-*=The Educated Homeboy=*-

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Mar 10, 2006
yeah itz time to ztart to fight thiz fuckn demon kalled the government. if we all united toghether and start puttnthiz in the muzik induztry tv everywhere. a new gen of hi hop iz on the rize we gotta fight thiz bullzhit and take a fuckn $tand homie$. like where ne7 iz goin with much prop$ woodie and troll
Aug 19, 2006
krazy said:
Great knowledge and much propz to the homie Troll..... i too have attempted to $pread the word, and am looking for a way that more people with thi$ kind of knowledge can unite and meet az a team to overthrow a government turned ratical...But nice to $ee al$o the knowledge in$piring otherz too $oak up whatz going on... im fre$h out of high $chool and jumped in to college right of way to gain an advantage in taking a $tand...and i have a few more homiez in college el$ewhere that i hope will join with me in $tanding up not ju$t az gang$terz but az revolutionariez of our time... any homeboy intere$ted in thi$ $tand up and join me in thi$ we can communicate and enlighten eachother and al$o debate and find the real truth in whatz going on.. Let me know cuz thi$ i$ real $hit and Woodie i once told that thi$ di$cu$$ion $hit about the government needz to turn back to gang$ter $treet rap homie you were actually 2 $tepz ahead of me keep doing what your doing homie and maybe one day we can all $tand together in our cau$e...

$ir Krazy from the 505
Feb 28, 2006
na homie thatz where you got it twi$ted maybe you thought of my me$$age more of a $uperman thread or $omething but all i really $aid behind all the extra wordz iz that we can all get together az homiez and talk and argue poloticz and find the truth about it all it waznt all tryin to get a war $tarted yet but bringing homiez with knowledge together i feel iz a $tep that $hould be taken toward a movement you cant $tart anything till you actually $ee what your workin with $o i feel you about your not making a per$onal attack on me but you did make a mi$interpretation of my me$$age cuz i waznt $ayin i waz gonna lead u$ to freedom but i do wanna be involved in the gaining of knowledge and making a place out$ide thi$ forum to po$t and di$cu$$ would be a coo thang to have you know.
Aug 8, 2003
thumper said:
i think we should rename this thread: The Paranoid Homeboy
and who'd be paranoid? care to enlight us?

im not bein sarcastic either, i want to hear a debate, if u have anything to dispute in this thread speak it and find any cracks in any of this info.. if i made any errors or its just an opposing view just say it.. off the cuff remarks about what i posted are a waste in this thread homie..
Feb 28, 2006
$hit when real knowledge hitz homie thoze who bru$h it off or laugh about it i feel $orry for cuz when it all comez down they're the mo$t unprepared. and u$ we'll be 2 $tepz ahead
Aug 8, 2003
Operation MK ULTRA (CIA-mind control)

what is MK ultra?
Project MKULTRA (also known as MK-ULTRA) was the code name for a CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s.[1][2] There is much published evidence that the project involved not only the use of drugs to manipulate persons, but also the use of electronic signals to alter brain functioning.[3]

It was first brought to wide public attention by the U.S. Congress (in the form of the Church Committee) and a presidential commission (known as the Rockefeller Commission) (see Revelation below) and also to the U.S. Senate.


So did they get it to work?
One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves a famous model of the late 40's and 50's named Candy Jones. In the book, "The Control of Candy Jones" the author reviewed hours of tapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic program to create and manipulate alter personalities as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue

Were all the people they experimented on willing subjects?
Not all.. there were some who voulenteered but they wanted to test the operation on people who had no idea that they were human guinea pigs..the part of the operation that involved people who had no idea was dubbed "Operation Midnight Climax" and was conducted on prisoners, prostitutes and patrons in "cia run" brothels..

Has anybody died due to these experiments?

One of the experiments probably proved fatal. On November 19, 1953, an Army scientist and germ warfare specialist named Frank Olson, who was working on an MKULTRA project, was slipped a solid dose of LSD in his drink. Then, after spending eight days stumbling about in what many observers described as a paranoid, depressed state, Olson jumped through his hotel window in New York and fell ten stories to his death.

