Read .......(to clear shit up)

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May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
What do you know about Mexico's economy?
a little bit

miggidy said:
What do you know about Mexico's economy?
Former president Salinas fucked the Mexican economy over by stealing money and fleeing hiding away some where.
ya like i said he stashed alote of it for himself and then he turned on the printing machines like there was no tomorrow and that is why the money was worthless.

miggidy said:
But my point is that it is there to give a false sense of freedom.
Speach ain't shit compared to actions!
oh ok i get it its another conspiricy theort :rolleyes:
Jul 24, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

im on the news about 4 or 5 hours a day. now the homeland security act doesnt authorize bush to do such a thing
What the fuck?
You mean that you still don't believe that Bush has authorized the CIA to kill US citizens????

Where do you get your news?
Look into the link I provided for more info.
You will see that even "their" media has reported this shit.

Hey man, "they" aren't going to parade this type of info to everyone. You have to dig it up.
"They" always do this type of shit.

Don't be so ignorant....
You have to open your mind....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
And are you implying that MacMall and Tupac are the bad guys for uncovering the truth?
what truth, i mean they are rappers for christs sake not CIA agents, what the hell do they know about government conspiricies

miggidy said:
Who's side are you on anyway?
i am a patriotic american. does that answer your question
Aug 6, 2002

thats crazy. I know some homeboys from parlier (you know where that is, its in Fresno county) . I was there like two weeks ago. Thats where one of the members of Los Originales is originally from. I know some paisas that wanna write a song about themselves, do you know how they could do this?
May 8, 2002
FC ENE said:
I know some paisas that wanna write a song about themselves, do you know how they could do this?
you gotta kick back alote of skrill to the group. i think jesus chavez is the one from Los Originales who writes the corridos.
you gotta be pretty well known and have alote of clout to get some1 to make you a song.
Jul 24, 2002
Nobody's Biz said:
@Those of you who base your knowledge of what's going on in the world on waht you read in the established media like TV News or Newspapers...

Don't ya stop to think the media is already owned by the profiteers at the top, who can shape your knowledge, your perceptions and your opinions with well placed lies, spin stories, and shade? Don't you see how nothing you read isn't affected by the reporters' opinions or the political or financial agenda of the media companies that employ them? Don't you wonder about what is surpressed in the news for challenging the power of the media owners? Damn, guys. Your Sunday school teachers don't own CNN! Corporations that stand to make money off of social hysteria or scandalous lies run shit? Don't base your opinions on the real world on the shit you see on TV, cuz it ain't barely ever the whole truth! If someone is trying to tell you something to get you to go to war for them, consider what they stand to gain from you by lying to you and getting you to spend your money or fight their battles. Everything you think you know comes from ppl who already know that if they report good things or bad things about a situation, it will cause stock prices to rise or fall. Don't be their puppet. There's just too much controversy about who the fuck is telling the truth about these situations, and too many ppl have something to gain by lying to you.
Amen bro!
People do not realize this but the media can control our emotions.
Don't think so? Peep this....
Look at all the coverage after Sept. 11 and what do you remember? Those fucking planes hitting the World Trade Centers.
I know that the media has to do their job, and I know that the Sept. 11 attacks needed as much coverage as possible.
But I'll be damn, that's all they fucking showed time after time.
I know from my own personal experience but everyone that I know was sick of the coverage.
"Their" intentions were surely to piss people off by playing the attack scenes over and over.
You see, "they" wanted our support for war.
And the media is a perfect psycological tool.

People do not realize that the media is very bias because we live here inside the US.
Remember the Panamanian invasion for Noriega?
Shit the media showed nothing but upper class Panamanian citizens thanking the US.
But what you never saw was something similar to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
The US marched down the streets killing any civilians who supported Noriega.
They knocked on your door and asked which side you were on.
Wrong answer and they killed you on the spot including your kids, just before they raped your wife and daughter!
But you never hear that shit over here do you?

