Show me a black man in America who hasn't encountered any form of racism and I'll show you a black man that has never left his house. One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that "it's 2011, we have a black president, America isn't racist anymore." That is absolute bullshit. Racism isn't inherent to any color, anyone and almost everyone has a little racist tendencies to them.
I hear what you sayin about the "Anti-White" stuff, and I understand your problem with it. Generalizations about whole races should never be made based on the actions of a few. But we're not talking about racism, we're talking about the justified use of the N-Word. There is absolutely no justification for a nonblack to ever use the word. Period. That doesn't mean I have a problem with a white guy if his black friends let him use it. I have a problem if a white guy thinks its cool to say it to somebody he doesn't know. That's disrespectful. There are justifications and realities as to why the word will never leave the black community, however fucked up of a reality that is, it is a reality.