No... we didn't just say the same thing. I do agree that it starts in the black community... Why else would I waste my valuable time trying to enlighten, not only my Black Brothers and Sisters, but also my Non-Black Brothers and Sisters, on a chat thread at 2AM in the morning?
The thing that just absolutely eludes me is why so many of you Non-Blacks refuse to let go of the word. I mean, seeing this thread, it's like many of you are like clutching on to it, kickin' and screamin' like it has to be pried for your dead hands, before you'll let it go.
Get it right, I am not here to generalize all Non-Blacks and put you all in the same bucket. Just as there are blacks who USE the word there are Non-blacks who USE the word. Just as there are Blacks who REFUSE to use the word there are Non-Blacks who REFUSE to use the word... The question is... who are YOU as a person? Don't hide behind arguments of hypocrisy. Be a man/woman and take a stand. Fuck what everyone else is doing. What is it that you are doing? Have some integrity...
To be honest with you I really am not the type of person who wants to stop anyone from doing anything they want to do. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me. What pisses ME off is when people try to justify something that they know is dead ass wrong, for no good reason, and then try to hide behind bullshit because they don't have the balls to stand behind their actions, all alone and standing on their own two feet...
For the last time, I ain't mad at Kreayshawn or V-Nasty... I honestly believe they had good intentions. If they were smart they'd realize the opportunity before them, and put as much distance between themselves and that word as they can. They are about to lose all that they've worked for over something that they now know is pure poison to their careers. And why? THAT is the question. What is it that that word represents to them that they are willing to give up everything for it? They BOTH say it. One has admitted it and the other doesn't need to because it's every other word out of her mouth... You don't have to be rapping for the word to have significance...