's order.

"We think our arguments are strong," Hoch told reporters. "This is the type of emergency that is covered under the Emergency Services Act. We will prevail on appeal."

If the appeals court grants an emergency stay, the inmate transfers could continue until the appellate justices rule, said union attorney Gregg Adam. If not, the prison system will have to bring the transferred inmates back to California while it awaits the appellate decision.

This is the first time a judge has overturned a governor's emergency declaration, but Ohanesian had little legal choice, Adam said.

"Putting aside the emotional debate about what to do with inmates, this was absolutely the right decision under the law," Adam said. "I really find it hard to believe the court of appeal would reverse her on this."

Chuck Alexander, vice president of the guards' union, said Ohanesian's ruling should push Schwarzenegger and state lawmakers to come up with long-term solutions. Shipping inmates out of state would buy only a few months' time and do nothing to ease crowding, as more inmates would soon take their place.

"California's prison system needs fundamental reform at every level, from sentencing to parole. Shipping inmates out of state was never going to fix the problem," Alexander said in a statement. "Hopefully the governor will now focus on real solutions. ... He can't dump it on somebody else."

While the legal fight continues, Tilton said his corrections department still plans to transfer between 100 and 200 additional inmates who volunteered to go to other states. The department will then begin transferring inmates against their will, Tilton said, though Alexander warned that could lead to increased prison violence.

Tilton said he was also checking with county sheriffs to see if there was any jail space available to use for state prisoners.

"We will evaluate every available facility," Tilton said.


Associated Press writer Steve Lawrence contributed to this story.