The Agency covered up its role in Olson's demise, and twenty-two years would pass before his family would learn of the events leading up to his death. When the CIA's acid exploits were made public in the mid-1970s, the Agency found itself facing heavy criticism.


Any now famous people been experimented on??
some.. the unabomber was an MK-ultra victim..

Harvard Reveals Ted Kaczynski is an MK-Ultra Mind Control Victim
In June of 2000, Harvard University Invoices also linked Kaczynski to the CIA [LA Times] as a subject in the CIA Mind Control Program MK-Ultra. The brilliant awkward 16 year old Kaczynski met with Henry A Murray (of Mk-Ultra LSD Scandal fame) in 1959 on his third day at Harvard and every week thereafter. [Atlantic Monthly][Net] Interestingly, Ted Kaczynski's Mk-Ultra Codename was "Lawful"...mind control slang for "Eureka here's our guy" ! The public has never heard Ted Kaczynski's voice to date, nor seen him speak. The murder of MK-Ultra scientist Frank Olson was later covered up by Donald Rumsfeld and Cheney


and quite possibly Sirhan sirhan, the robert Kennedy assassin...
MK-Ultra? Former Time correspondent Robert Blair Kaiser, who had worked for Sirhan's defense team as an investigator and knew the case better than anyone else, posed the possibility in his book, RFK Must Die, that Sirhan was "programmed to kill Bob Kennedy and was programmed to forget the fact of his programming."

Dr. Eduard Simpson, who examined Sirhan in prison for twenty weeks in a row, called it the "psychiatric blunder of the century." He believed that even the incriminating notes found in Sirhan's home ("RFK must die!" etc.) were a forgery. Indeed, the handwritings are different.

Former FBI agent-turned-investigative reporter William Turner and his co-auther Jonn Christian believe that Sirhan was a Manchurian Candidate assassin, "the robot of another," firing at Kennedy as a result of a posthypnotic suggestion. Simpson and other doctors who examined Sirhan said that he was easily hypnotizable and unusually susceptible to post-hypnotic suggestion. Sirhan's memory has always been totally blank for a two-plus hour period after 10:00 p.m. that night. He remembers nothing about it and only the evidence presented against him had convinced him of his own guilt.

Sirhan's attorneys did not challenge the prosecution with any of the exonerating evidence presented here but rather agreed with the prosecution of their client's guilt and attempted to show a "diminished mental state" in hopes of avoiding the death penalty. They failed.



::CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA::

::president Clinton admits to mind control experiments::

::Sex, Drugs, and Mind Control: The True Story of MKULTRA::

(History's Mysterys)
::Mind control in America part 1::
::Mind control in America part 2::
::Mind control in America part 3::
::Mind control in America part 4::

((and just for shits and giggles pertaining to this subject, a cricket commits suicide due to a mind controlling parasitic worm))
Aug 8, 2003
SnoopyBlue said:
any of you heard of the bohemian grove? its out in sonoma county. Bet troll has.

heres a link to a movie bought it


well preview

i got the whole movie on my comp with some other conspiracy illuminati movies.
yessir, in fact ive driven past their a few times when i worked near san rafael.. i went thru SF a few times and peeped the scenery.. they have it all blocked off the last time i went.. i spotted like 4 black limoz going inside it tho.. great addition to the thread bro.. im gonna make that the next subject to add to this thread..
Apr 27, 2004
TROLL said:
and who'd be paranoid? care to enlight us?

im not bein sarcastic either, i want to hear a debate, if u have anything to dispute in this thread speak it and find any cracks in any of this info.. if i made any errors or its just an opposing view just say it.. off the cuff remarks about what i posted are a waste in this thread homie..
it would take way too long to go into detail and argue with everything brought up here, and there's no way to debate the issues you're bringing up, so the argument will ever come to an end. i wouldn't even want to argue some of it, and i don't know enough about some of it to even make an argument. it's not worth anyones time.

most of what i was reading here (before i was bored with it) has to do with secret societies and overall conspiracy theories and conflicting views with our government. i hate conspiracy theories. first of all, the content i read does not directly effect any of us, and even if you think it does, if you believe the conspiracies you would know there is NOTHING you or any of us can do to change the way things are done at the top level of society. there's always a lot of misinformation and opinions rather than fact in conspiracy theories, that's how these wackos get you to believe their ideas.

