This is not a championship team. Which one of you lowlifes wanna bet on that and not pay me like that other bum raider fan on here Meta4cal or whatever fake name that was (was actually supposed to give it to a charity but the bitch couldn't do that either).
Put your pride and money where your mouth is or keep your taill tucced like the big mouth online bitch you are. That's to whomever wanna take it that way.
Holy shit guys better watch out we got ourselves a real badass over here AND a big time baller! Even typed out double c's! What an insane gamble; betting anyone on the internet that the Seahawks won't be a "championship team" meaning they won't win it all and beat out 31 other teams wow way to go out on a limb there Nostradamus!
And you're absolutely right Sherman is a pussy he's literally scared out of his mind of tackling a running back. Never mind he's consistently one of, if not the best tackling CB's in the game, rarely ever missing an open field tackle, nevermind that some say he might even be the best tackling CB in the history of the sport:
So you're right, that one play means he's a spoiled million are content at sucking for the rest or the season after only giving up 12 yards total against Aaron Rodgers the week before, overrated bum.
With all the great tacklers on this team, the fact that Sherman might be the best tackler technique wise out of all them must say how badly he sucks, never looking for big hits either
Here's a more recent pussy ass hit, scared as fuck
Another random one from a while back
Dude clearly sucks at tackling but a great football mind like yours already knew that.