Passion of the Christ......who seen it?

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Aug 7, 2002
Jomodo said:

one more thing

What I stated is fact, its your B.S. propaganda and hate which makes people racist/prejudice/anti-semitic

think about that... DOGG

you still sound like a idiot you need to learn the difference between opinion and propaganda what you are doing by typing out whole paragraphs about how your suffering and how the movie is racist = propaganda not me putting you in check for whining
Aug 7, 2002
D'struction said:
Okay... Blacks on slave ships, or what if you put hitler next to a big oven and put the snickers thing next to some ashes?? it would still be offensive to people.......
just usin an example doesnt mean anything it might have been the first thing to come to mind.

anyways, peace.
6 million innocent people is completely different from 1 blasphemer


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Sixxness said:
Jesus went around doin his thing back then, spreading the word of God and religion and starting his own shit, but if someone did that today, I bet people would see them and say they were starting a CULT.
Is there anyone today who is walking on water or raising the dead? Didn't think so... but the old testament was around before Jesus. It was actual text, in scripts, and it foretold the coming of Christ and the prophecies were fullfilled EXACTLY 100% the way they were told THOUSANDS of years before Jesus fulfilled them. How you like dem apples?

Before I speak on it, I'll just clear up I'm not specifically talking about you Sixxness....But I think cats are quick to judge God but they never seek the truth... they think Jesus is going to ruin there lives because they love sin, I understand how it works... it's wayyyyyyy easier to live life thinking God doesn't exist. It's easier to have a guilt free mind (when you've convinced yourself you will not be judged) than it is to try and make an effort to live life right. Your conscience is a bitch and all the things we do to try and hide it (put up walls, think/act hard, etc) just end up ruining us. Christians aren't perfect, they're just forgiven... and there's different levels to being saved. It's not like once you believe you're this COMPLETELY different person. I know christians who just two years ago would take your life for $20 dollars and now they strive to live right. I know people who were raised in the church and are square bears who have never had there hands dirty. They're both striving for the same thing... to live life right. So the next time you're wondering if this whole God thing is bullshit... just go and research the prophecies of the old testament, because there is no refuiting that evidence, shit happened whether you want to believe it or not... Truth is truth.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I don't need a higher power to know how to live my life. I know you ain't talkin directly to me, but I'll reply with my opinion anyway....You say I don't want to be "judged" but I don't believe their is a higher power that would do that....A lot of people follow religion because their parents made them do it and they grew up in it....My parents never did anything like that, we never went to church or anything, but I used to believe in god. I don't need to believe in god to know killing someone is wrong, I have a brain and I can tell the difference between right and wrong, to me that is just human nature. I don't need any form of a "god" to live my life right, I can do it by myself (which I am).

But let me ask you something....Do you believe in Adam and Eve? And if they were the first two humans on earth do you seriously think that god just "created" them and that's how they came into being? that sounds like some hocus pocus brain wash the masses to control them type of shit to me.


Sicc OG
Oct 20, 2002

I agree with 100%, did God really create the world in 7 have to be jokin!!!!

I'm not sayin that I don't believe in God...but who is to say what religion is correct and is the truth, for the most part it is what you are raised up as.....

I'm not lookin to be saved, its karma and my conscience that keeps me in line....
Jul 10, 2002

It is appearant that you have an ability to read. Now the next step is putting the words together and making sense out of those words, its called comprehension.

Please specifically indicate my so-called propaganda. My initial paragraph was a factual statement which drew parallels between theatrical productions in early Nazi Germany and the movie of topic currently running. The second paragraph was an expression of my opion that I don't give a fuck what anyone believes as long as it makes them a better person.

Furthermore, you are an imbecile who needs to learn the difference betweem anti-semitic and racist (and prejudice, but that's another lesson later for you little child). Judaism is a religion not a race (although Hitler would argue against that).

Finially little boy, I'm a MAN who knows my place. You are ignorant and clueless, so do your self a favor and check yourself...

I'm done, 'nuff said!

Feb 4, 2004
i seen the movie, and i dont see what the fuss was about, i think tha shit was pretty graphic...specially when they were whippin him and the chain got stuck in hiz skin and they ripped it out,i dont really read the bible so i dont kno about its accuracy, but honestly, the whole thing seems like a "story" to me...

jesus died for our sins? but we werent living, so did he die for the sins of the people before him?

I dont kno, maybe im just ignorant, but I dont get it.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Sixxness said:
But let me ask you something....Do you believe in Adam and Eve? And if they were the first two humans on earth do you seriously think that god just "created" them and that's how they came into being? that sounds like some hocus pocus brain wash the masses to control them type of shit to me.
of course I do... that's my belief, I respect yours... bottom line is at the end of the day we're all still friends and kick it... we just like to argue!! haha :classic:
May 13, 2002
mo-x said:
Is there anyone today who is walking on water or raising the dead? Didn't think so... but the old testament was around before Jesus. It was actual text, in scripts, and it foretold the coming of Christ and the prophecies were fullfilled EXACTLY 100% the way they were told THOUSANDS of years before Jesus fulfilled them. How you like dem apples?
Wheres the proof or should I say, apples?
Feb 26, 2003
i believe that there is a god........... but god is god i mean allah and god are the same person...... muslims only believe that the last profet was mohamed not jezus....... so i dont really get into that but i believe there is somthing....

but im with sixxness on the adam and eve tip.... i mean they found so manny proofs of the evolution..... but i think god started the proses.... like when earth had no live it can start rainin etc etc... but from rock sand and water i dont dee how organizems can be created and why the fuck should a fish try to go on land....