if you want to believe any conspiracies, that's your choice. but to discount what is given to us as "the truth" by our government, and to accept an alternative truth given to you by other people is ironic. why not discredit the alternative theory?

remember, there are some people in this world who believe that the highest powers on this earth are a race of reptillian shapeshifters from another planet (or from the bottom of the ocean, depending on which story you read). they have all this proof pointing to this conspiracy. but you're not going to post that one, are you? and why not, because you think it's ridiculous...

if you want to take a few conspiracies that you personally believe in and spread it to a certain group of people as truth, it could go down in history as you being a cult leader and your believers being your members. look, i've already got a few of your followers making personal attacks on me here because i'm going against the grain.

my advice, take everything with a grain of salt, and just live life.

(edited for spelling/grammar)
Apr 27, 2004
a good example of what i'm saying. looking back a page or two there's an interview with bin laden, where he apprently says he had nothing to do with 9/11 and has nothing against the american people.

well, on the other side of the coin i've seen and read a lot more interviews where he apprently admitted being the mastermind behind it and thanked allah for letting the planes hit the buildings. after 9/11 he released these videos to the public.

now i don't speak or read whatever he's speaking, so i don't know what he's saying verbatum... for all i know he could have been giving movie reviews. on the other hand, how do i know the interview you posted is legit? where's the source and how do i know the translation is legit? how do i know bin laden isn't a total nutjob and he is both admitting and denying his part in it in separate interviews? how am i supposed to know what his REAL stance on the situation is? unless i'm ever touring the caves in afghanistan and happen to run into the guy, it doesn't matter because there's nothing i can do about it anyway.

misinformation and other bullshit comes from both sides of the coin.

posting shit like this is not the best way to educate people. if you want to educate homeboys, tell them to stay in school. learn math, learn how to spell, learn a trade. help them get jobs and support their families. compared to that, all of this stuff here is unnecessary bullshit and we're no better off for knowing about any of this.
Aug 8, 2003
thumper said:
it would take way too long to go into detail and argue with everything brought up here, and there's no way a debate of the issues you're bringing up will ever come to an end. i wouldn't even want to argue some of it, and i don't know enough about some of it to even make an argument. it's not worth anyones time.
ok, but u took time to write this.. and claim we were paranoid, when u say yourself u don't know enough about some of it? i dont understand why someone would deny a claim, without having any reason too..
thumper said:
most of what i was reading here (before i was bored with it) has to do with secret societies and overall conspiracy theories. i hate conspiracy theories.
do u kno, when theres evidence to back up a claim, it is no longer considered a theory??
thumper said:
first of all, the content does not directly effect any of us, and even if you think it does, if you believe the conspiracies you would know there is NOTHING you or any of us can do to change the way things are done at the top level of society.
see, thats where your wrong.. KNOWING the plan that the elite have for us is half the battle, you cant fight an enemy that you do not know.. how are you going to say this wont effect us when your rights are gettin takin from u right before your eyes? our phones are tapped, we dont have habeas corpus, u have concentration camps being built and our country has turned neo-nazi.. (world conquest)........... and this shit doesnt effect us?.. maybe not the person who's going to be willingly ignorant... ignorance truely is bliss..
thumper said:
there's always a lot of misinformation and opinions rather than fact in conspiracy theories, that's how these wackos get you to believe their ideas.
if these so much misinformation will YOU JUST BRING IT UP..plz.. :rolleyes:
thumper said:
if you want to believe any conspiracies, that's your choice. but to discount what is given to us as "the truth" by our government, and to accept an alternative truth given to you by other people is ironic.
holy shit... i just cant believe you just said that.. do u really believe that our government WOULDNT LIE TO US??? homie seriously, id belive those 'other people' who can give us facts.. the government is NOT to be trusted.. and i beg you to dare me to prove it..

thumper said:
remember, there are some people in this world who believe that the highest powers on this earth are a race of reptillian shapeshifters from another planet (or from the bottom of the ocean, depending on which story you read). they have all this proof pointing to this conspiracy.
yes that is david ICKe.. do u know he also said... (specific attention to the year he said it)

