Places You've Worked...

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
lol. i dunno. like i got hired then they called me back 10 minues later talking about the guy whos job i just replaced called in and wanted his job back..

i was like ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay.... :dead:
That happened to me last week.

I got a fully at The Flying Saucer now, though.
Dec 9, 2005
I also used to work at a Metabolife kiosk and literally didn't know anything about the shit.

I would just make stuff up when people would ask questions. I would bring the PS2 to work, and play Siphon Filter on the TV that was supposed to be airing the little informational video.
Dec 29, 2008
one of the more interesting jobs i had was when i was in college. i literally have had too many jobs to list them all.

i was working at this place called the Alcohol Research Group.
This group of scientists i guess you'd call them scientists were doing a research study.
They were interviewing college students and random people for like 2 hours each and i forget what the questions they asked them were. But basically interviewing them about their life. They'd pay the interviewee i think $50 or something for their time. So hella people would be interviewed to get the money. It was like all confidential but it was videotaped right.

The research study was looking at the connections between going to bars and clubs and getting stds. So the questions were about relationships and the interviewees experiences at bars and clubs. Like one night stand types of questions and they'd ask the people if they ever cheated on their boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever right. Well the interviewees would be really forthcoming and it seemed like they were happy to tell their life stories and shit.

My job was to transcribe the interviews from audio or video to word documents. So hella hoes i went to school with ended up getting interviewed there and some of the shit i found out about them blew my mind. The shit these hoes were confessing in these interviews furthered my ideas about being careful about trusting females feel me.

some of the other places ive worked include:

Parc 55 Hotel
Parrot Cellular
A Panaderia lol
Lincoln Elementary in Richmond
First World Connect in Belmont
Harrys Bar in Frisco
Boys and Girls Club in Redwood City
UCSF (i actually was a cancer research assist. believe it or not)
private Reading tutor
i've done open houses in Frisco
apartment manager
Odin Books in Berkeley
a bank
ive also done the SF Chronicle telemarketing shit lol
Nordstrom Cafe in Hillsdale Mall

and a few other places
Apr 25, 2002
Proformance Mfg. No real good stories there. I just painted all of the offices over the course of the summer.

Papa Joe's Pizza. I did everything there from making to delivering pizzas. I worked with this guy that was hilarious. He had just gotten out of jail for armed robbery. He would always tell me how hard he fucked his wife the night before. We would always bag on the other employees and the owner.

FedEx. I was probably the only white person there besides the upper management. Everyone was cool, though, especially when they found out I knew more about rap music than they did. Eventually another white guy started working there, but he was such a dork that we couldn't help bagging on him. Of course, I'm the only one he ever told on. We would make fun of him never wearing a belt and his pants falling down yet his shirt always staying tucked in. And all he would talk about was computers.

Substitute teacher until I got certified.

Special Education teacher for three years. Man, I have about a million funny stories with this. I had this one student that farted all the time. I would look up and all of the students sitting next to him would have their shirts pulled up over their noses. I told him many times it was perfectly fine to get up and go outside to fart without asking permission. After about 20 times explaining this, he finally started going outside. I'd be saying something to the class and mid-sentence he would get up and run outside. Then I told him he had to count to 50 after he farted outside because otherwise he would just drag it back in. We'd laugh when he was outside, but before he came back in we'd stop and act somewhat mature about it.

Substitute teacher. Moved out to Austin and couldn't find a damn teaching job anywhere. Substitute teaching sucks, but it's better than nothing.
Nov 6, 2004
i have had probably about 30 jobs and I have been fired from just about everyone of them. most of the work ive done is manual labor like warehouse work. driving forklifts and working some backward ass shifts. here are a few that i recall

round table pizza twice
some other grocery store
gensco inc (hvac)
platt electric
2x i was a porter for an apt complex
a solar panel company
some nursery for 1 day
probably 10 different temp agencies
american building supply
home depot
greenheck fan
an insurance company

aside from the last 2 all my shit has been manual labor. I also worked for those same day agencies like labor ready digging holes. glad I now sit at a desk.
Jun 23, 2002
lets see...

macys back when i was 18. that shit sucked, especially around the god damn manager would bounce for a break hella long and i had to deal with long ass lines and grumpy ass customers. i quit cuz that bitch wouldnt stop taking long ass breaks

systron donner in concord off of monument was another one...that shit fucking sucked..basically it was just putting components for airplanes together by hand, hella simple parts tho and that shit was fucking repetitive. everyone there smoked tho so it was ok. quit that shit not too long after

i worked as a shuttle driver for handicapped folk too..that was ok, hella easy. it was fucked up seeing people that are in a fucked up situation every day this dude who got hit on his motorcycle and can barley walk now..

i also worked for jewelry manufacturer doing some administrative shit. that was boring as shit tho i pulled a tim c and just never showed up one day..looking back that was pretty stupid. if i was the owner i woulda kicked my ass
Nov 1, 2004
I havent had to my jobs in my 24 years considering ive been in the military for 4 1/2 years

first job was at Kids Castle in Newark after they changed their name to "Fun Fitness...".
I worked on the gym side for a bunch of fucking indians who used to talk shit about me in their busted ass language. I truly deserved it though because i was a terrible employee, cant believe i lasted the 3 months that i did. I used to disappear after the gym side closed and go smoke weed in the tubes that the kids played in.

Next job was Pizza hut in Yuba City, nothing like delivering pizzas while coked out and high. Lasted almost a year there before i got fired for creating a hostile work environment. apparently you aren't supposed to fuck 2 chicks who work there.

Then i worked at round table in Marysville for 3 months, got fired from their for drug use, at least that's what i suspect, they used different terms.

Joined the navy just after that job, i make a lot more than i used to but that doesnt mean i make a lot.
Apr 23, 2006
lmfao ya'll are some getting fired ass motherfuckers.
ive had somethin like 13 jobs and only got fired once

and that was a good ass day when i got fired from that job

i was workin at a pizza place and it was the superbowl so you know we were about to be busy as fuck... right when we started preppin all the pizzas that got preordered my dealer walked in and i took a pizza out of the oven and walked out with him ... traded the pizza for a dub and smoked it all in a blunt...

to be young and have no bills again lol the good times
Dec 30, 2003
Rasputin (san lorenzo)
Ups store (stole an ipod nano... friend snitched on me)
costco (fired for being lazy)
kb homes (fuckin janitor)
Design Electric (truck Driver)
Directv (present job.. i hate heights)
Aug 4, 2003
my worst job was Harry and David. maybe it would have been cool if i had some dope or somenthin. i lasted 1 and a quarter days, fuck folding boxes as fast as possible. it was mostly bums and mexicans that knew how to fold them hella quick.

Fed ex ground way better job but i got fired 4 months into it.
Apr 16, 2003
I'm currently with my 4th job. Never been fired (knock on wood). I just show up to work on time, do my job good then fuck around afterward. I always build my value by becoming a go-to guy, people tend to keep you around longer.


Tachas y Perico
Feb 20, 2006
Tacos Sinaloa
My first job was with my potna Marco r.i.p we worked at this lil kid theater and shit on fruitvale.
second job was with some dude who was a contractor. i would do all that construction type' shit.
third job was at the dolla store. grave yard shift. got fired for being there 3hr late then being there for like 15minutes and cuttin with out saying nothing.