Obama Takes Power: What Change Will the Democrats Bring?

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May 20, 2006
WOW. Substitute "Obama" with "Jesus." That's what it sounds like; like you're straight drunk off Jesus juice for real. I mean, "Obama opened your eyes to a larger truth and purpose??" Are you serious? WTF how did he do that? By saying empty rhetoric about change and hope? That's Jesus.
Pour me some more......
Apr 25, 2002
WOW. Substitute "Obama" with "Jesus." That's what it sounds like; like you're straight drunk off Jesus juice for real. I mean, "Obama opened your eyes to a larger truth and purpose??" Are you serious? WTF how did he do that? By saying empty rhetoric about change and hope? That's Jesus.
Ahahahahahaha! I keep saying the same thing. Has he ascended into Heaven yet and taken his seat at the right hand of God yet? I don't want to miss that part of the inauguration.


Apr 25, 2002
What did you explain to him?
That calling the man "black" was actually endorsing the one drop rule. That the man was selected, not elected, by people the average joe doesn't know exist. That there is no difference between democrat and republican. That america is on the verge of collapse, or has already collapsed. That your vote doesn't matter, and never has mattered. That there is a strong possibility that he can be murdered which will lead to civil unrest. That logic and reality are more important than ones feelings or emotional state (especially in these times.) That B H has said nothing new and has achieved a cult like following...

Thats all I can remember for now.

Haven't they though??

I've seen this before!

Hitler can provide solutions to Germany's economic and social problems if he's elected!

Comrade, they are comparing this man to Jesus. There are so many people that are hypnotized by this man that I suspect many would actually die for him. I used to laugh at people when they talked about the guy, sort of how you might laugh when someone talks to you about God or something, but lately I've started to feel sorry for them. And it's not the people who think things will be magically delicious now that he's in office that I feel sorry for. No, it's the people that know change takes time that seem to be the most hypnotized of all.

I have so many friends, associates, family, etc who are Obama drones it's pathetic. There are some of us that aren't hypnotized, but when you see family and friends basically worshipping this guy, and staying glued to the idiot box as if their life depended on it, somethings gotta be wrong. And mind you, the majority of my family doesn't even watch much t.v. This guy, and the people who packaged him up, have done nothing but sold the public miracle pills, creams and dreams, and they were very effective at it.

Like today at school, this one teacher was handing out cookies and shit talking about happy inauguration day. Now mind you, I like cookies, and I like the way she looks going even more (yeah she has a nice backside), but happy inauguration day? WTF? Oh yeah, all the shirts, can't forget those. Have you saw the jersey like shirts with #44? IN-FUCKIN-CREDIBLE.
May 24, 2007
Man, such negativity.......With thoughts like this on this thread all i can say is, YOU control your own destiny.....Obama can't do anything for you.....It's the reality that President Obama represents hope and possibility for a lot of people. If you can't see it for yourself, don't be mad and blame Obama when the apparent sad, sorry, life situation that you haters currently find yourself in becomes, WORSE. lol....I see nothing but great and magnificent things happening to me in my journey in this life. Not that I didn't before, but Barack Obama opened my eyes to a larger truth and purpose, for me personally. Not 50 Cent, not 2Pac, not Tom Brady, not Kimbo Slice, not Messy Marv, not Kobe Bryant, not Lebron James, not A-Rod, not Tony Montana, not Nino Brown, not Frank Lucas, but Barack Obama represents possibilities and realities in this country, the United States of America, that I never thought was possible. We have a Black President, pull yo pants up, get yo mind right, a keep your eyes on YOUR prize. I've been striving for mines outta life, now imma strive a little bit harder.....
im all with you when you say live your life and handle business. the problem is that now more than ever, we have lost a lot of power to influence and steer our lives to people with money. just like in the middle ages when people lived under tyrants.
May 24, 2007
No I don't like him just because he is black. I like the image and example he is, as Father, husband, and as a man. As a 36 year-old man, I look at Barack Obama's role model, as how I can be a better, father, husband, and man. There is always room for improvement, and I am now a little bit more motivated to improve myself, because I now have a new example of faith and determination. I can't complain about any of his policies or anything he has said or promised (not my control). But, I can make sure that, I am the best person that I can be, and no political policy or advisor appointment can change how I personally handle my own responsibilities.
what does him being a good role model and likeable guy have to do with handling this countries problem. We dont need a role model we need someone to confront those who are causing these problems. i really hope obama is that person. Lets watch him work.