Thats just my tought about god ans all

i havent seen the movie yet...... so i cant judge about that
Mar 13, 2003
If you believe there is a god, let the non-believers rot in hell... don't force them to believe, I think the recruiting stage of religion takes away from it's credibility.

If you don't believe there is a god, don't criticize other people for having beliefs, be proud that you didn't waste your life following.

If you are a free mason, PM me all of your interesting secrets... I won't tell a soul.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Fridge said:
If you believe there is a god, let the non-believers rot in hell... don't force them to believe, I think the recruiting stage of religion takes away from it's credibility.

If you don't believe there is a god, don't criticize other people for having beliefs, be proud that you didn't waste your life following.
'Nuff Said.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
Fridge said:
If you believe there is a god, let the non-believers rot in hell... don't force them to believe, I think the recruiting stage of religion takes away from it's credibility.

Interesting statement.So you believe you should just shut your mouth about God and eternal life,and let the individual who's living a sinful life on Earth give his soul to Satan.All that just so you don't 'inconvienence' yourself or the other person for a few minutes?Mo-X,you agree with that statement?What religion are you practicing to where you believe in Jesus Christ,but your to turn the cheek on non-believers?I was preached to plant a seed.That's just to drop a little bit of knowledge and hope the person I'm dealing with gives a little effort to try to understand who Jesus Christ is.Alot of people act as if your encountered daily about finding God,or your interupted nightly by an anonymous Pastor's phone call about the word of god.Let's be honest,how many of us (believers/non-believers),are actually being bombarded by people to believe in God?Once a month,maybe?Fo

I agree with Mo-X in the fact that alot of people don't search out the Lord for a fear of a lifestyle change.For most it probably seems easier to smoke dank,drink and casually have sex with any girl who's willing.It seems fun and easy,but it's always an emptyness for most,and the thought of helping a neighbor out,or showing respect to a stranger in our culture almost seems impossible.

Anyway,I'm not gonna front like I'm Super Christian because I'm not.I believe in Jesus Christ,and always have him in my mind and heart but I still do alot of bad stuff that I can only ask forgiveness for,and hope someday I can change.For those of you who don't,I as a Christian am suppose to pray for you.FACT!
Aug 7, 2003
Pittsburg/Bay Point
So what do you suggest? Spread the "good word" like a virus? Maybe send some "real" christians to the middle east and teach the "truth"? How about Africa? Take away their beliefs and replace them with ours? Lets go to china while were at it.

"Black man running three 60 degrees. The bible in his hand still on his knees. Still gotta ask the other man please. 'Give me powdered milk and welfare cheese.'"

Where you come from Bammer? Where are your roots from? WHO taught you ***your*** beliefs? Your parents? Your family? Who is to say ***YOUR*** beliefs are the ***correct*** beliefs? You have any hardcore evidence, or is it simply JUST your belief?

If your not going to front like the 'super-christian' and you say you do bad shit, then what kind of christian are you? A half-assed christian?
What gives you, the "bad" decision making christian the right to judge anyone? You said it yourself, "but I still do alot of bad stuff " - seems to me as your not much of a christian at all.

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
First of all......let's all forgive Sixxness.....for he knows not what he does. What a fuckin' clown.'s nice to see history repeating itself right here on the Siccness. It's amazing how much funk the subject of RELIGION can start.

What do I think? I don't know what to think as far as the existence of God and the life of Jesus. But I think the whole story about Adam & Eve and the world being created in 7 days is a fuckin' joke. C'mon people......there is a BIG difference between "beliefs" and scientific *PROOF*.

Call me crazy.......but I'll take millions of years of tangible evidence over some few thousand year old story any day. Many of those stories were created to provide an *ANSWER* as to where we came from before we had the knowledge or means to figure it out scientifically. There was a time when the world was flat.....ya know what I'm sayin'?? There was a time when people thought that human sacrifices would appease the "gods" and produce good crops. WTF?

What do I think? I think religion was created to provide an answer to lifes questions at a time when the human race was unable to understand certain things. And I also see it as a sort of control over the masses. Don't do ______ or you'll go to hell. If you _______ then you won't go to heaven. The mind is a very powerful thing......and it can also be very weak when it comes to the power of suggestion. If you're told something long enough.....eventually you're gonna believe it. Especially if it's something that you've heard since your birth. Especially something that has been passed on for generations over a couple thousand years. Just like those Palestinian kids that are being raised from birth to hate Israeli's......they don't know any better......because it's all they know. And they will in turn pass it on and it will grow. Why are most racists the way they are??? Because they were raised to be a racist from an early age. They are emulating what they seen all their lives from their family and peer groups. It's called PROPEGATION folks.

I think our existence on this planet is far less important than we would like to believe. We're just onther species on this piece of rock called Earth and just happen to be at the top of the food chain. Humans are too creative and curious for our own good sometimes. We all want to think we're special.....we all want to think that there is some great place that we'll go after we die......and many of us would like to believe that there is some higher power out there controlling shit. I think it's a crock of shit. You live and you die.....end of story. Just like anything else that lives and dies.

Everybody should believe what they want to though. If it helps you sleep better at If it makes you Just don't expect everybody to think like you. I'm my own person with my own mind, thoughts and feelings. I'm all for people doin' whatever makes them happy regardless of what it is. Just don't try to tell me I'm wrong because I wasn't (for lack of a better term) brainwashed like you.

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
Oh.......and 1 more thing. How are you really gonna try to tell me that every other living organism in the history of the world has evolved and mutated but us?????

It's a KNOWN *FACT* that we are between 95 - 98.5% genetically identical to chimpanzees. And recent DNA studies have suggested that we are 99.4% identical.