Passion of the Christ......who seen it?

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I haven't seen it, but I can't believe that people are actually saying this is "the most powerful movie" they've ever seen....give me a fucking break, can you even count how many times the bible has been re-written? and wasn't Mel Gibson Jesus? I mean come on, Jesus was from the Middle East.....accuracy my ass...
Nov 16, 2003
"i aint here to argue about his facial features,
im just here to turn atheists into believers,
im just tryin to say the way that school need teachers,
the way kathy lee needed regis,
thats the way i need jesus,
so here go my single dog, radio needs this,
these days you can rap about anything except for jesus,
that mean guns, sex, lies, videotape,
but if i talk about god my record wont get played? (huh?)
well if this takes away from spins,
which will probably take away from my ends,
then i hope it take away from my sins,
and bring the day that im dreamin bout,
next time im in the club everybody screamin out...Jesus Walks"
May 6, 2002
Sixxness said:
I haven't seen it, but I can't believe that people are actually saying this is "the most powerful movie" they've ever seen....give me a fucking break, can you even count how many times the bible has been re-written? and wasn't Mel Gibson Jesus? I mean come on, Jesus was from the Middle East.....accuracy my ass...
Why speak on it if you ain't seen it. How can you have an opinion when you haven't even went and watched the movie? As far as Mel Gibson being the star character, I think you might be wrong on that one. Thats beside the point, I'm just saying you come in with a strong opinion, but you ain't even watched the movie.

OR is it because D-Sane made this thread, and everyone knows you and him are locked in a lil fued. Is this just another way to take a stab at him? If thats the case why not man up and just say fuck D-Sane. You might earn a lil more respect if you just speak your mind instead of making snide remarks.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Mr. Manolo said:
Why speak on it if you ain't seen it. How can you have an opinion when you haven't even went and watched the movie? As far as Mel Gibson being the star character, I think you might be wrong on that one. Thats beside the point, I'm just saying you come in with a strong opinion, but you ain't even watched the movie.

OR is it because D-Sane made this thread, and everyone knows you and him are locked in a lil fued. Is this just another way to take a stab at him? If thats the case why not man up and just say fuck D-Sane. You might earn a lil more respect if you just speak your mind instead of making snide remarks.

First, I would NEVER waste my money on something like that. I don't believe in god, that's why I said what I said.

Now, you want the reason I posted? I think the movie is a bunch of bullshit...Actually, I think the message the bible sends is bullshit, I could give a flying fuck less who posted this thread. Its not a bad thread, I just think the movie is ridiculous.

BTW, I have said fuck him, I've said it to him, and he's said it to me, as far as I'm concerned, it's past the petty kiddy shit....In fact, its just in the past, I try to not even bother thinking about it....
Mar 13, 2003
I guess he's implying that Jesus wasn't a white Australian... which doesn't make since, because Gibson only directed it, Jesus was played by the guy from "Angel Eyes" and "Pay It Forward"... James Cavezeil.

I didn't see the movie. I don't plan on going to see it, either. If the opportunity arrises to go watch it and I'm with some friends, I'll catch it for sure, but it's not exactly my type of movie... I need comedy.

However, I did go to Church for the first time ever on Sunday today... that was kind of wierd, one of the ladies there saw this movie and decided she wanted to give her life to spreading the word of God, which was followed by a very moving prayer. An older lady got out of the crowd and started praying in tongue, it freaked me out... but it was interesting.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Sonny Bonoho said:
why don't you believe in God? Can I ask...
and what is your name too.
of course, this is sonny.
I don't believe in god for a lot of reasons. I believe in evolution over creationism. Last summer I went through some shit that changed my life and the way I think forever (no, not drugs). My name is Ryan, I've met you a few times, a couple times with Neema and once or twice at the I-SPY...

CODE said:
Please explain what you are implying.....
Jesus was NOT white, he lived in the fuckin Middle East, so he should be lookin like Saddam or Bin Laden, not some honkey mu'fucka!

Fridge said:
I guess he's implying that Jesus wasn't a white Australian... which doesn't make since, because Gibson only directed it, Jesus was played by the guy from "Angel Eyes" and "Pay It Forward"... James Cavezeil.

I don't know who played Jesus, but either way dude was white and to say Jesus was white when he was from the Middle East is ignorant. That's like trying to portray a black dude in history, but you use an Mexican cat to play the role....Its just retarded....