"In 1990, we can expect the power and frequency of hurricanes to increase after the millenium, a psychic message said there would be a strong hurricane around the gulf of mexico and new orleans."- 1990
The plan is to engineer events real and staged that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012, this includes a plan to start a third world war, either by stimulating the muslim world into a holy war against the west, or by using china to cause global conflict-maybe both-1998
Dont be surprised if the U.S. finds iteslf in another manipulated war during this administration. You will see monsters being created in the public mind to justify such action.-2001
between 2000 and 2002, the united states will suffer a major attack on a large city.-1999
thumper said:
if you want to take a few conspiracies that you personally believe in and spread it to a certain group of people as truth, it could go down in history as you being a cult leader and your believers being your members.
id love to present all this info to a court room, specially if their were media coverage... are they gonna say that MKultra didnt exist?(when they admitted it?) or how bout that NWO thing? (when G.bush senior said it before congress) or how about that whole ILLUMINATI thing? (all names acurate and up to date)
thumper said:
my advice, take everything with a grain of salt.
coming from somebody who's telling me to listen to what the government tells me is going on... i think u need to take that same advice..

seriously homie, i know your in that lil comfort zone of fog that makes you go on thinking there could be no such thing as a country sneakily being imperialistic.. its so much easier NOT to do the research.... Nero did it, (burned rome/blamed christians), hitler did it.. (u do know the germans had no idea of what was going on about the "death camps", right?) how does a government run when the people running it make their money off of the weapons it makes? war.. war makes money.. and when u have such a small kabal who control it,and the people dont see how this shit affects them, dont u think it makes it easier to do?
Aug 8, 2003
thumper said:
a good example of what i'm saying. looking back a page or two there's an interview with bin laden, where he apprently says he had nothing to do with 9/11 and has nothing against the american people.

well, on the other side of the coin i've seen and read a lot more interviews where he apprently admitted being the mastermind behind it and thanked allah for letting the planes hit the buildings. after 9/11 he released these videos to the public.
well thats pretty easy to do.. first, video editing is nothing new.. and there were some who even said that wasnt him.. but regardless.. they get one video, and make serveral thousand diffrent reports about it with diffrent news outlets.. and that one video will get more exposure
thumper said:
now i don't speak or read whatever he's speaking, so i don't know what he's saying verbatum... for all i know he could have been giving movie reviews. on the other hand, how do i know the interview you posted is legit? where's the source and how do i know the translation is legit? how do i know bin laden isn't a total nutjob and he is both admitting and denying his part in it in separate interviews? how am i supposed to know what his REAL stance on the situation is? unless i'm ever touring the caves in afghanistan and happen to run into the guy, it doesn't matter because there's nothing i can do about it anyway.
a lil research goes a long way.. when you have facts presented, you look at it in context to everything thats going on, and see which makes sense the most to you.. see me, i now know why we went to iraq, before all this i was scratching my head cuz even i knew THEN that saddam was secular and not an extremist like the boogieman bin laden.. I now know why, more importantly WHO profited and benefitted the most on 9/11.. i dont expect u to believe any of this, because your apathetic about wat our "leaders" are doing to the world our children have to grow up in..

thumper said:
posting shit like this is not the best way to educate people. if you want to educate homeboys, tell them to stay in school. learn math, learn how to spell, learn a trade. help them get jobs and support their families. compared to that, all of this stuff here is unnecessary bullshit and we're no better off for knowing about any of this.
See, i knew you were gonna say that, because you werent the first, but i really honestly didnt think it should have been said because thats fuckin obvious.. this is a FORM of education.. not literally the general basic's of wahts gonna help you in your day to day.. this is here to help folx understand some of the shit thats going on because i was once in their shoes, wondering why the fuck our country is headed in this direction.. i dont expect anybody to get a job off of this shit, and if anybody seriously thinking they would come to the siccness to learn a career needs a fuckin life off the net anyway..
Apr 27, 2004
TROLL said:
ok, but u took time to write this.. and claim we were paranoid, when u say yourself u don't know enough about some of it? i dont understand why someone would deny a claim, without having any reason too..
so now we're debating why we should or shouldn't debate this. exactly what prevents me from getting too detailed into the issues that i do know about. what i'm getting at is that you believe the side of conflicting conspiracy as opposed to an official stance. i'm not saying the official stance on something is always right, and i'm not saying conspiracy theorists are always wrong. but the fact that you have soooo many issues where you think there is a big conspiracy leads me to believe that you are paranoid.