The US claims that only a few hundred civilians were killed by accident. Well how do you explain the massive grave sites that are being dugg up as we speak?
They killed civilians by the thousands!
But people will never know because people eat the shit "they" feed you!

Ha ha ha... I bet no one knows about the secret war eh?
The time the US sent troops to Central America and got their asses kicked. But you'll never know because you only ate what "they" have to offer....


PS. Nobody's Biz good lookin out for all that drug info.
I hadn't looked into that yet but it's just more weight for my punch!
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Ha ha ha... I bet no one knows about the secret war eh?
The time the US sent troops to Central America and got their asses kicked. But you'll never know because you only ate what "they" have to offer....
another war that i have missed. well can you please enlighten me beause i have never heard of what you speak
Nov 27, 2002
miggidy said:
Ok folks here’s the lowdown on who controls the world!
It’s all in the Federal Reserve and it’s private owners who happen to be international bankers.
These people are pure evil….
Read the following article:

The monetary policy of the United States is the domain of the Federal Reserve Bank and not the government. This process is in direct contradiction of the U.S. Constitution that reposes the responsibility of the monetary system with the Congress of the United States.

Representative Charles A. Lindberg, Sr., the father of the famous aviator, was a member of the Banking and Currency Committee. He opposed the initial Federal Reserve Act and gave a speech on January 20, 1915. "The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money, and in the interest of the stockholders and those allied with them." Representative Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the Housing Banking and Currency Committee, stated on June 10,1932, "Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies that prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

In 1963, President John Kennedy wanted an end to the Federal Reserve System, which had a strangle-hold on the United States and virtually the world. By a simple stroke of the pen, President Kennedy dismissed the Federal Reserve System and ordered the U.S. government to restore its Constitutional-mandate of controlling the money. President Kennedy was dead three weeks later. When President Lyndon Johnson took office, he immediately rescinded Kennedy's order and the Federal Reserve won another round.

More than half the shareholdings in the Federal Reserve Bank are controlled by large New York City banks, including National City Bank, National Bank of Commerce, First National Bank, Chase National Bank, and Marine National Bank. When Rockefeller's National City Bank merged with J.P. Morgan's First National Bank in 1955, the Rockefeller group owned 22 percent of the shares of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which in turn holds the majority of shares in the Federal Reserve System - 53 percent. But who really owns what?
Here are the top controllers of the Federal Reserve Bank :
1. Rothchild banks of London and Berlin.
2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.
3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
5. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York.
6. Kuhn, Loeb bank of New York.
7. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York,
which controls all of the other 11 Federal Reserve Banks.
8. Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York.

No Congress, no President has been strong enough to stand up to the foreign-controlled Federal Reserve Bank. Yet there is a catch - one that President Kennedy recognized before he was slain - the original deal in 1913 creating the Federal Reserve Bank had a simple back-out clause. The investors loaned the United States Government $1 billion. And the back-out clause allows the United States to buy out the system for that $1 billion. If the Federal Reserve Bank were demolished and the Congress of the United States took control of the currency, as required in the Constitution, the National Debt would virtually end overnight, and the need for more taxes and even the income tax, itself. Thomas Jefferson was concise in his early warning to the American nation, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

The article didn’t mention that Abraham Lincoln also tried to give Congress back the power to produce money. Like Kennedy, he was also assassinated. The above mentioned banks, own other giant corporations.
And not mentioned in this article are the many Jewish owned banks who own just about everything in the world. It was the Jews who invented credit, thus they own every credit issuing institution in the world.
This should give everyone a clearer picture as to who runs the world. And a clearer picture to those who subscribe to the idea of the coming of the Anti-Christ.
He will emerge from these snakes….

