Pacquiao vs Timothy Bradley June 9th [Las Vegas]

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Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
I agree Pac wasn't hurt but you still have to score the rounds accordingly just because he wasn't hurt doesn't mean he won the round.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
No he didn't show better generalship from what I saw. I saw Pacquiao try to answer with flurries after getting punched.

In those rounds where Pacquiao landed the harder blows and hurt Bradley, I scored in his favor, but there weren't that many.

Bradley controlled the pace of the fight and I (like the other two judges) was more impressed with Bradley's counter punching and body shots as as opposed to Pacquiao's wild swinging ass flurries.

I saw Bradley land combo's to Pacquiao guts, I saw Bradley land straight punches to Pacquiao's mid section and I was really impressed with Bradley's ability to slip most of Pacquiao's punches and land counter shots of his own. That's what won Bradley the fight!
May 13, 2002
M @Myzery99 , We'll agree to disagree lol anyways do u feel Manny has lost a step? Seems to me his movement and rate of punches thrown isn't quite the same. He use to overwhelm fighters by throwing a flurry of punches and weird angles. Like I think he would tore through Bradley easily say 2 to 3 years ago
the biggest thing I noticed is his stamina. He was always a fighter that could have easily gone 15 rounds, now in the past couple fights or so he seems to get tired in the later rounds. That and some of his explosiveness isn't the same.

Same goes for floyd, he's lost a bit of his edge too. Like watch his fight against Diego Corrales and watch him now, night and day. Floyd is more technically sound then pac obviously and relies on great technique so he should last longer at or near the top then pacquiao who has relied on his explosiveness, stamina and physical abilities. Kinda like Roy Jones & Bernard Hopkins. Once Jones started to physically decline around the age 35, it was a wrap, because that's all Jones ever had was his insane physical abilities. He never had the great technique to fall back on. Whereas bernard hopkins, by age 35 he was just getting started. It didn't matter if hopkins wasn't physically as fast or strong as he was in the past cuz his technique was so flawless and that's why he outlasted Jones and everyone else in his era. Floyd could probably fight till he's 39-40 if he wanted to but Pac probably only has another fight or two left, even though he's a tad younger.
Apr 3, 2007
I'm starting to think tony and bigface are fucking with all of you. There's no way they believe everything they type on these threads. With that said, it's always entertaining to read what they have to say. I can always get a good laugh out of it.