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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiii
You: hi!
You: how are u?
Stranger: thx im fine
Stranger: and u?
You: please fogive my english not my 1st langage
You: good two
You: thank you four askng
Stranger: where are you from?
You: a tini island off of the coast of new zeland
Stranger: im from poland
You: nice
You: im from the island of pussu
You: small island bout 2000 peopel
You: its boring here
Stranger: whats the weather there now?
You: nothing but pussu related things all the time u know
You: wet, very very wet right now
Stranger: dont worry im bored here too
You: its like wake up in the morning, pussu
You: go to school pussu
You: everywhere I look pussu pussu pussu
You: do you feel like that sometime
Stranger: and what does that pussu mean?
You: its a type of fish
You: stinky pussu fish
You: but everything here say pussu on it
You: i cant look anywhere without seein pussu
Stranger: how old are u?
You: pussu on the mailbox, pussu on billboards
You: i am 22
You: u?
Stranger: 18/m
You: cool
You: im surprised you never heard of the island of pussy
You: opps
You: pussu
You: common mistake lol
You: forgive me english
You: do you like football?
You: we just started a team called the pussu pounders
You: because we pound the football down the field
Stranger: i never heard about pussu but about pussy...very often
You: yes, pussy is vary common insult for people from the island of pussu
You: i try not to say it much
Stranger: oh, sorry
You: it okay
You: but if you come to pussu there is pussy every where, lots of tourist
You: if you ever come i can be your pussu tour guide
You: take you to all the tight pussu spots
You: big nite life here
Stranger: dude its like same here
You: that is awsoem
You: you should visit pussu sometime then
You: it gets very hot here often though, wet climate, very humid and sticky
Stranger: maybe we will see what life will bring
You: so lots of time spent in the great pussu lake
You: awesome like is pussu lake
You: very big and deep
You: 100s go in at same time
Stranger: ow.. i like cuiet places where i can go alone
You: oh there is also a river that flows through pussu
You: but for some reason the water is yellowish
You: they say it not harmful though
You: but pussu govermant known to lye hahaha
You: they call it golden shower river because it yellow and sparkle like gold
You: well I have to go..i am late for my study on pussu politcs at school
Stranger: omg...soo i go take my bag and im going straight to u
You: have good nite and think of pussu in your sleep
Stranger: thanks good luck with your studies
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