For detailed info, go to this sight:

You see, pretty soon we won't need cash or credit cards.
Like Chris said, we are moving in the direction of a single type of currency. Maybe the EURO or the US dollar.
All you will need is the "Verichip" to go by.
All the banks have to do is freeze our accounts if we do not embrace their new ideals. The Anti-christ will have us by the balls!
With this chip, you will be tracked any where in the world, identified, and you'll have all your financial info embedded inside you in a form of a micro-chip.
This goes neck and neck with what the Book of Revelations states when it says that you won't be able to eat or buy anything with out the mark of the beast located either on your head or right hand.
Go to Applied Digital Solutions website for more info:


PS.... I forgot to mention an interesting thing about Tupac.
Tupac embraced the Killuminati movement just before he was murdered. Who's the Killuminati? Well they are the opposite to the Illuminati. They're purpose is to KILL the illuminati.
Killuminati calls for every African American to go back to their roots and change. Thus Pac changed his name to Makaveli. Killuminati is a spiritual change, thus Pac says "Killuminati all through your body". It also calls for a change of philosophy about life. They hated the Illuminati because they created slavery which lead to the African holocaust.
Could Pac's death be connected to the people atop the Pyramid of evil????
Look at the back of the US dollar, the pyramid and eye is the Logo belonging to the Illuminati.
The illuminated eye is the eye of Satan.
The numerals at the bottom of the pyramid represent the year the Illuminati were established, 1776.
And the "Latin words" at the top read "The New World Order"....
Worth repeating so's not to be lost in the shuffle.
Nov 27, 2002
RawLyrixx said:
Ive heard tons of conspiracy theories about this shit... ever heard this one?

The IS a cure for AIDS.... but you know.... theres an infinite cash flow when it comes to selling medicine.

If thats true than that shits fucked up.
I don't know about a cure fo sho, but you CAN get an AZT shot or AZT pills from San Francisco General now within the first 72 hours after you have had a possible exposure to AIDS (say a condom breaks or you get a needle stick & you're not sure about the other people's status.)

That program is called "PEP" (prophylatic something or other, meaning preventative medicine that keeps you from contracting the virus at all hopefully)

That program used to be only for medical professionals and rape victims and now is available to anybody who hollas for it loud enough & don't believe the first few idiots who work for the hospital who might not have heard of it yet. The sooner you take it, the better chance you have of not getting HIV at all.

The program was run by "Dr. Bamburger" at SF General. Ask for it "by name" if you have to, cuz it is life or death. On the real my oldest brother wuz one of the first injecting speed freaks to die in the early 80s when they were still calling it "gay cancer."
Jul 24, 2002
If you're going to subscribe to the theory that aids is man made then you best bet there is a cure.

There is no doubt in my mind that there is a cure, but it only lies in the hands of those who created the agent.

I wonder if people knew how simple it is to create a synthetic agent that acts like a virus.
Not long ago, some scientists recreated "polio" in a lab.
They were just demenstrating how simple it would be for terrorists to create such agents.
I can digg the info up if any one cares.
Jul 24, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

another war that i have missed. well can you please enlighten me beause i have never heard of what you speak
Nobody's Biz touched on this with the "Dark Alliance" skandal.

Go here to find more info on America's secret war with Nicaragua:

There was a movie based on this called "Chicano". I think that's the name.

Here's info on the secret war with El Salvador:

I couldn't find any unbiased info, but this'll do....

Go here for the other side of the story of the Panamanian invasion:
Jul 24, 2002
Hey peep this interview I dug up, very good insite:

The following is a conversation with Mr. Ron Supinski of the Public Information Department of the San Francisco, Federal Reserve Bank. This is an account of that conversation reconstructed to the best of my ability from notes taken during the conversation on October 8, 1992.

CALLER - Mr. Supinski, does my country own the Federal Reserve System?

MR. SUPINSKI - We are an agency of the government.

CALLER - That's not my question. Is it owned by my country?

MR. SUPINSKI - It is an agency of the government created by congress.

CALLER - Is the Federal Reserve a Corporation?


CALLER - Does my government own any of the stock in the Federal Reserve?

MR. SUPINSKI - No, it is owned by the member banks.

CALLER - Are the member banks private corporations?


CALLER - Are Federal Reserve Notes backed by anything?