If you read about stalin he single handedly turned russia into a superpower during his time in power. but it was all at the expense of the people.
May 13, 2002
but lately I've started to feel sorry for them. And it's not the people who think things will be magically delicious now that he's in office that I feel sorry for. No, it's the people that know change takes time that seem to be the most hypnotized of all.
Yep I feel the same way. No point in trying they are way to drunk off the Obama juice. And how will they feel, several years down the road, after the economy is still in bad shape and we are in a war with Iran? What then? It's the perfect strategy though - they had one of the most unpopular presidents ever carry on their imperialist ways and now, they need someone popular, like a savior in order to continue these very same policies.
Feb 15, 2006
Man, such negativity.......With thoughts like this on this thread all i can say is, YOU control your own destiny.....Obama can't do anything for you.....It's the reality that President Obama represents hope and possibility for a lot of people. If you can't see it for yourself, don't be mad and blame Obama when the apparent sad, sorry, life situation that you haters currently find yourself in becomes, WORSE. lol....I see nothing but great and magnificent things happening to me in my journey in this life. Not that I didn't before, but Barack Obama opened my eyes to a larger truth and purpose, for me personally. Not 50 Cent, not 2Pac, not Tom Brady, not Kimbo Slice, not Messy Marv, not Kobe Bryant, not Lebron James, not A-Rod, not Tony Montana, not Nino Brown, not Frank Lucas, but Barack Obama represents possibilities and realities in this country, the United States of America, that I never thought was possible. We have a Black President, pull yo pants up, get yo mind right, a keep your eyes on YOUR prize. I've been striving for mines outta life, now imma strive a little bit harder.....
When it comes to politics dont think with your feelings use your brain.! letting politican tap in to your emotions is nothing else than fascism,we have already seen this happen in the 1930s in europa and remember fascism is not at top down phenomenon it's grassroots movement full of crazy people!
May 20, 2006
@ Heresy and 2-0-Sixx: Both of you have spent the last 7 years on the Siccness and have racked up over "30,000 POSTS" between you. I am definately NOT doing the same thing that I was doing 7 years ago. It's obvious you two have no way of comprehending my feelings of joy towards President Barack Hussein Obama. So I ask both of you, in the next four years, what will you be doing with yourselves? My guess is, still on the Siccness, talking bad about what somebody else is DOING. When you guys decide to DO something, besides sit in front of you monitor, I'll be there to give you a tour of the REAL world. Get out the house sometime, enjoy the sun, smell the air, have a face-to-face conversation with a REAL person that you may not know. Life offers more pleasure and satistisfaction than pretending to be, "Lords of the Siccness"...lol God Bless both of U.
May 20, 2006
what does him being a good role model and likeable guy have to do with handling this countries problem. We dont need a role model we need someone to confront those who are causing these problems. i really hope obama is that person. Lets watch him work.

If you read about stalin he single handedly turned russia into a superpower during his time in power. but it was all at the expense of the people.
That's why Barack Hussein Obama is President. I will enjoy watching him work. I've read about Stalin, extensively, unfortunately this is not Russia, and it is a different time.
May 20, 2006
When it comes to politics dont think with your feelings use your brain.! letting politican tap in to your emotions is nothing else than fascism,we have already seen this happen in the 1930s in europa and remember fascism is not at top down phenomenon it's grassroots movement full of crazy people!
Thinking and discussing politics is all I'm limited too, since I'm not a politician. I am responsible for myself and no one else. Are you waiting for President Obama to perform a personal miracle for you? I'm not, I've got to much work to do, to keep my family on the right path. God Bless you.
May 20, 2006
That calling the man "black" was actually endorsing the one drop rule. That the man was selected, not elected, by people the average joe doesn't know exist. That there is no difference between democrat and republican. That america is on the verge of collapse, or has already collapsed. That your vote doesn't matter, and never has mattered. That there is a strong possibility that he can be murdered which will lead to civil unrest. That logic and reality are more important than ones feelings or emotional state (especially in these times.) That B H has said nothing new and has achieved a cult like following...

