Oil Spill [Pictures]

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Apr 21, 2010
Honestly, I already know you asked me that to see what kind of crazy conspiracy theory I have thought of and will try to perpetuate with some sort of failed logic. I won't.

You asking "who" is hilarious to me, not to offend you, but honestly c'mon? Those who have power, super rich, etc. C'mon, you already know what common niggas will do for a fucking gold watch, what do you think someone would do for millions in hush money? Maybe cause a huge oil spill that kills off wildlife and suffocates all natural vegetation, in an area that they have been killing off slowly with other things like I mentioned before, the red tide hanging in the Gulf region.

Why? Honestly I don't even want to ever find out because it will be a depressing ass thought to have to experience, but all I can guess is fear mongering, and the depletion of natural resources in a faster pace to make the need for gas prices to be increased at an exponential rate since its running out in less than 60 years anyways. Who really fucking knows why corporations have such evil inclinations for the world.
Apr 18, 2005
or the health and availability of sea life.
Not that anyone cares right now. What for? We still have our Safeways & Walmarts up for our tri tip steaks to pick up, or if that's too much of a hassle for our lazy asses, hit up the Steakhouse or Famous Daves. No one cares about how many marine lifes were killed while eating a shrimp cocktail at some resturant. We wont KNOW we suffered by them (marine life) suffering until we realize there's a decline in sea food for OUR benefit. & whos to say we wont need that availability in the near future as the economy hits lowest? I swear in order to get to people nowdays, there must be some sort of DIRECT impact for them to feel or else, they wont give a flying fuck.

@Mr. Nice Guy let your nuerons flow smoothly, it's okay to answer your own questions for your own self.

Why? Honestly I don't even want to ever find out because it will be a depressing ass thought to have to experience
dollars losing value therefore no more purchasing foods at stores like how we're used to... where do people go for food if there's no food available on land? poisoning the ocean & all it's inhabitants sound like a deceptive trick only the wickedest would pull.
Jan 31, 2008
sometimes it takes nothing more than looking at an extent of a damage, re-acknowledge that its being overlooked and forigven , look around you then put 2+2 and u get "theres no way this was an accident"
May 14, 2002
Maybe I am slow.. And I didnt do a research on how the spill started. But why so many here of you think it is not an accident?

Can some of you elaborate?


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Maybe I am slow.. And I didnt do a research on how the spill started. But why so many here of you think it is not an accident?

Can some of you elaborate?
Because conspiracy theory thinking without taking evidence into account is too widespread around the internet (and not only there)
Apr 21, 2010
No. Evidence can be hidden, covered up and destroyed. Just because you can't find the knife I used to kill my neighbor, doesn't mean I didn't kill my neighbor.

I BELIEVE this was not an accident because first of all, they were drilling off of the coast of a major fishing region for the entire North American continent. (location, location, location). Then the U.S. Government did not rush into cleaning up the spill, nor did BP the ones losing out on money. Now they have only thought of ridiculous things in order to fix the problem, like the car sized "metal cap" for the hole, and sweeping the ocean with shrimp boats (seriously wtf?). They have refused other clean up options all while watching our entire Gulf marine life just die off?

Of course, I cannot tell you why people would want to make such a huge spill in our ocean, but I also cannot tell you why we still go to war or why people still think one culture is less than another. I don't understand any of the 'logic', because honestly its just too retarded for me.
Apr 21, 2010
Not that anyone cares right now. What for? We still have our Safeways & Walmarts up for our tri tip steaks to pick up, or if that's too much of a hassle for our lazy asses, hit up the Steakhouse or Famous Daves. No one cares about how many marine lifes were killed while eating a shrimp cocktail at some resturant. We wont KNOW we suffered by them (marine life) suffering until we realize there's a decline in sea food for OUR benefit. & whos to say we wont need that availability in the near future as the economy hits lowest? I swear in order to get to people nowdays, there must be some sort of DIRECT impact for them to feel or else, they wont give a flying fuck.

dollars losing value therefore no more purchasing foods at stores like how we're used to... where do people go for food if there's no food available on land? poisoning the ocean & all it's inhabitants sound like a deceptive trick only the wickedest would pull.
We will see most people turning into land meat eaters only, then once the factory farm animals become too poisonous to eat, everyone will have to take on a vegetarian diet. Then once all the plants are too poisonous to eat (herbicides, pesticides, genetic engineering, etc.), then everyone will finally say "OH SHIT, WE JUST GOT FUCKING PUNKED!"