MR. SUPINSKI -Yes, by the assets of the Federal Reserve but, primarily by the power of congress to lay tax on the people.

CALLER - Did you say, by the power to collect taxes is what backs Federal Reserve Notes?


CALLER - What are the total assets of the Federal Reserve?

MR. SUPINSKI - The San Francisco Bank has $36 Billion in assets.

CALLER - What are these assets comprised of?

MR. SUPINSKI - Gold, the Federal Reserve Bank itself and government securities.

CALLER - What value does the Federal Reserve Bank carry gold per oz. on their books?

MR. SUPINSKI - I don't have that information but the San Francisco Bank has $1.6 billion in gold.

CALLER - Are you saying the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has $1.6 billion in gold, the bank itself and the balance of the assets is government securities?


CALLER - Where does the Federal Reserve get Federal Reserve Notes from?

MR. SUPINSKI - They are authorized by the Treasury.

CALLER - How much does the Federal Reserve pay for a $10 Federal Reserve Note?

MR. SUPINSKI - Fifty to seventy cents.

CALLER - How much do they pay for a $100.00 Federal Reserve Note?

MR. SUPINSKI - The same fifty to seventy cents.

CALLER - To pay only fifty cents for a $100.00 is a tremendous gain, isn't it?


CALLER - According to the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve pays $20.60 per 1,000 denomination or a little over two cents for a $100.00 bill, is that correct?

MR. SUPINSKI - That is probably close.

CALLER - Doesn't the Federal Reserve use the Federal Reserve Notes that cost about two cents each to purchase U.S. Bonds from the government?

MR. SUPINSKI - Yes, but there is more to it than that.

CALLER - Basically, that is what happens?

MR. SUPINSKI - Yes, basically you are correct.

CALLER - How many Federal Reserve Notes are in circulation?

MR. SUPINSKI - $263 billion and we can only account for a small percentage.

CALLER - Where did they go?

MR. SUPINSKI - Peoples mattress, buried in their back yards and illegal drug money.

CALLER - Since the debt is payable in Federal Reserve Notes, how can the $4 trillion national debt be paid-off with the total Federal Reserve Notes in circulation?

MR. SUPINSKI - I don't know.

CALLER - If the Federal Government would collect every Federal Reserve Note in circulation would it be mathematically possible to pay the $4 trillion national debt?


CALLER - Am I correct when I say, $1 deposited in a member bank $8 can be lent out through Fractional Reserve Policy?

MR. SUPINSKI - About $7.

CALLER - Correct me if I am wrong but, $7 of additional Federal Reserve Notes were never put in circulation. But, for lack of better words were "created out of thin air " in the form of credits and the two cents per denomination were not paid either. In other words, the Federal Reserve Notes were not physically printed but, in reality were created by a journal entry and lent at interest. Is that correct?


CALLER - Is that the reason there are only $263 billion Federal Reserve Notes in circulation?

MR. SUPINSKI - That is part of the reason.

CALLER - Am I mistaking that when the Federal Reserve Act was passed (on Christmas Eve) in 1913, it transferred the power to coin and issue our nations money and to regulate the value thereof from Congress to a Private corporation. And my country now borrows what should be our own money from the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) plus interest. Is that correct and the debt can never be paid off under the current money system of country?

MR. SUPINSKI - Basically, yes.

CALLER - I smell a rat, do you?

MR. SUPINSKI - I am sorry, I can't answer that, I work here.

Jul 24, 2002
CALLER - Has the Federal Reserve ever been independently audited?

MR. SUPINSKI - We are audited.

CALLER - Why is there a current House Resolution 1486 calling for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve by the G.A.O. and why is the Federal Reserve resisting?

MR. SUPINSKI - I don't know.

CALLER - Does the Federal Reserve regulate the value of Federal Reserve Notes and interest rates?


CALLER - Explain how the Federal Reserve System can be Constitutional if, only the Congress of the U.S., which comprises of the Senate and the House of Representatives has the power to coin and issue our money supply and regulate the value thereof? [Article 1 Section 1 and Section 8] Nowhere, in the Constitution does it give Congress the power or authority to transfer any powers granted under the Constitution to a private corporation or, does it?

