Should Mexican immigrants learn to speak English?

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Apr 25, 2002
actually, since people with mexican/central american/other latin american ancestry make up such a huge percentage of CA's population, I think schools should make both english AND spanish mandatory subjects. I wish I could speak spanish fluently.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
I think that where ever a person planes to live then they should learn the language...If I move to china then I should learn the langauge..If I move to India then I should learn the language.
Oct 12, 2003
Mean Mugg said:
Good question lol, I really don't know. But here's my answer, I thought Mexicans were Aztecs that lived near Mayans. I thought Aztecs were ruled by Spaniards and they raped the women and had Mestizos. So, I think Mexicans are Aztecs and many with Spaniard descent.
Aztecs were not the only natives occupied in Mexico. There were HUNDREDS of different tribes living there at the time of "la conquista" . In fact, many of those tribes actually helped the Spainards defeat the Aztecs. A mestizo can be the product of many of those native tribes, and many forget that Spain was ruled by arabs for a while, so im sure some of that blood is integrated in some of us as well, plus the african slaves the spainards brought over.

Mean Mugg said:
Wrong? If so, I have a question, did Aztecs ever occupy California when there was no Spanish rule?
The Aztecs were not originally from Mexico, the Migrated south to Mexico from AZTLAN, which streches from all of the modern day "southwest" as far as some people say to Oregon and Colorado. That is why we say this was originally Our Land, because Aztlan was the land of our ancestors.

Mean Mugg said:
My professors say that they don't need to however many people feel they should learn to speak English because they live in the U.S.A.

What are your thoughts?
i am confused what you mean by "should" aswell. Do you mean they should be forced to learn english to live in america?? or for their own benefit?? I dont see why they should, the Majority of California is Mexican, why should the majority adapt to the minority?? If they choose to learn english on the little free time they have then that is a good decision for them, but "Should" they have too.... No.
Mar 15, 2005
remember that i am latino while readin this....

Should they learn English????

hell yes....why???? cuz if i go to Mexico and speak english no one is gonna give me the time of day cept the couple people who might wanna sell me somethin or rob me.....if i want to live and work in Mexico its gonna be in my best interest to speak spanish like mexicans.....if i live and work in Germany it would be in my best interest to learn German.....same for France, Japan and anyplace else.....

Do they HAVE to learn English???

obviously not since there are two mexican born supervisors at my job who have more power then me and get more money but can barely talk English right....

and contrary to what everyone sayin there is a "Mexican" might not be official but Mexicans have thier own version of spanish and only the upper class ones from Mexico speak Spanish correctly.....Mexican to Spanish is kinda like Ibonics is to English....especially Mexican Americans who speak "Spanglish" and make up thier own words for slang....if one of these folks went to Puerto Rico or Cuba or Spain they would have some trouble understanding n communicating wit the locals.....and many of the locals would look down on them.....

I say you should learn to speak like the majority of the people you live and work with.....i was raised in the hood around a lot of minorities mostly blaccs so i learned how to talk the way i talk to survive in the ghetto....and i learned how to speak proper english so i can get respect when speakin to uppity types......
Mar 15, 2005
oh and for the record my mom who is american born has spoken perfect spanish all her life.....father from cuba so he knows spanish of course and i am ok at speakin it and can read it was my 1st language as a child actually since i was around nuttin but cubans.....but not having a great need for it i learned english for school and fell off speakin spanish primarily......i never really talked spanish again until i lived in Tucson Arizona for a while but that was more Spanglish mexican style and different then the spanish my cuban fam speaks.....

when my step dad was in the air force we were stationed over seas in Turkey for one year i was about 6 or 7.....they taught us some turkish language and numbers and about thier culture along wit our regular studies on the base mom learned a lotta turkish on her own from a family friend we had already met bacc here in cali and from talkin wit the turks who worked on the base.....

its human nature to adapt to your surroundlings.....its neccessity to communicate......if someone doesnt learn how to talk the language/slang of thier area then its most likely cuz they refuse to for some odd reason......
Apr 1, 2002
Adam, I feel what you saying and I agree. Also, why Cali has the biggest economy is because mainly due to our agriculture and the subsidies farmers get from the gov't. Also, Cali is by FAAAAAAAAR the largest populated state, so more people = better economy. Don't forget how much Hollywood makes...

