racist ass democratic mexicans.

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Feb 9, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
racism is something that DOES exist and probly always will to a certain extent but it seems that today minorities are using it as an excuse to fail, i dont care who you are with hard work and persistance and being the best or one of the best at something/anyting you will suceed no matter what you race is because in this country money talks and if i or any other person hiring finds that a black or hispanic person is going to make me more money than a white one you best believe the one that can make the most money will be hired.
1) Yes racism does and will always exist, I never said it doesn't and/or it will ever stop.
2)I never bitched or used race as an excuse as a failure, I don't consider myself a failure. I am smarter than most people I have met and my test scored have always spoken for me.
3)The problem isn't racism as much as people that think their isn't racism and that you should forget about it, even in this country we're not all created equally and we don't all have an equal oppurtunity.
4) I know that most white's I meet think very little of beaners and niggers. It's fucked but that's the truth. Am I saying all whites are like that? No. But lot's of those in power and influence could give two shit's about us.
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
if i or any other person hiring finds that a black or hispanic person is going to make me more money than a white one you best believe the one that can make the most money will be hired
Then why do the rookie white guys that my dad train end up passing him up in rank at his company. My dad's been with his company for over 30 years and has won awards for his work, yet only recently did he just get promoted to one of the top spots that his trainees have. Oh yeah, one of the white dudes he trained got fired for calling a black worker a "tar baby"

And for someone who is of Mexican descent, I would of thought you'd use a better term than "hispanic"
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
any law or programs that awards a group of people based on their race is in effect punishing another for the same reason.
Awards? I never been awarded for shit. I have been given an opportunity to compete on an equal playing ground, which is what affirmitive action does for people who dont have a chance otherwise. Even with affirimitive action we still dont have equal playing fields.
May 8, 2002
SJN14 said:
2)I never bitched or used race as an excuse as a failure, I don't consider myself a failure. I am smarter than most people I have met and my test scored have always spoken for me.
i never said that you have, but alote of people that take your position that whites are racist use that as a defense mechanism to have some1 else to blame for their personal inferiority.

look for the most part hispanic, black, white, whatever dont blame society if they are superior in something and are succesful dont seem to blame society for anything. yet i find that most hispanics, blacks, and/or whites that arent sucessful often find society to blame for their shortcomings.

in a capitalist society most of the time the best person will get the job.

SJN14 said:
even in this country we're not all created equally and we don't all have an equal oppurtunity.
that is true. but i think this is true everywhere.

SJN14 said:
4) I know that most white's I meet think very little of beaners and niggers. It's fucked but that's the truth.
you must have some bad luck because most people i know are the complete opposite regardless of race/color.

SJN14 said:
Am I saying all whites are like that? No. But lot's of those in power and influence could give two shit's about us.
lots of people in power gives 2 shits about us primarily because we are ordinary people not because of our color. they would be the same way towards poor ass white people too.
May 8, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
Awards? I never been awarded for shit. I have been given an opportunity to compete on an equal playing ground, which is what affirmitive action does for people who dont have a chance otherwise.
and it takes away that same opportunity from a more qualified person just because they happen to be white/asian?? tell me is that fair???
Apr 25, 2002
How does it take away from someone who is more qualified??? If your a doctor, you still need the proper credentials no matter what color you are. If you are a lawyer, you still need to pass the same bar exam everybody else does. Affirmitive action does nothing to make the unqualified magically qualified for anything, and thats where fools got it twisted. A brown doctor has the same degrees as a white doctor. If there was no affirmitive action, there would be no brown doctors... NOW IS THAT FAIR???
May 8, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
How does it take away from someone who is more qualified??? If your a doctor, you still need the proper credentials no matter what color you are. If you are a lawyer, you still need to pass the same bar exam everybody else does. Affirmitive action does nothing to make the unqualified magically qualified for anything, and thats where fools got it twisted. A brown doctor has the same degrees as a white doctor. If there was no affirmitive action, there would be no brown doctors... NOW IS THAT FAIR???
college entrance exams should be based on intelligence not on race.