MR. SUPINSKI - I am not an expert on constitutional law. I can refer you to our legal department.

CALLER - I can tell you I have read the Constitution. It does NOT provide that any power granted can be transferred to a private corporation. Doesn't it specifically state, all other powers not granted are reserved to the States and to the citizens? Does that mean to a private corporation?

MR. SUPINSKI - I don't think so, but we were created by Congress.

CALLER - Would you agree it is our country and it should be our money as provided by our Constitution?

MR. SUPINSKI - I understand what you are saying.

CALLER - Why should we borrow our own money from a private consortium of bankers? Isn't this why we had a revolution, created a separate sovereign nation and a Bill of Rights?

MR. SUPINSKI - (Declined to answer).

CALLER - Has the Federal Reserve ever been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court?

MR. SUPINSKI - I believe there has been court cases on the matter.

CALLER - Have they been Supreme Court Cases?

MR. SUPINSKI - I think so, but I am not sure.

CALLER - Didn't the Supreme Court declare unanimously in A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. vs. U.S. and Carter vs. Carter Coal Co. the corporative-state arrangement an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power? ["The power conferred is the power to regulate. This is legislative delegation in its most obnoxious form; for it is not even delegation to an official or an official body, presumptively disinterested, but to private persons." Carter vs. Carter Coal Co.]

MR. SUPINSKI - I don't know, I can refer you to our legal department.

CALLER - Isn't the current money system a house of cards that must fall because, the debt can mathematically never be paid-off?

MR. SUPINSKI - It appears that way. I can tell you have been looking into this matter and are very knowledgeable. However, we do have a solution.

CALLER - What is the solution?

MR. SUPINSKI - The Debit Card.

CALLER - Do you mean under the E.F.T. Act (Electronic Funds Transfer)? Isn't that very frightening, when one considers the capabilities of computers? It would provide the government and all it's agencies, including the Federal Reserve such information as: You went to the gas station @ 2:30 and bought $10.00 of unleaded gas @ $1.41 per gallon and then you went to the grocery store @ 2:58 and bought bread, lunch meat and milk for $12.32 and then went to the drug store @ 3:30 and bought cold medicine for $5.62. In other words, they would know where we go, when we went, how much we paid, how much the merchant paid and how much profit he made. Under the E.F.T. they will literally know everything about us. Isn't that kind of scary?

MR. SUPINSKI - Yes, it makes you wonder.

CALLER - I smell a GIANT RAT that has overthrown my constitution. Aren't we paying tribute in the form of income taxes to a consortium of private bankers?

MR. SUPINSKI - I can't call it tribute, it is interest.

CALLER - Haven't all elected officials taken an oath of office to preserve and defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic? Isn't the Federal Reserve a domestic enemy?

MR. SUPINSKI - I can't say that.

CALLER - Our elected officials and members of the Federal Reserve are guilty of aiding and abetting the overthrowing of my Constitution and that is treason. Isn't the punishment of treason death?

MR. SUPINSKI - I believe so.

CALLER - Thank you for your time and information and if I may say so, I think you should take the necessary steps to protect you and your family and withdraw your money from the banks before the collapse, I am.

MR. SUPINSKI - It doesn't look good.

CALLER - May God have mercy on the souls who are behind this unconstitutional and criminal act called the Federal Reserve. When the ALMIGHTY MASS awakens to this giant hoax, they will not take it with a grain of salt. It has been a pleasure talking to you and I thank you for your time. I hope you will take my advice before it does collapse.

MR. SUPINSKI - Unfortunately, it does not look good.

CALLER - Have a good day and thanks for your time.

MR. SUPINSKI - Thanks for calling.

