OT No MCcain

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Sep 10, 2004
Have you seen a birth induced abortion. Basically the mother is induced into labor, and then a live baby is just set aside to die. We are a sick society.

Have you ever seen a woman lie down while someone stomps on her stomach?... or a woman shove a coat hanger up her pussy to try to kill her baby?...

my point is that if someone wants to abort their baby, the government cannot stop them... let people make their own choice, and God deal with them later... at least there will be clinics where it can be done, and everybody won't be doin it at home and in back alleys n shit...

i think abortion is wrong (except for certain circumstances... rape, etc...), ... but i don't think the government has a right to make it illegal... that idea will only backfire...
Dec 14, 2005

How about we worry about subjects that matter. A girl getting condemned for aborting a baby that was conceived by her father isnt what im worried about. Abortion may be wrong in the eyes of god, but so is killing thousands of innocent people in war. But no one seems to care much about that... mostly because its happening across the world... but this abortion shit is right in our backyard!
Sep 1, 2006
What kind of false promises has Obama made?
McCain on the other hand has been the candidate who has been lying in this campaign like saying he will rid washington of lobbyist when most of his campaign managers and friends are or were lobbyists. Or saying the democrats will tax us to death when if you make under 250K you are gettin a tax BREAK.
I love it when people watch those stupid fucking campaing ads and are all of a sudden a political analyst.Go get educated.
Sep 1, 2006

How about we worry about subjects that matter. A girl getting condemned for aborting a baby that was conceived by her father isnt what im worried about. Abortion may be wrong in the eyes of god, but so is killing thousands of innocent people in war. But no one seems to care much about that... mostly because its happening across the world... but this abortion shit is right in our backyard!
There is no abortions going on in my back yard. :cheeky:
I don't agree with the government telling me what they think is best for me.
Nov 10, 2006
Have you ever seen a woman lie down while someone stomps on her stomach?... or a woman shove a coat hanger up her pussy to try to kill her baby?...

my point is that if someone wants to abort their baby, the government cannot stop them... let people make their own choice, and God deal with them later... at least there will be clinics where it can be done, and everybody won't be doin it at home and in back alleys n shit...

i think abortion is wrong (except for certain circumstances... rape, etc...), ... but i don't think the government has a right to make it illegal... that idea will only backfire...
A main problem I have is the logic behind the hypocrisy of the laws. If a drunk driver smashes into a pregnant woman, and kills the pregnant mom,
the driver can be charged with taking two lives. However, the same life that is protected under the law can be chosen not to be. It can't be both ways.
Aug 31, 2006
In my opinion, i dont think the government has a right to interfere in the whole abortion issue. Regardless if you are pro choice or pro life, think about it, its too personal a issue and the government shouldnt be involved.

Do I believe abortion is wrong? for the most part yes. Do I believe people are entitled to their own opinions and decisions, even if I dont agree with them? Yes they do have a right. And thats why I get angry when this issue arises.

Fuck the government, telling people what they can and cant do.
Jun 9, 2007
About the whole taxes thing. Even the most hard-headed right-winger or left-winger can't argue with facts being laid out in front of them.

So here you go.

There's your answer. If you're making in the hundreds of thousands of dollars a year or more, then McCain's your guy. For the rest of America, the choice is clear...
Jul 7, 2002
About the whole taxes thing. Even the most hard-headed right-winger or left-winger can't argue with facts being laid out in front of them.

So here you go.

There's your answer. If you're making in the hundreds of thousands of dollars a year or more, then McCain's your guy. For the rest of America, the choice is clear...
You are correct if it was a black & white issue (no pun intended), but there are many ramifications to raising taxes on the "rich."
Jul 12, 2008
Nebulizah I enjoyed that video in your signature. We need to get out of this "hoax war." Fuck bush, fuck republicans. Its just an oil currency war, its all bullshit. fuck the lies our leaders tell us. America is going to shit, ahhhhhh crazyness.
Feb 10, 2005
The standard Democratic line is that conservatives like myself want tax cuts for the rich and always use big business and CEO's as the arguement against them, but it really is about small business. This country is everyday becoming more reliant on small business for jobs and the implication here is that many small business owners are either in sole proprietorships or LLC's. When you are in this your business income is taxed like personal income. Take this for example...a small business owner may bring in $500,000 of income for his business, but take home $40k personally. With the democratic view on taxation he is taxed at a very high rate because he is "too wealthy" on paper. He therefore pays a higher tax rate and has less money to grow his business and create more jobs with.
i suggest you really look at the issues in this election instead of sticking to the conservative base arguments used to cloud them.

Obama-Biden Policies straight from their platform
Support Small Business

* Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Up Companies: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-up and small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will also support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation.
* Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a national network of public-private business incubators. Business incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to increase the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged communities throughout the country.

btw what do you think about the hands off policies of fiscal conservatives and the effect on the investment banking sector in this country?
How will small businesses be able to survive if investment banking is failing?
Looks to me like some greedy people in charge of these banks got overzealous because they could and its biting us all in the ass. So much for the trickle-down