in the famous michigan case the university required 120 points to become eligible for the school.

and gave a bonus of 20 points to blacks and hispanics just for bieng black or hispanic.

a perfect 1600 SAT score was worth 20 points.

so basically a black or hispanic student has a 20 point advantage over a white or asian student. is that fair that before the race even begins one group of people already has a lead over another.

one group only has to muster up 80 points while another has to muster up 100 points.
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
college entrance exams should be based on intelligence not on race.
They never were based on race. We all get the same exams.

in the famous michigan case the university required 120 points to become eligible for the school and gave a bonus of 20 points to blacks and hispanics just for bieng black or hispanic. a perfect 1600 SAT score was worth 20 points.
so basically a black or hispanic student has a 20 point advantage over a white or asian student. is that fair that before the race even begins one group of people already has a lead over another.
one group only has to muster up 80 points while another has to muster up 100 points.
Learn something before you speak on it. This was not an entry exam. It was criteria that determines your eligibility. And it wasn't only limited to blacks and hispanics, but all underrepresented racial-ethnic minorities. And also, if you are a scholarship athlete of any color you get 20 points. If you are at a socio-economic disadvantage (includes whites) you get 20 points. And even if you just get high recommendation from the provost (a high ranking memeber of the university who is white) you even get 20 points.

Pllus on top of all of this, youre only allowed 40 points from this group of criteria total anyway. Not to mention that there are other groups of criteria as well including 10 points for just being a Michigan resident. So is that really putting anybody at an advantage? A minority would get just as many points as a wide reciever , a poor white guy, or a friend to the provost. A minority wouldnt have a chance without affirmitive action. Not to mention that not all schools follow the same system as Michigan.

This is all factual, go look it up.
Jul 7, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
They never were based on race. We all get the same exams.

Learn something before you speak on it. This was not an entry exam. It was criteria that determines your eligibility. .....
he only repeating what Savage tells him, Mclean always leaves something out, talk about bias
Jul 24, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
here is why i think it isnt happening. we do have the resources, but neither party wants to touch it. the democrats wont because they are getting most of the votes from the hispanic copmmunity and the republicans wont touch it because they dont want to lose the few minority votes they are getting and dont want to be accused of racism, because that is what will happen, just look at Rush. ANY CONSERVATIVE THAT TAKES THAT POSITION RUNS THE CHANCE OF GETTING SMEARED AS A RACIST BY LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS.
Ok so you are saying that both parties fear losing votes?
I'm gonna have to look at statistical data to see just how much a Latino vote counts to both these parties.

But I do not think these people hold back in fear of critisism.
I think critisism is the last thing in their minds. The biggest racists among them often do their dirt out in the open.

Mcleanhatch said:

look if we had no illegal aliens here right now the people in the line trying to come here legally would be getting approved so fast it isnt even funny because WE NEED THEIR LABOR. but with all the illegal aliens here now and all the ones coming in because we dont enforce our laws we have no jobs to fill and therefore people that are trying to come here legally have to wait a hell of a long time or outright are denied.
If the process was so fast, or can be fast, why do you think these people to choose to come in illegally anyway?
Why would they even put their lives at risk by coming in via a "coyote"?
Feb 9, 2003
Mcleanhatch said:
i never said that you have, but alote of people that take your position that whites are racist use that as a defense mechanism to have some1 else to blame for their personal inferiority.
I have never met any that have claimed to fail because of this, but I have met many that have it a lot harder than the average white person because of their skin tone.
Mcleanhatch said:
ilook for the most part hispanic, black, white, whatever dont blame society if they are superior in something and are succesful dont seem to blame society for anything. yet i find that most hispanics, blacks, and/or whites that arent sucessful often find society to blame for their shortcomings.
Yes it goes both ways. It's hard being an immigrant but once you take the good jobs it's you opressing the working America.
Mcleanhatch said:
in a capitalist society most of the time the best person will get the job.
Nepotism is actually ver common and so are other types of favortisms.
Mcleanhatch said:
you must have some bad luck because most people i know are the complete opposite regardless of race/color.

