mexbig said:
I see indians and Asians coming to this country with a greater education level, but thats because their people have not been fucked over for years.
Mexican people have been put down for 500 years... First we had the genocide by the spaniards .... then here comes the mexican american war that took a great fucking part of mexico.
And now as "immigrants" to the states that were STOLEN!. YES STOLEN... FUCK THAT DOCUMENT THAT SAID IT WAS SOLD. check the history books . He sold these states because the U.S. had him by the balls to sing the bitch ass Treaty .
So now we have all these anglos trying to put us down by giving us looks and making us feel inferrior .
Maybe you need another history lesson but Asian folks have had it bad for a long ass time. Koreans got one of the oldest civilizations around and we've had it pretty fuckin bad for thousands of years mayn. I'm talking THOUSANDS of years, plus the forgotten holocaust by the japanese in our own fucking country. And many Asians that come to this country aren't very educated, we just work our balls off and stick together to make things work. Why do you think so many of us go into nail salons and dry cleaning and liquor stores? Sure, the kids are doing good in school cuz our parents pressure the fuck out of us (at least the ones who are semi-successful and can be home) the other parents are busy working 2 or 3 jobs just to get by and don't even know what their own children are doing.
Yea, this country was founded on the blood of natives and that's hella wrong. Should Mexicans be FORCED to learn English? I don't think so. This country isn't homogenous and it's ridiculous to mandate that everyone who comes here must speak English. My mother has tried taking English classes, but with work and raising a family she was doing so horrible in that class she had to withdraw. Also, it's about saving face. You know how humiliating it must feel to try so hard and not be able to gain a firm grasp on something? Not to mention how stupid the English language is. (ie to, two, too, four, fore, for...) Also, growing up I kind of shied away from Korean heritage and the Korean language and that definitely hurt my mother and also created a barrier between us. As I got a lil older I've soaked up some knowledge on my history and have tried to work on my Korean but now my sister is completely a twinky. My mother is still getting by tho, so are millions of others who don't really speak English.
There are countless communities of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc etc etc where it's like a home away from home. We have our own businesses, our own neighborhoods, and we speak our native tongue. Therefore, is speaking English really necessary? No, but it is beneficial fa sho. It's most beneficial to speak both, but to get any kind of education it's pretty much necessary to learn English.
One argument I've seen is that since this used to be aztlan and was stolen, that Mexicans shouldn't bother learning English. Well, regardless of how this land became what it is today, the fact is that it is the United States of America. I agree that what took place hundreds of years ago was hella fucked, but we gotta acclamate to the conditions at hand. If you want to get educated and get ahead in this country, it's pretty much a necessity to learn English. That's just the way it is. What should really happen is some Mexicans should get ownership of their own communities nah mean. Mexicans need to start owning their own businesses, and other professional Mexicans who can speak Spanish need to start catering more towards their fellow Spanish speaking peoples. Mexicans as a people should help eachother by providing eachother with services and creating their own communities. Then, they could speak Spanish in the businessplace, other Hispanics could go to Spanish speaking businesses and do business, and it wouldn't be that much of a problem.
Also, I feel that other businesses, especially in California with such a high Spanish speaking population, need to make the effort to accomodate the people. Businesses should hire Spanish speaking people to serve the Spanish speaking population and this should go all the way to the police departments. Police departments should also have mandatory classes to increase cultural awareness and efforts should be made to create as bilingual a police force as possible relative to the area they police. So in essence, should Mexicans in California HAVE to speak English? No, in fact, absolutely not. Is it beneficial? OF course.