559_Soldado said:
Aztecs were not the only natives occupied in Mexico. There were HUNDREDS of different tribes living there at the time of "la conquista" . In fact, many of those tribes actually helped the Spainards defeat the Aztecs. A mestizo can be the product of many of those native tribes, and many forget that Spain was ruled by arabs for a while, so im sure some of that blood is integrated in some of us as well, plus the african slaves the spainards brought over.

The Aztecs were not originally from Mexico, the Migrated south to Mexico from AZTLAN, which streches from all of the modern day "southwest" as far as some people say to Oregon and Colorado. That is why we say this was originally Our Land, because Aztlan was the land of our ancestors.

i am confused what you mean by "should" aswell. Do you mean they should be forced to learn english to live in america?? or for their own benefit?? I dont see why they should, the Majority of California is Mexican, why should the majority adapt to the minority?? If they choose to learn english on the little free time they have then that is a good decision for them, but "Should" they have too.... No.
So exactly what are Mexican people comprised of? I thought they were all Aztecs with the exception of some having Spanish descent. THis is all new news to me out of all my classes I took on history and shit.

Ok the question is should they speak English for their own benefit? I know most Mexican immigrants REFUSE to speak English. I know they see English as a threat to their culture and heritage but a little English ain't gonna kill ya. And why do Surenos hate Nortenos so much? I don't understand. Today I was working and a Mexican cat wanted to take a look at a hat. He pointed at a hat and said 7. I said what color? He replies nodding his head firmly and says "yes" as if he knows exactly what I'm asking him, wtf? I ask him again, what color? he says "7....yes" nodding his head firmly once again. Then I ask him "QUE CoLOR PENDEJO" naw lol, I ask him "que color?" But for a split second I sensed some tension because he acted like I knew wtf he wanted, which I fuckin' didn't. Anyway after asking him que color he says "blaank" hesistantly. I say black? He says "yes". I take a black hat out and he says no, blanco, I say oh ok white. Then he proceeds to ask how much in English, I say twelve. I look at him looking confused and I say "PINCHE CABRON, DOCE" nah I said "doce." To tell y'all the truth I felt good speaking to him in Spanish a lil bit there because of the communication we made. But w/the language barrier it's hard to live w/eachother in this society when Mexicans are NOW the majority. To be honest, I felt a slight feeling of frustration because he couldn't speak English. So I can see where White people are coming from, ones who refuse to speak Spanish or don't know any Spanish. The language barrier causes racism no doubt. This is why I think Mexican immigrants and all immigrants but mainly Mexicans because they are the majority in Cali, SHOULD speak English to benefit our multicultural society. There would be a lot less conflict among our society if Mexicans learn to speak English. Damn near every signs, everything written is in English, it makes sense to learn it dammit!!! I feel a sense of unfairness being a minority basically forced to learn English while Mexicans don't have to...And now I NEED to learn Spanish to basically co-exist with Mexicans...I can barely speak my own language now.

Ccytzo, I know you don't have to learn perfect English to become successful. BUT how many Mexicans that are not fluent or speak much of English are successful in the U.S.? Can you name any others that you have encountered besides your current bosses in your whole life that are successful as they were? And how many Mexicans you know speak English that are successful? Compare.
Jul 7, 2002
should immigrants learn to speak english? that is really up the person. But why would someone with little education want to learn a new langauge? and your surounding, everthing is spanish?

the only immigrants learning english are the minorities, and those with a higher education. Lets face it, you cant make everyone learn a new langauge. my parents never did, in fact i know one person in my family who is learning the language.
Mar 15, 2005
on an overall major scale its a small percentage but here in Northern Cali in the Valley thiers a lotta paisas doin waaaaaaay better then me and they benefit a lot off illegal means and by pimpin the system....i aint no hater, more power to them but still it shows that our government dont really do shit for the AMERICAN people cuz foriegnors can run shit here and us actual citizens have to bow down to a greater standard in many cases such as the law which can hold us bacc from somethin these immigrants get away not sayin every mexican immigrant is of the illegitmate nature but many are and its nuthin to them......they laugh at the USA while flippin em off and countin they money.....

