I used to work at Save Mart for some years. Let me tell you something. I worked with a bunch of friends, and there was this one cat, same age as us but hella little, nerdy as fuck. Because of him everyone was afraid to take shits at this place. See, the last isle of the store was aligned perfectly with the main back double-doors (that lead to the back storage room), and about 15 feet beyond that was the bathroom door, and then the stall door - all lined up. This fucker, when someone was on the shitter would put boxes to hold open the double-doors, another box to hold open the bathroom door and lastly, he would pick the lock on the stall and swing that bitch outward and everyone on that isle just would see you pants down on the shitter. Other times he would hella thrown wet paper towells over the stall and tell everyone at the registers so when you roll up with a wet ass shirt everyone is laughing. Nerdy as dude.
Looked just like Fogell..
One time there was this new chick that started working. What happened was, me and my boy took a paper bag and loaded it with groceries. I mean we packed that bitch good. Then I took my box cutter and I slit the very bottom of the bag all the way around but left the corners attached. We left to another checkstand and waited. Few seconds later she rolled up to help the lady load, pulled that bag up and the groceries went
everywhere. I mean shit like eggs broke and everything. It was kinda fucked up but I was in tears.
We used to play homerun derby in the meat locker.
Steal all kind of drinks.
One time I rolled up into the bathroom and my boy had dookie rubbed all over his shirt and I was like, man what in the fuck is all that. He sniffed it and gagged. I threw open the stall door and there was shit everywhere all over the rails where he was leaning. Fuck.
So many stories at this place. It was the shit cause me and all my boys worked there; we were young so we had NO bills, so the fact that we were making $7/hr made no difference at all. I got so many more stories but that's all that comes to mind right now.