Sicc OG
Oct 20, 2002
Sixxness said:
Jesus was NOT white, he lived in the fuckin Middle East, so he should be lookin like Saddam or Bin Laden, not some honkey mu'fucka!
Tell me what color are the people of Jerusalem?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
CODE said:
Tell me what color are the people of Jerusalem?

Pink....:confused: Are we talking about now or several THOUSAND years ago? Things change over time....If you think Jesus was a white dude then I feel REALLY REALLY sorry for you.
Aug 31, 2002
wassup ryan. you qouted, "I believe in evolution over creationism". thats cool. here is some knowledge about what you believe.

evolution believes:: bigbang theory/apes evolving to man/etc etc.. you get the point.

creation believes:: God created everything in 6 days/ the 7th day he rested. you get the point.

trying to make this short....

i took a class called systematic theology:: heres what i learned,
"if you believe that ape was man, tell an ape evolve to man".

there's gorilla's/apes/monkeys/ ask them all. by the end of the day, it can't be evolution...
Aug 31, 2002
color don't make a point. jews come in different sorts of colors. white, black, brown, yellow...etc. its weird. it goes back when tower of babel occurred- if you dont know about that. please let me know. i tell you about it. give you a qoute on the scriptures, and you can research it for yourself. hope that help.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Sixxness said:
If you think Jesus was a white dude then I feel REALLY REALLY sorry for you.
I think you're the only one here who believes Jesus is white. It's a common misconception that Jesus is a blond haired blue eyed individual. I think the movie covered what he looks like... he looked just like every other jew in the movie. Notice he didn't look much like the romans? No you didn't, because you didn't see the movie. But what I find really funny here is that your own ignorance on a subject you know nothing about has forced you to post about a movie in a thread about a movie that you haven't even seen yet. Example:

"I haven't seen it, but I can't believe that people are actually saying this is "the most powerful movie" they've ever seen....give me a fucking break, can you even count how many times the bible has been re-written? and wasn't Mel Gibson Jesus? I mean come on, Jesus was from the Middle East.....accuracy my ass..."

So you admit to not seeing it... then you question why people are saying it's the most powerful movie THEY'VE ever seen... then you make an attempt at clowning by saying "give me a fucking break"... then you pose a question about how many times the bible has been re-written to which you leave no answer... then ask another question regarding whether Mel Gibson was playing the role of Jesus... then you say Jesus is from the Middle East and say the movie doesn't portray this. It does... Mel was not in the movie... The re-writes of the bible are translations of the original text (not english) into other languages. A translation is not a re-write, re-writing the bible would be what people like Joseph Smith do... Break given... This will be the most powerful movie SOME people have seen and it's there opinion... See the movie before you comment on it.

So chill... we all know Jesus in the phsyical form was JEWISH and FROM THE MIDDLE EAST which is where you will find ISRAEL. On a more serious note, what happened last year that makes you an athiest? Were the temptations of my cousin and her friends too much for you to bare? Some might look at that situation and say God delivered you...


Sicc OG
Oct 20, 2002
Sixxness said:
Pink....:confused: Are we talking about now or several THOUSAND years ago? Things change over time....If you think Jesus was a white dude then I feel REALLY REALLY sorry for you.
I never implied he was white, you were the one that was pin pointing what his etnicity really was...Jesus being white is an imossibilty, however acording to your knowledge Jesus looks like he is an afghanistanian or an in the FUCK is that possible...

You feel sorry for me....LMFUCKINAO.....carry on young woodchuck.....


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
mo-x said:
On a more serious note, what happened last year that makes you an athiest? Were the temptations of my cousin and her friends too much for you to bare? Some might look at that situation and say God delivered you...

It wasn't even when I was kickin it with them. They didn't have anything to do with it...Too much for me too bare? Do you think you know me that well or something? You seem to act pretty chummy with me when we're face to face, but now it seems like you're tryin to insult me of some shit....Hit me on the PM's if you wanna know anything further.
May 13, 2002
Sixxness said:
I haven't seen it, but I can't believe that people are actually saying this is "the most powerful movie" they've ever seen....give me a fucking break, can you even count how many times the bible has been re-written? and wasn't Mel Gibson Jesus? I mean come on, Jesus was from the Middle East.....accuracy my ass...
Did jesus yell, "FREEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!" at the end?

Seriously though, sixxness is right...if jesus existed he would have been hebrew or middle eastern, not spanish.