and as far as the Sureno Norteno situation thas some deep ass shit stemmin from way bacc but in all reality has gotten outta hand and ive found not too many of these so called bangaz even know what the real reasons behind thier causes are anymore.....shits gone opposite actually cuz the 1st nortenos was the immigrant farmworkers from the North who were treated like shit for not bein Americanized enough like the cholos from the big city area down in LA....nowdays i see a lotta americanized chicano youth who want to claim Norte, hate on the paisas (immigrants) and assume they are all scraps and in many cases are pushin the young paisas to hate Nortenos and want to be scraps for reals even though they dont know the real deal behind the Surenos or the Mexican Mafias organization and cause.....but like i said thas some deep shit....jus remember that there are actual reasons why minority gangs have formed and functioned for years but that they always have had thier downfalls and when they spread over a large area their reasoning tends to gets diluted.......
Jul 7, 2002
209 Studioz said:
and contrary to what everyone sayin there is a "Mexican" might not be official but Mexicans have thier own version of spanish and only the upper class ones from Mexico speak Spanish correctly.....Mexican to Spanish is kinda like Ibonics is to English....especially Mexican Americans who speak "Spanglish" and make up thier own words for slang....if one of these folks went to Puerto Rico or Cuba or Spain they would have some trouble understanding n communicating wit the locals.....and many of the locals would look down on them......

lol no one spanish is "correct." And mexican type of spanish is NOT did you get that from? In almost every spanish speaking country there is a different type of dialect, but can easily be overcome

the fools that you mention who konw the 'correct' spanish are the white people, who claim they were born in spain.
Mar 15, 2005
if you say speakin from what ive seen and heard so its not like i made it up.....every puerto rican or cuban i know say they have trouble understanding the way mexicans in california speak spanish and look down on them for thier use of slang words.....
Apr 1, 2002
209 Studioz said:
on an overall major scale its a small percentage but here in Northern Cali in the Valley thiers a lotta paisas doin waaaaaaay better then me and they benefit a lot off illegal means and by pimpin the system....i aint no hater, more power to them but still it shows that our government dont really do shit for the AMERICAN people cuz foriegnors can run shit here and us actual citizens have to bow down to a greater standard in many cases such as the law which can hold us bacc from somethin these immigrants get away not sayin every mexican immigrant is of the illegitmate nature but many are and its nuthin to them......they laugh at the USA while flippin em off and countin they money.....

and as far as the Sureno Norteno situation thas some deep ass shit stemmin from way bacc but in all reality has gotten outta hand and ive found not too many of these so called bangaz even know what the real reasons behind thier causes are anymore.....shits gone opposite actually cuz the 1st nortenos was the immigrant farmworkers from the North who were treated like shit for not bein Americanized enough like the cholos from the big city area down in LA....nowdays i see a lotta americanized chicano youth who want to claim Norte, hate on the paisas (immigrants) and assume they are all scraps and in many cases are pushin the young paisas to hate Nortenos and want to be scraps for reals even though they dont know the real deal behind the Surenos or the Mexican Mafias organization and cause.....but like i said thas some deep shit....jus remember that there are actual reasons why minority gangs have formed and functioned for years but that they always have had thier downfalls and when they spread over a large area their reasoning tends to gets diluted.......
Good spit, I'm soakin'.
Jun 27, 2003
mexbig said:
I see indians and Asians coming to this country with a greater education level, but thats because their people have not been fucked over for years.

Mexican people have been put down for 500 years... First we had the genocide by the spaniards .... then here comes the mexican american war that took a great fucking part of mexico.

And now as "immigrants" to the states that were STOLEN!. YES STOLEN... FUCK THAT DOCUMENT THAT SAID IT WAS SOLD. check the history books . He sold these states because the U.S. had him by the balls to sing the bitch ass Treaty .

So now we have all these anglos trying to put us down by giving us looks and making us feel inferrior .
Maybe you need another history lesson but Asian folks have had it bad for a long ass time. Koreans got one of the oldest civilizations around and we've had it pretty fuckin bad for thousands of years mayn. I'm talking THOUSANDS of years, plus the forgotten holocaust by the japanese in our own fucking country. And many Asians that come to this country aren't very educated, we just work our balls off and stick together to make things work. Why do you think so many of us go into nail salons and dry cleaning and liquor stores? Sure, the kids are doing good in school cuz our parents pressure the fuck out of us (at least the ones who are semi-successful and can be home) the other parents are busy working 2 or 3 jobs just to get by and don't even know what their own children are doing.

