Oil Spill [Pictures]

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Jul 6, 2008
i have a question about this oil wells that they dig into the earth

so there are resorvoirs of oil deep in the earth, like pockets.

now what happens when we take taht oil out from those earth pockets? now, these earth pockets are hollow, so is there any possible way that these hollow earth pockets could collapse and capsize with nothing holding them up and cause some tremendous mega earthquakes like off the fuckin earthquake scale, like 12+ magnitude???

it was somethign i was thinking about the long term consequences of these oil pockets.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
i have a question about this oil wells that they dig into the earth

so there are resorvoirs of oil deep in the earth, like pockets.
Actually there aren't

now what happens when we take taht oil out from those earth pockets? now, these earth pockets are hollow, so is there any possible way that these hollow earth pockets could collapse and capsize with nothing holding them up and cause some tremendous mega earthquakes like off the fuckin earthquake scale, like 12+ magnitude???
The biggest megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones recorded were of magnitude 9.5. Some of those involve faults rupturing over a stretch of more than a 1000 kilometers.

Meanwhile, has anyone ever observed an earthquake due to collapse oil field?

it was somethign i was thinking about the long term consequences of these oil pockets.
Next time you should not only think about things but also educate yourself on the topic
Jul 6, 2008
this why i asked cuz i dont know. you sound like you drunk, why dont you go domesticate violently shake your girl, than me, asshole jerkaramus.

the way i see it is you got an oil pocket in the earth.

then you got water above the oil pocket.

once you take out all the oil from the pocket, it is hollow.

so now you got a hollow pocket with all the pressure from the water from above crashing the walls of said pocket, causing a rumble on the earth, which may create sunamis and erthquakes,c uz of the collapse.

i dont know if this can hapen, so my ignoramusnus is asking. i didnt know i would be threatned by a butter knife, by askingt his stupid question.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
As I already told you, it does not exist in hollow pockets. That's why things like rock porosity are such important parameters in oil geology
Apr 21, 2010
The biggest megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones recorded were of magnitude 9.5. Some of those involve faults rupturing over a stretch of more than a 1000 kilometers.

Meanwhile, has anyone ever observed an earthquake due to collapse oil field?

Next time you should not only think about things but also educate yourself on the topic
I really hope you never go into the field of education, because you only shut down people who are asking legitimate questions. There is no such thing as a "stupid" question.

How do you expect others to learn about this world if you only make them feel like they are stupid for even wondering about it in the first place?

Another wonderful example of how insecure you truly are. Not all highly educated individuals need to be complete assholes, trust me.

And by the way, just because we haven't had an earthquake that was directly caused by the extraction of oil from the Earth doesn't mean that the results of our drilling processes have no consequences on Earth as it continuously changes. You cannot predict what will happen next, so stop trying to act as if your limited knowledge can know the infinite.
Apr 21, 2010
People only feel stupid because of their own self-fulfilling perceptions

No one can make you feel stupid if you don't let them.
Of course, I think the more proper way to say it is that when one person ATTEMPTS to try to make the other person feel as if he more ignorant than himself, then that person is obviously trying to make up for what they feel is lacking within.

Stupidity only exists when a standard is put in place. And we all know standards are completely flawed.
Feb 7, 2006
man coming to the open forum, I must say you dudes crck me up. I just think about either victorian age intellecutals debating over tea, with names like Sr. Smile, and Mr. Nice Guy, or Sophists in Ancient Athens reclining and philosophizing. it's crazy one side of siccness is like Yeeeeeeeeeeeee! mollywhoppin on a punk rock beezy ya hurd!"


"I digress... the intention of intent is intended only when that intention intends intention."
