Obama Takes Power: What Change Will the Democrats Bring?

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Aug 3, 2005
its no doubt correct that the sort of idol worship this man receives can easily lead to (more) ignorance, false judgment, biased perspective, and potentially much much worse. however i also agree that there is a potential for people who are inspired by him to use this inspiration as a catalyst to look more deeply within themselves and realize a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the necessity for service towards the planet and towards others.

i think people should find this truth within themselves, and should definitely disconnect any emotional following and worship to any figure, especially a president of the united states, and always look at things from an objective perspective. but i do think there's a need for americans to be more responsible and live differently, and there is the chance for that understanding to be more easily found when people are in this optimistic frame of mind. even if they are unaware of the whole truth about the government of this country or the powers that be greater.

the people who influence what the future holds may be much more powerful and much more in control of many of the ignorant majority who usually are unaware of their existence, but the future is still liquid and still shaped by how people exercise their free will now.
i think there is a small chance that certain individuals who are asleep may through this surge of inspiration become more inclined to awaken than they would be, realizing it is regardless of who is the president. there is the dangerous potential that this may lead to some cult like worship,ya. but i think it depends on an individuals ability to at some point in this surge transcend the blind following of someone by understanding where that inspiration they experience is actually coming from and what its potential is. they are obama, they are jesus, they are god, etc.
Jul 10, 2002
On the real, so far he claimed to shut down secret CIA detention/torture centers oversea's, and no one else is going into Guantanamo and will shut it down totally in a year (they may even afford some detainee's federal trials).

We'll see how much he pisses off the military, that'll make things shall i say 'interesting'

On another note,
What's the difference between Jesus & Obama?

Only 1.3Billion people believe Jesus is their savior....