If the reader has any doubts to the validity of this conversation, call your nearest Federal Reserve Bank, YOU KNOW THE QUESTIONS TO ASK! You won't find them listed under the Federal Government. They are in the white pages, along with Federal Express, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), and any other business. Find out for yourself if all this is true. And then, go to your local law library and look up the case of Lewis vs. U.S., case #80-5905, 9th Circuit, June 24, 1982. It reads in part: "Examining the organization and function of the Federal Reserve Banks and applying the relevant factors, we conclude that the federal reserve are NOT federal instrumentalities . . . but are independent and privately owned and controlled corporations . . . federal reserve banks are listed neither as `wholly owned' government corporations [under 31 U.S.C. Section 846] nor as 'mixed ownership' corporations [under 31 U.S.C. Section 856] . . .
28 U.S.C. Sections 1346(b), 2671. `Federal agency' is defined as: the executive departments, the military departments, independent establishments of the United States, and corporations acting primarily as instrumentalities of the United States, but does not include any contractors with the United States . . .

Click here for more info, this is out of an online book full of facts. No theories here, but only facts. Probably the best site I've come accross so far:
Dec 17, 2002
Back to the original topic.

I've yet to see an active bullfrog in San Jo.
Have'nt seen any out in the open. Just like surratas.

About 7 or 8 yrs ago, I was catching the bus in downtown San Jo.
4 motherfuckers all being loud n shit, and I was just quiet waiting for the bus. They were bragging to an SJ Norteno homie about
how they do it in Fresno stomping on motherfuckers.
Once I heard them reppin Fresno (yeah I was eavesdropping), I automatically associated them as being bullfrogs.
I spoke up and said fuck bullfrogs and F14ers.
They asked me if I was a scrap.
Fuck no, I'm a Norteno XIVR.
Not a 14er.
I guess they did'nt comprehend the difference.
I didn't have time to get into explaining it, since they got all mad.
Even the San Jo homie started trippin on me calling me a scrap.
Well they did'nt do shit until I got on the bus and more Norteno homies got off the bus.
They started throwing shit to me and I got off the bus immediately to fight.
I pulled down my lip to expose my XIV tatooed on it and told them I was a Norteno but I despise bullfrogs.
They did'nt understand I guess and all 8 "tried" to jump me.
Needless to say, there was undercover cops and they arrested me for disturbing the peace. The other guys ran.

On a second note, one of my homeboys just got out of Chad CYA, and told me that there's very few homies from Fresno down for the Northern Cause but being a bulldog is the way to go if you're from Fresno. Especially if you're a true ENE and your own homie from the same varrio makes that switch in becoming a bullfrog.
And it's hard for the Fresno ENE's to prove themselves as true ENE's.

Even in Elmwood condado, if you bark or say "wassup dog" you can get your ass kicked. This is Sharksteros. No scrapas or bullfrogs.

This is the way I see it, if you're from Fresno, I'm not taking my chances. I'm gonna assume you're a bulldog and going to protect myself. But if you're from Fresno, and down for the North, I got much love for you.
Nov 27, 2002

People need to cool it while those needless "dog" assumptions-- That word just way too prevalent now. There's a time and a place for "flueing" ang not "flueing" and there's no reason to make the difference all that obvious to eavesdroppers anyhow. Who the fuck should be caring about "dog" when we got bigger fish to fry that don't affect being a shark or not a shark. On the reals, too many people getting too much shit twisted for no good reason. How people wanna be trying to prove themselves at a busstop when nothing's at stake anyways? That type of shit went in and around Fairway for no good reason when people don't know when to not quit assuming all letters automatically stand for this or that. Set trippers just open the door for scrapas and 50, and it turn everything to bullshit, bulldog or no, when you could a had a down homie watchin your back aginst more real trouble.
Dec 17, 2002
Yeah there's bigger fish to fry (scrapas), true but there is still war between Norte and bullfrogs.
I was the one eavesdropping once I heard the word Fresno and the rest is history.
Just because they did'nt know what I knew, they were still bullfrogs reppin their set.
Unfotunately that SJ homie did'nt know about the beef between Norte and F14, and took the perro's side.