lots of people in power gives 2 shits about us primarily because we are ordinary people not because of our color. they would be the same way towards poor ass white people too.
Maybe I do have bad luck, along with alot of the people on this board who face racism and bigotry, but that just means minorities must have a lot of "bad luck." Secondly the poor whites are never judged by their skin color by other whites, they may be looked down upon but I don't think as much as Blacks and Mexicans are.
May 8, 2002
Quote: Mcleanhatch
in the famous michigan case the university required 120 points to become eligible for the school and gave a bonus of 20 points to blacks and hispanics just for bieng black or hispanic. a perfect 1600 SAT score was worth 20 points.
so basically a black or hispanic student has a 20 point advantage over a white or asian student. is that fair that before the race even begins one group of people already has a lead over another.
one group only has to muster up 80 points while another has to muster up 100 points.

MeloTrauma said:
Learn something before you speak on it. This was not an entry exam. It was criteria that determines your eligibility.
where in the above statement that you posted did i talk about an exam

MeloTrauma said:
They never were based on race. We all get the same exams.
i never said the SAT or any other specific test was based on race, quit making things up.

MeloTrauma said:
And it wasn't only limited to blacks and hispanics, but all underrepresented racial-ethnic minorities
i know that but i didnt want to be on this keyboard typing forever i mean there is about 30 different catagories

MeloTrauma said:
Pllus on top of all of this, youre only allowed 40 points from this group of criteria total anyway.
only 40 points out of a total of 120. i would say that that is a big help, takes away from the importance of grades and SAT/ACT's and community services dont you think.

i always thought college was for the more intelligent people not for the ones who couldnt make it without the help regardless of sex or race/ethnicity.

MeloTrauma said:
Not to mention that there are other groups of criteria as well including 10 points for just being a Michigan resident. So is that really putting anybody at an advantage?
it isnt based on race so of course there is nothing wrong with it.

residents should have first crack, after all they are the ones whos tax dollars are going to the school.

MeloTrauma said:
A minority would get just as many points as a wide reciever , a poor white guy, or a friend to the provost.
so without the extra points there would be no athletes, minorities, or poor whites getting into college, because they wouldnt qualify, is that what you are saying. because if that were the case all colleges would be empty because their isnt many rich people.

MeloTrauma said:
A minority wouldnt have a chance without affirmitive action.
really, i didn't know you thought so highly of minorities.

MeloTrauma said:
Not to mention that not all schools follow the same system as Michigan.
of course not some have stronger AA and some have weaker AA
Apr 25, 2002
where in the above statement that you posted did i talk about an exam

i never said the SAT or any other specific test was based on race, quit making things up.
"college entrance exams should be based on intelligence not on race." This is what you said.

only 40 points out of a total of 120. i would say that that is a big help, takes away from the importance of grades and SAT/ACT's and community services dont you think.
Yes it is a big help... and help is what we need for an equal chance to get in. How come you dont point out the fact that the provost can just assign 20 points to whoever the fuck she wants to. Isnt that unfair? Plus who the fuck gets a perfect score on their SATs anyway??? A very select few. That 20 points is virtually a non issue. And you fail to realize that minorities test scores DO COUNT when it comes to entrering the school. Its not like the school is assigning points to dummies. When you got 80 percent of white people trying to get into the school on top of 20 percent of minorities, is that fair to begin with? How come there aren't more minorites getting into college? How come Mexicans have the highest drop out rates in high school? Are you going to tell me that we're dumb? That we're lazy? What is the reason?

i always thought college was for the more intelligent people not for the ones who couldnt make it without the help regardless of sex or race/ethnicity.
Just like I thought America was supposed to be a country where everyone is equal regardless of sex, race/ethnicity. Everyone in college is intelligent, otherwise they wouldnt be there.

so without the extra points there would be no athletes, minorities, or poor whites getting into college, because they wouldnt qualify, is that what you are saying.