Yea, this country was founded on the blood of natives and that's hella wrong. Should Mexicans be FORCED to learn English? I don't think so. This country isn't homogenous and it's ridiculous to mandate that everyone who comes here must speak English. My mother has tried taking English classes, but with work and raising a family she was doing so horrible in that class she had to withdraw. Also, it's about saving face. You know how humiliating it must feel to try so hard and not be able to gain a firm grasp on something? Not to mention how stupid the English language is. (ie to, two, too, four, fore, for...) Also, growing up I kind of shied away from Korean heritage and the Korean language and that definitely hurt my mother and also created a barrier between us. As I got a lil older I've soaked up some knowledge on my history and have tried to work on my Korean but now my sister is completely a twinky. My mother is still getting by tho, so are millions of others who don't really speak English.

There are countless communities of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc etc etc where it's like a home away from home. We have our own businesses, our own neighborhoods, and we speak our native tongue. Therefore, is speaking English really necessary? No, but it is beneficial fa sho. It's most beneficial to speak both, but to get any kind of education it's pretty much necessary to learn English.

One argument I've seen is that since this used to be aztlan and was stolen, that Mexicans shouldn't bother learning English. Well, regardless of how this land became what it is today, the fact is that it is the United States of America. I agree that what took place hundreds of years ago was hella fucked, but we gotta acclamate to the conditions at hand. If you want to get educated and get ahead in this country, it's pretty much a necessity to learn English. That's just the way it is. What should really happen is some Mexicans should get ownership of their own communities nah mean. Mexicans need to start owning their own businesses, and other professional Mexicans who can speak Spanish need to start catering more towards their fellow Spanish speaking peoples. Mexicans as a people should help eachother by providing eachother with services and creating their own communities. Then, they could speak Spanish in the businessplace, other Hispanics could go to Spanish speaking businesses and do business, and it wouldn't be that much of a problem.

Also, I feel that other businesses, especially in California with such a high Spanish speaking population, need to make the effort to accomodate the people. Businesses should hire Spanish speaking people to serve the Spanish speaking population and this should go all the way to the police departments. Police departments should also have mandatory classes to increase cultural awareness and efforts should be made to create as bilingual a police force as possible relative to the area they police. So in essence, should Mexicans in California HAVE to speak English? No, in fact, absolutely not. Is it beneficial? OF course.
Oct 12, 2003
Mean Mugg said:
So exactly what are Mexican people comprised of? I thought they were all Aztecs with the exception of some having Spanish descent. THis is all new news to me out of all my classes I took on history and shit.
Well you are right in a sence, alot of Mexicans are comprised of blood from Aztecs, but like i stated, Mexico had a diverse group of other natives, so im sure not every single mexican would have the same exact hereditary backround. I would have to say we are mostly native tho, because the spainards were BY FAR outnumbered vastly by the natives. I am not sure after 500 years of mixing there would be any "full blooded" aztecs left.

if you look at it scientifically (sp?) , there are only 3 Races on this planet. The Asian/oriental race, the Negroid Race, and the Caucasion (sp?) race. Mexicans would be made up of the Asain and Caucasion race.

Mean Mugg said:
Ok the question is should they speak English for their own benefit?
Ok now i get what your asking. Yes of course the learning of the english language would be a benefit for them, but it is not that easy. English is a VERY hard language to learn, and many of the immigrants have little or no education at all. Would english help them get by alot better in america, yes of course.

But i do not think any immigrant at all should be forced to learn english, even though now i know that isnt what you were initially asking in your first post.

BTW, funny story about the hat lol :cool:
Apr 25, 2002
as far as the sapnish language goes,its gonna be diferent in every part of the globe.its the dialect.the shit they teach you in school isnt exactly the way an old mexican lady is gonna talk.but your gonna still understand.just like if you go to Cuba,Guatemala,Panama,Puerto Rico,Brazil,Portugal,Spain,even the Philipines,you gonna understand'em.........
Apr 25, 2002
No. There is no "Mexican" Ethnicity. The Mexica are the Mexica.The Mayans are the Mayans and the Toltecs are the Toltecs. Not all Mexicans are Mexica. We all spoke different languages but we are all bonded by Anahuac.
the mexica married into toltec bloodlines , toltec blood ment high social status
Feb 28, 2005
i didnt read all your answers but my answer is yes, they should learn to speak english, it is afterall the most used language in the country, so why not use it if you live here, seems easy enoguh to me