TROLL said:
do u kno, when theres evidence to back up a claim, it is no longer considered a theory??
the illusion of evidence can be contrived by anyone who wants their belief to be considered the common end.

TROLL said:
see, thats where your wrong.. KNOWING the plan that the elite have for us is half the battle, you cant fight an enemy that you do not know.. how are you going to say this wont effect us when your rights are gettin takin from u right before your eyes? our phones are tapped, we dont have habeas corpus, u have concentration camps being built and our country has turned neo-nazi.. (world conquest)........... and this shit doesnt effect us?.. maybe not the person who's going to be willingly ignorant... ignorance truely is bliss..
the idea of the "elite" is part of the conspiracy theory. if i could prove to you there is no elite power working together for a common goal, this would negate 75% of your content here. let me point out that the american elite you refer to is compromised mainly of rich white people. and let me point out that if you truly believe a bunch of rich white people can work towards a common goal successfuly on that level, you must be smoking something. part of most successful rich people is having a cutt-throat approach to things. no doubt if there ever was an attempt at getting an elite power above all, they would eventually cut all of each others throats to get to the top of their own mountain. which is why i believe the idea of an NWO or Illuminati is bunk. they would not work well with each other.

TROLL said:
if these so much misinformation will YOU JUST BRING IT UP..plz.. :rolleyes:
like i said i'd rather not get into details. but since you believe everything you read about the conflicting view, why do you discredit the original source? are you trying to say misinformation only comes from the so-called elite force?

TROLL said:
holy shit... i just cant believe you just said that.. do u really believe that our government WOULDNT LIE TO US??? homie seriously, id belive those 'other people' who can give us facts.. the government is NOT to be trusted.. and i beg you to dare me to prove it..
i never said that. maybe my writing style isn't black & white enough for you. of course we have a lot of BS from the government. however "the government" is not a single entity. what i keep getting at to you is why do distrust the government, but you do not distrust the ideas of these popular conspiracy theories.

TROLL said:
yes that is david ICKe.. do u know he also said... (specific attention to the year he said it)
my point is that conspiracy theories are full of misinformation as well.

TROLL said:
id love to present all this info to a court room, specially if their were media coverage... are they gonna say that MKultra didnt exist?(when they admitted it?) or how bout that NWO thing? (when G.bush senior said it before congress) or how about that whole ILLUMINATI thing? (all names acurate and up to date)
I know about the Bush/NWO thing, and I think it was largely taken out of context. The phrase "new world order" can refer to so much more than the conspiracy. The Illuminati as it's refered to in conspiracy theories is bunk. Again, to think that all these powerful people could work together in harmony and secrecy with a common goal is ridiculous.

TROLL said:
coming from somebody who's telling me to listen to what the government tells me is going on... i think u need to take that same advice..
I do take everything such as this with a grain of salt. ON BOTH SIDES!

TROLL said:
seriously homie, i know your in that lil comfort zone of fog that makes you go on thinking there could be no such thing as a country sneakily being imperialistic.. its so much easier NOT to do the research.... Nero did it, (burned rome/blamed christians), hitler did it.. (u do know the germans had no idea of what was going on about the "death camps", right?) how does a government run when the people running it make their money off of the weapons it makes? war.. war makes money.. and when u have such a small kabal who control it,and the people dont see how this shit affects them, dont u think it makes it easier to do?
I share your opinion about the war and why it's happening. But some of the stuff here doesn't work for me. People need to make their own decisions on it. Take in all the "facts" and keep an open mind.

I think what bothers me most is people are reading this thread as gospel. I think if they truly want to be educated, if they are interested in the topics you're covering, they will look into it more and see both sides and realize there's bullshit on both sides.

Even so, with subjects like the one you're presenting, we will probably NEVER know the truth on some of these matters. So what you have to decide is if any of this is important to you. Most of what I've been reading is not.

[edited for spelling]