Have fun ya'll.
Nov 24, 2003
Honestly, I already know you asked me that to see what kind of crazy conspiracy theory I have thought of and will try to perpetuate with some sort of failed logic.

Mistake #1 - unsubstantiated assumption.

I believe lots of conspiracy theories, I don't trust our government anymore than I trust the friendly bankers e-mailing me from Nigeria.

No motive or means in this case. You will need that before your belief caries any weight.

You won't or you you can't? :confused:

(see your post further down the thread)

Of course, I cannot tell you why people would want to make such a huge spill in our ocean, but I also cannot tell you why we still go to war or why people still think one culture is less than another. I don't understand any of the 'logic', because honestly its just too retarded for me.
If you can't figure out why people would want to create this spill, how can you possibly believe it was intentional?

I can give plenty of reasons why "we still go to war" - primarily control of and access to resources.

You asking "who" is hilarious to me
How is that hilarious. Someone must of done it, if it was in fact intentional.

not to offend you, but honestly c'mon? Those who have power, super rich, etc. C'mon, you already know what common niggas will do for a fucking gold watch, what do you think someone would do for millions in hush money?
The super rich want us dependent on oil. If you could come up with a motive as to why they would trigger an event that in and of itself is a catalyst to move away from a dependence on oil, your belief might actually be not entirely absurd.

Maybe cause a huge oil spill that kills off wildlife and suffocates all natural vegetation, in an area that they have been killing off slowly with other things like I mentioned before, the red tide hanging in the Gulf region.
Why would they want that?

Why? Honestly I don't even want to ever find out because it will be a depressing ass thought to have to experience
So essentially you want to cry "conspiracy - but I don't want to know - but you should believe me without any facts, motive, or means" :confused:

Would you believe yourself?

but all I can guess is fear mongering, and the depletion of natural resources in a faster pace to make the need for gas prices to be increased at an exponential rate since its running out in less than 60 years anyways.
Gas will not run out in 60 years. Even if we have reached peak oil, the remainder will be increasingly difficult to extract, some of it will require new technologies not even available yet.

While we agree about the supply & demand for gas - how does this event help those who control the supply?

If anything this going to increase regulations, scrutiny and an increasingly pervasive sentiment to move to new source of energy - something which oil companies have long avoided.

Who really fucking knows why corporations have such evil inclinations for the world.
Because they are run by humans.
Nov 24, 2003
Then the U.S. Government did not rush into cleaning up the spill, nor did BP the ones losing out on money. Now they have only thought of ridiculous things in order to fix the problem, like the car sized "metal cap" for the hole, and sweeping the ocean with shrimp boats (seriously wtf?). They have refused other clean up options all while watching our entire Gulf marine life just die off? .

They have refused other options because most of the other options involve BP loosing access to the spilled oil or the well.

Since Oil is in bed with the government - BP gets what is wants.
May 9, 2002
No. Evidence can be hidden, covered up and destroyed. Just because you can't find the knife I used to kill my neighbor, doesn't mean I didn't kill my neighbor.

I BELIEVE this was not an accident because first of all, they were drilling off of the coast of a major fishing region for the entire North American continent. (location, location, location). Then the U.S. Government did not rush into cleaning up the spill, nor did BP the ones losing out on money. Now they have only thought of ridiculous things in order to fix the problem, like the car sized "metal cap" for the hole, and sweeping the ocean with shrimp boats (seriously wtf?). They have refused other clean up options all while watching our entire Gulf marine life just die off?

Of course, I cannot tell you why people would want to make such a huge spill in our ocean, but I also cannot tell you why we still go to war or why people still think one culture is less than another. I don't understand any of the 'logic', because honestly its just too retarded for me.
SO you think it was intentional...but have no idea why? OK.