Thats all I can remember for now.

Comrade, they are comparing this man to Jesus. There are so many people that are hypnotized by this man that I suspect many would actually die for him. I used to laugh at people when they talked about the guy, sort of how you might laugh when someone talks to you about God or something, but lately I've started to feel sorry for them. And it's not the people who think things will be magically delicious now that he's in office that I feel sorry for. No, it's the people that know change takes time that seem to be the most hypnotized of all.

I have so many friends, associates, family, etc who are Obama drones it's pathetic. There are some of us that aren't hypnotized, but when you see family and friends basically worshipping this guy, and staying glued to the idiot box as if their life depended on it, somethings gotta be wrong. And mind you, the majority of my family doesn't even watch much t.v. This guy, and the people who packaged him up, have done nothing but sold the public miracle pills, creams and dreams, and they were very effective at it.

Like today at school, this one teacher was handing out cookies and shit talking about happy inauguration day. Now mind you, I like cookies, and I like the way she looks going even more (yeah she has a nice backside), but happy inauguration day? WTF? Oh yeah, all the shirts, can't forget those. Have you saw the jersey like shirts with #44? IN-FUCKIN-CREDIBLE.
Stay in school, because I don't think you are ready for life yet.....
May 20, 2006
@mocheezkc is it true young kev lost a limb?
Yea, he had to get his right leg amputated above the knee. He was flatlined in the emergency room for 13 minutes. They had to put 5 pints of blood in him also. The most tragic day I experienced, but at least I can still visit him, instead of placing flowers on a headstone. He's still here, but he has a long rehabilitation, he'll never be the same.
May 13, 2002
@ Heresy and 2-0-Sixx: Both of you have spent the last 7 years on the Siccness and have racked up over "30,000 POSTS" between you. I am definately NOT doing the same thing that I was doing 7 years ago. It's obvious you two have no way of comprehending my feelings of joy towards President Barack Hussein Obama. So I ask both of you, in the next four years, what will you be doing with yourselves? My guess is, still on the Siccness, talking bad about what somebody else is DOING. When you guys decide to DO something, besides sit in front of you monitor, I'll be there to give you a tour of the REAL world. Get out the house sometime, enjoy the sun, smell the air, have a face-to-face conversation with a REAL person that you may not know. Life offers more pleasure and satistisfaction than pretending to be, "Lords of the Siccness"...lol God Bless both of U.
How the fuck do you know what I do with my life and where I was in my life 4 years ago compared to now? You don't and because you have no real arguement to any of the points HERESY and I make, you instead make some childish claims. Now I find time from my day (as do you), while I'm working, to post on the siccness. Does that reflect what I do outside of work? No it doesn't, and you know better then that.

My posting on the sicc doesn't reflect the articles I've written for a paper, the hours I've spent in the community organizing protests, marches, speak-outs, food drives, etc. It doesn't reflect any of that. So while you can feel good and optimistic about a pre-chosen president who you will soon learn is no different from the rest, myself and others, have been on the grind working for years to slowly make change or a small difference. I doubt you can say any of that since you just recently were "awoken" by the Holy Obama.
May 20, 2006
Siccness user name 2-O-Sixx, you should set more goals in your life than trying to be known as the Siccness poster with 20,000 posts. I know what you have been doing since 2002, because your profile displays what you have been doing. Now, again i ask, where do you see yourself in the next four years? Imma go out on a limb here and assume, still on Siccness.net. I know you can double your post count by then, just "stay the course". roflmao.....YES YOU CAN!!!!