Sorry genius. That is not what Im saying. There are qualifications to get into college that need to be met regardless. Everyone who is in college has met the qualifications. But not everyone is gonna get points the same way. Not everyone is gonna get points from being a quarterback, not everyone is gonna get points from being the provost's friend, not everyone is going to get points from being poor, and not everyone is going to get points from being a minority. The reason there is such a point system is so that ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT yet QUALIFIED people are allowed into the school creating a diverse student body, which in turn creates a wonderful spectrum of different people coming together academiclly. Are you in college? Have you ever thought about going to college?

really, i didn't know you thought so highly of minorities
You know the real... stop implying false context on my part
May 8, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
"college entrance exams should be based on intelligence not on race." This is what you said.
ya, ok i misspoke there.

"college entrance exams should be based on intelligence not on race." should have read "college entrance should be based on intelligence not on race". again, my bad.

MeloTrauma said:
You know the real... stop implying false context on my part
this is what you said

MeloTrauma said:
A minority wouldnt have a chance without affirmitive action.
to me that sounds exactly like you are saying that they arent intelligent enough to get in without the white mans "AA" help. and that is why i said:

Mcleanhatch said:
really, i didn't know you thought so highly of minorities.
i would just assume get in on my own hard work and intelligence than to recieve a hand out. and you know what that is why i never filled in the little ethnicity box when i applied for college, i wanted them to take me based on my grades and my test scores not on my race, not to fill quotas.

this is a capitalist society not a communist/socialist one. and therefore the best qualified people should get accepted not an inferior one regardless of race/ethnicity
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
this is a capitalist society not a communist/socialist one. and therefore the best qualified people should get accepted not an inferior one regardless of race/ethnicity
Once again you are not getting the real, Im not gonna try to explain it anymore. Just read my shit again until you get it.

When I said "Minortities wouldnt have a chance if it werent for Affirmitive Action" you should know what I mean having read my posts already, and Im done with repeatimg myself over andover for those who fail to pay attention.

DO you honestly think that I would think minorities arent intelligent enough to make it without a handout. After reading all my shit can you honestly say that is how I feel??? You just tryin to be funny now.
May 8, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
Then why do the rookie white guys that my dad train end up passing him up in rank at his company. My dad's been with his company for over 30 years and has won awards for his work, yet only recently did he just get promoted to one of the top spots that his trainees have.
why exactly i dont know. and cant make an educated guess here because i dont know all the facts.

but here is 1 thing that i can tell you. my sisiter just got a job working at the Stanislaus County welfare dept. and she is at a higher position then some poeple that have been there for ovedr 20 years.

this is what my sister told me. others there complain that they have been there so long yet never get the promotion, while rookies like her get the top job. but this is why she got the job. alote of the people that wre there 20 years ago only have a HS education, or and AA, so they have a cieling that they hit, while rookies like my sister gets out of school with a masters, and so she gets the job.

point being for some jobs you have to have MAster or BA or PhD. when she first started interning she was being trained by the people that she now basically is in charge of
May 8, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
Once again you are not getting the real, Im not gonna try to explain it anymore. Just read my shit again until you get it.

When I said "Minortities wouldnt have a chance if it werent for Affirmitive Action" you should know what I mean having read my posts already, and Im done with repeatimg myself over andover for those who fail to pay attention.
you are spinning like a top. there is no other way to interpret what you said: "Minortities wouldnt have a chance if it werent for Affirmitive Action" any other way than the way i did.
Apr 25, 2002
^^^ Ok Ill explain my obvious feelings since you need it spelled out for you.

Minorities wouldnt have a chance without affirimitive action because affirmitive action creates equal playing grounds for all. Without those equal playing grounds, minorities wouldnt have a chance to compete in society of supposed "equal opportunity" Dont you pay attention? I ve been saying the same shit over and over.

And you have a sister that works in a welfare office? That is interesting. Does she have the same views as you?
May 8, 2002
nope she is a screaming liberal.

secondly, i had a real good chance, when i got into college i refused to answer the box, so they didnt know what race i was, yet i got in so i didnt need AA and any1 who is qualified doesnt need AA, the only people who need AA are the ones that cant gety into college on their own.