On top of that, why would BP want to risk LOSING out on all that oil? They are, in fact, an OIL company. Without oil, they dont EXIST. SO, wouldn't an oil spill, HARM there business plan?

Some of you folks really need to realize that shit just happens because it happens...not because someone wanted it to or because there should be a motive behind it.
May 14, 2002
SO you think it was intentional...but have no idea why? OK.

On top of that, why would BP want to risk LOSING out on all that oil? They are, in fact, an OIL company. Without oil, they dont EXIST. SO, wouldn't an oil spill, HARM there business plan?

Some of you folks really need to realize that shit just happens because it happens...not because someone wanted it to or because there should be a motive behind it.
Exactly, that is why I wanted to know how come so many here cried for a conspiracy.
I cannot find a reason why this would be a conspiracy or intentional ... but maybe I am just missing the big picture...


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
No. Evidence can be hidden, covered up and destroyed. Just because you can't find the knife I used to kill my neighbor, doesn't mean I didn't kill my neighbor.

I BELIEVE this was not an accident because first of all, they were drilling off of the coast of a major fishing region for the entire North American continent. (location, location, location). Then the U.S. Government did not rush into cleaning up the spill, nor did BP the ones losing out on money. Now they have only thought of ridiculous things in order to fix the problem, like the car sized "metal cap" for the hole, and sweeping the ocean with shrimp boats (seriously wtf?). They have refused other clean up options all while watching our entire Gulf marine life just die off?

Of course, I cannot tell you why people would want to make such a huge spill in our ocean, but I also cannot tell you why we still go to war or why people still think one culture is less than another. I don't understand any of the 'logic', because honestly its just too retarded for me.
Where they are drilling is determined by geology, not by fishing locations

And apparently you are completely unaware of the technical challenges of working in such environment

And you are probably unaware of why they are forced in it to begin with


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
SO you think it was intentional...but have no idea why? OK.

On top of that, why would BP want to risk LOSING out on all that oil? They are, in fact, an OIL company. Without oil, they dont EXIST. SO, wouldn't an oil spill, HARM there business plan?

Some of you folks really need to realize that shit just happens because it happens...not because someone wanted it to or because there should be a motive behind it.
It's not just the oil they're losing, this is actually a relatively minor loss. The bigger problem for them is the 20 billion in market capitalization they lost since the crisis started

So why would a company willingly do that, again?
Apr 21, 2010
Where they are drilling is determined by geology, not by fishing locations

And apparently you are completely unaware of the technical challenges of working in such environment

And you are probably unaware of why they are forced in it to begin with
"Apparently"; "unaware"; "probably unaware". Those are many assuming words for such an educated man.

I understand why they are there, and I know there is an oil reserve in that area. I also understand that there are many other issues revolving oil that other corporations and governments that we rarely hear or know of, that can greatly influence how BP decides to treat the Earth.

Using gasoline on a daily basis allows each person to live as if we had 300 slaves, how could people not be addicted to getting this substance?
Apr 21, 2010
No conspiracy theory, just a very strong suspicion of guilt.

Live your lives, and enjoy each new moment, but don't ever get hung up on what has been done.
Jan 31, 2008
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 – Top Interior Official May Step Down
By Sylvia Holt on May 18, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 – Top Interior Official May Step Down. The oil spill caused by the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has already caused enough damage. Now it’s the turn of a top Interior Official to take the responsibility.

Chris Oynes, who oversees the Oil drilling in the Mineral Management Service, will be stepping down by this month’s end. There have been unconfirmed reports from MMS, which suggest that Oynes was very close to the oil companies which he should be regulating.

As government pressure has mounted surrounding the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, offshore oil drilling regulations have come under increased scrutiny. As a result, Chris Oynes decided to voluntarily resign his position.

President Obama has also openly criticized that “for too long, for a decade or more, there’s been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill.”

Amid the increased political concerns, BP has finally been able to divert some of the oil leakage into a drill ship, using a very long pipe that has been inserted into the oil leak. While this will surely reduce the volume of oil spilling into the gulf for now, it has not stopped the leak.